Chapter eight hundred and forty third

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Chapter [-]: The End of the Force

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Chapter eight hundred and forty-fifth postwar evaluation

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Eight hundred and fortieth chapters the main god card

Wrestling Hawkman, who is good at melee combat, can be said to be bullied to the end, and there is no way to show his rather powerful melee combat ability, and he has lost his combat ability!

This kind of tactic obviously cannot be formulated by the elf Ye Elf!Only its owner, the Heart of Yang Yan!

All kinds of information flashed in the mind of the Lord God in the blink of an eye!

Then, he took a deep breath!

"Heart of Yang Yan is indeed worthy of being the most popular player in the current Elf Century, and it really has something extraordinary! Just relying on this mentality of not being arrogant and not underestimating the enemy is enough to make many players lose."

The Lord God said in his heart.

The area where he is located is the Shenao area. In contrast, the name of the heart of Yang Yan is not too popular there. After all, the heart of Yang Yan has never been there!

However, through forums and other places, the Lord God has already learned about this name!

However, in the heart, some experts in the Shenao region are not very convinced about the heart of Yang Yan, after all, they have never been in contact with it!

Famous is worse than seeing!

Now that he has really fought with the Heart of Yang Yan, the Lord God found that although he had thought that the Heart of Yang Yan was strong enough, 920 is... the opponent's strength is beyond his imagination!

This is undoubtedly something he did not expect before!

"Fortunately, it's not too late now!"

A confident light flashed in the eyes of the Lord God, and he looked at the heart of Yang Yan, who finally appeared in front of him after the battle, and said in his heart: "Fortunately, this is a battle of two wins in three rounds, you first A victory won't mean a final victory!"

The Lord God said in his heart!

In his hand, a Poké Ball appeared!

"It's up to you, my trump card!"

After the light flashed, an elf appeared in place!

Not far away, Lin Wen's eyes have been paying attention to this place. At the moment when the Poke Ball was thrown out, his attention was highly concentrated. He was ready to see what Pokemon the Lord God was going to use this time to decide his fighting style!

As the light flashed, an elf figure appeared in place!

It's tall and flaming with flames!

With just one glance, Lin Wen recognized the identity of this elf!

Fire elf, flame chicken!

This is a very strong-looking elf, obviously bred to be excellent!


With the help of his Wisdom Eye skills, Lin Wen got more information!

This is a lord-level flame chicken!

It is also the template of the lord level like the Leaf Elf!

However... his level is much lower than that of Ye Elf who has gone through many battles!

Lin Wen nodded slightly.

With the passage of time, the combat power of the players has increased, and the once rare and hard-to-find lord-level elves have finally been owned by the players!

You know, that little girl Lin Qi said that his ivy snake evolved into a lord-level elf!

And now, in the ranked competition, these 1500 players, but the elves selected from hundreds of millions of players, will encounter the lord-level elves in the ranked competition, and Lin Wen is no exception!

Even before watching the information of the seed players, Lin Wen had already seen the existence of lord-level elves!

All of them are very powerful!

At the same time, the moment the Flaming Chicken was released, the barrage exploded instantly!

"Damn it, it's a flaming chicken!"

"Fire-type elves, he looks very powerful, but he restrains grass-type leaf elves!"

"God Yangyan still has a chance to change the elves, will he change it?"

"I don't think it's possible to change spirits. You must know that the leaf spirit (bjbf) did not receive any damage in the previous battle, and is very powerful!"

"That's right!"

"This battle is worth looking forward to!"

Countless barrages flashed across the screen!

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