His thanks are very sincere.

(bhdi) Because... He knew very well that if Lin Wen hadn't made his move and let the elf's skills successfully bind the Three Gods Pillar, I'm afraid it would take a long time for him to break through that area, and he might have A lot of accidents happened!

And now, because of Lin Wen, his task can be said to be very easy to complete!

Hearing Tiger Wang's thanks, Lin Wen shook his head and said, "You don't need to thank me, after all, I'm also here to complete the mission."

"But you really helped me." Wang Huhu said: "Although I am not as powerful as you, the Great God of Yang Yan, I still have a certain strength in the Carlos area. If the Great God of Yang Yan comes to Carlos in the future If you need help in the region, then come to me as much as possible!"

Then, Tiger Wang turned around and left.

Soon, another player walked towards Lin Wen!

They also expressed their gratitude to Lin Wen!

Everyone knows how to break through the limitations of the Three Gods Pillars. If it wasn't for Yang Yan's heart, then they don't know what accidents will happen!

These are all kept in mind by the players, who came to thank them specially.

Lin Wen responded one by one.

In just one minute, it arrived quickly, and then, Lin Wenhua disappeared into a white light and disappeared in place!

And in the primeval forest, the mission is still going on!

Over time, when the two-hour limit is reached, the final result is out!

This batch of players, the players who successfully completed the task, reached 3!

This is a number that looks like a lot, but is actually not a lot!

After all, there are tens of thousands of players in this batch!

Almost less than ten to one ratio!

The difficulty can be imagined!

Facing the blockade of three lord-level elves, it can be said to be the biggest culprit that caused many players to fail!

And, and most importantly, this one!

Because many players watched the live broadcast, they also found that in the first batch, in addition to the heart of Yang Yan, Shanaido restricted the Three Gods Pillar, causing a group of players to break through. After completing the task, the next players who broke through , almost very few!

Of course, this does not reveal the effect of the Heart of Yang Yan too much!

The second batch of players shocked the entire Elf Century!

Because, among the second batch of players, there were only more than [-] players who successfully completed the mission!


There are even fewer players in the third batch, and only more than [-] people have successfully completed the task!

This is a very unimaginable situation! .

Chapter [-] Thanks from the player

In the subsequent batches, there was not even a single person who exceeded [-]!

This made many players think of the first batch!

No one would have imagined that the first batch of players with the least advantage would have a full [-] people to complete the task!

Afraid to compare!

The first batch of players should have been the most unpopular players. After all, facing them, they are unknown, and there is absolutely no information to search for!

However, the result this time surprised many players. The first batch of players were the ones who completed the most tasks.

This made the players think of a name while thinking about it!

Heart of Yang Yan!

Everything is because of the heart of Yang Yan!

In the first batch, it was precisely because Shanaido of the Heart of Yang Yan successfully restrained the Three God Pillars, so a large number of players seized the opportunity to break through!

Looking at the other batches of players, it can be said that they all lost to the Three Gods Pillars. Facing the amazingly powerful Three Gods Pillars, the number of players who can break through is extremely limited!

On the forum, almost after the results came out, a post became popular in an instant!

That was the post that belittled the Heart of Yang Yan before today's mission started.

Today, countless players have entered it to reply!

The answer is only one sentence!

"The crowd slaps the face!"

The landlord just said that the Heart of Yang Yan was not one of the first batch of players, so he had a certain advantage in order to achieve such good results, but the Heart of Yang Yan gave him a slap in the face!

He showed that even if he was in the first batch, his performance was still unparalleled!

After all... In the second day's mission, it was the first batch of players who successfully completed the most!

It's a perfect slap in the face!

At the same time, there are many thank you posts on the forum!

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