"Thank God Yang Yan for allowing me to successfully complete the task. 》

"I built a building for the Great God of Yang Yan! 》

Many of the first batch of players didn't think much about it at the time, but when the results of other batches appeared, they immediately realized that if it wasn't for Yang Yan's heart, I am afraid that their first batch of players would Not many people have completed it!

Among them, it is very likely that there will be no shadow of himself.

This immediately made many players who had successfully completed the mission in the first batch feel grateful for Lin Wen's voice, and came to the forum to post their thanks!

This kind of post has also set off a craze in the forum!

For a time, the name of Heart of Yang Yan once again caused countless discussions among players!


And the initiator of everything, Lin Wen.

After he cleared the level and was teleported from the mission location, Lin Wen also watched the live broadcasts of other batches of players.

After all, although he successfully passed the mission, many of his friends still failed to pass the mission!

This time, Lin Qi was assigned to the second batch. After the appearance of the mission on the first day, the camera was also shifted to Lin Qi many times in this mission.

Although the three lord-level Three God Pillars are difficult to deal with, with the help of the lord-level ivy snake, Lin Qi managed to break through the mission without any risk.

In the blink of an eye, several batches of players finished watching, and Lin Wen immediately prepared to take a good rest to prepare for tomorrow's mission.

Just then, the communication device rang.

Lin Wen took it out and saw that it was Ling Feng, the head of the Lingxi Guild, who had received the communication request.

With a slight smile, Lin Wen connected the communication.

"Brother Yang Yan, **."

As soon as the communication was connected, Ling Feng's familiar voice came over.

As the two have known each other for a long time, the relationship between the two has become more and more relaxed.

As soon as it was connected, Ling Feng heard a series of compliments.

Lin Wen couldn't help but smile.

"Brother Yangyan, that's ok." Ling Feng then said, "It's entirely up to you alone that the first batch of players can complete so many tasks!"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

"Look at the other batches of players. The maximum number of players is no more than [-] people. This gap is a bit big." Ling Feng sighed. What shocked him even more was Shanaido's gorgeous lord-level skills. So dazzling.

Lin Wen laughed and said, "It's normal."

Afterwards, he asked, "How is it? Have all the tasks of the brothers in the guild been completed successfully?"

As one of the shareholders of the Lingxi Guild, the strength of the Lingxi Guild can be said to be closely related to him. After all, the carnival competition is a good opportunity to improve the strength of the guild. The more the Lingxi Guild successfully completes the task, the final The richer the rewards will be, which will greatly improve the entire Lingxi Guild!


"not bad."

A more happy voice came from Lingfeng's mouth on the other end of the communicator: "Everyone did a good job this time, many of our members and players who participated in this mission have successfully completed the mission and can participate in the mission. task for tomorrow."

Lin Wen nodded lightly, indicating that he understood.

Then, before he could speak, Ling Feng's voice came from the communicator.

"Okay, Brother Yang Yan, you're busy first, I'm here to deal with things."

"Yeah." Lin Wen nodded lightly.

Subsequently, the communication device was hung up.

Lin Wen originally wanted to put away the communication device, but after scanning the contacts on the communication device, he saw a name, moved in his heart, and then dialed it.

After a few seconds, the communication is connected.

A slightly escaping voice came from the communication device: "Brother Yang Yan, you actually thought of contacting me?"


Lin Wen was stunned for a while, but when he came back to his senses, he suddenly realized that the other party was right, it seemed that the other party had always contacted him before!

The person who can call Lin Wen this way is naturally the little girl, the cute night cat.

Hearing what Xiao Ye Mao said, Lin Wen couldn't help but touched his nose in embarrassment, and said softly, "Didn't I just contact you now?".

Chapter eight hundred and eighteenth building momentum

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Chapter eight hundred and nineteen program

In order to take advantage of the popularity of the Heart of Yang Yan.

The first thing to do, of course, is to build momentum!

Advertise it!

Taking advantage of the popularity of Heart of Yang Yan in the game, it will attract more popularity!

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