Seeing this scene, countless barrages suddenly floated out!

"This a little bigger than God Yang Yan!"

"That's right, the Great God Yang Yan is the second monster, and they are the second monster, tsk tsk tsk."

"It hurts."

The camera stayed on the players of this team for a while, then began to turn around, constantly shuttled in the forest, passing players one by one!

I saw that in the primitive forest, almost all players were caught in the battle!

The powerful elves cultivated by the World Tree blocked them all out!

There was a fierce battle between them!

Afterwards, the camera suddenly started to move after sweeping through many players in nearly the entire primeval forest!

It's fast, and the picture on the screen is swept away, but because of the powerful capture ability, the video will not be blurred!

After moving to a spot, the camera stops.

Entering the eye, it is a slightly huge figure!

After this figure appeared, all the players watching the live broadcast couldn't help but exclaimed!

At this moment, I don't know how many players are watching the live broadcast through various live broadcast platforms, or broadcast locations in various cities in the Elf World!

Among them, some of them passed the first day's mission. In today's group elimination mission, the players who were not assigned to the first batch are learning experience so that they can pass the level more easily. spend!

Also, what's more, many onlookers eat melons!

This carnival competition has attracted countless players to join, but the difficulty of the group elimination task is not low at all!

The result is that yesterday's mission, crossing the Pawnee Grand Canyon, has eliminated many players who participated in the registration.  …

However, although they were eliminated, they did not give up their attention to the carnival competition because of this!

After all, this is a rare event in the elf century!

Although they have been eliminated, it cannot prevent them from turning into melon eaters and watching others go through the barrier attentively!

And now, after seeing the figure that appeared on the screen, countless players watching the live broadcast exclaimed!

Because that is an extremely powerful elf!

One of the three pillars, the ice elf, Regais!

The elves guarding the tree of the beginning of the world have already shown their strengths clearly in the previous live broadcasts, and now there is an incomparably powerful elves like Sanshenzhu standing in front of them!

This undoubtedly exceeded the expectations of many players.

The barrage exploded almost instantly!

"Damn it? Regais has it? Is it too difficult?"

"Meow! I thought yesterday's quest was too difficult, but today's quest is even more difficult!"

"This is Regais, one of the three pillars of the gods. 5.8 You said: is it a lord-level elf or a legendary elf?"

All players can't guess!

Although Elves Century has been on the server for so long, Lord-level elves and legendary elves have already appeared a lot!But in fact, for the players, the boss-level elves are already the highest level of elves they can touch!

This contact means that he can successfully capture and conquer!

As for the lord-level elves, not to mention, all the players in the entire elves century, I am afraid that the players who have the lord-level elves, can be counted!

And the legendary elf can only be said to be a fantasy that exists in a dream!

After all, if a player can successfully capture the legendary elf, then I am afraid that they will be famous in the elf century long ago! .

Chapter eight hundred and ninth all defeat

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Chapter eight hundred and ten encounter

Must work together!

Although in the mission, it can be said that everyone is an enemy to each other, but after facing such powerful elves, joining forces has become the only choice!

Not to mention, the three pillars that appeared in the camera!

Those were three powerful lord-level elves!

Relying on the power of one person, Guangguang wants to break through them, it is simply wishful thinking!

We must all join hands to have a certain hope!

Difficulty two!

The environment in the virgin forest can be described as extremely complex, with towering trees covering the sky and thick vines everywhere. In order to avoid battles, many players chose to take detours, but they successfully lost their way in the forest!

The entire huge forest is like a huge forest labyrinth, trapping countless players in it!

If you want to break through, you must not only test the players' use of the environment, how to effectively avoid the guard elves, grasp the timing, but also understand the skills!

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