The screen switches back to the playing field.

After seeing the Lord God release the flame chicken, Lin Wen's eyes also flashed a strange color, and then he understood the thoughts of the Lord God!

In the forest field, the grass-type elves have the advantage, but the fire-type elves must not be weak!

In the battle just now, the Wrestling Eagle had suffered a lot, and it was inseparable from the terrain. Now the Lord God chose to use the flame chicken again, obviously wanting to have a head-to-head showdown with Ye Elf.

A real head-to-head battle!

Lin Wen's eyes flashed a confident brilliance!

"It's just a frontal battle... don't you think I'd be afraid?"

Then, at this moment, I saw the Lord God on the opposite side, and took out something from the backpack!

After seeing such a thing, Lin Wen's eyes flashed with strange colors!

Then... I saw the main god on the opposite side, and suddenly acted!

"Flame chicken, MEGA evolves!"

With the roar of the Lord God, the key stone in his hand echoed the super evolution stone hanging on the neck of the flame chicken, and the flame chicken body suddenly burst into light!

MEGA Evolution!

This is a flaming chicken that can undergo hyper-evolution!

This scene suddenly made the barrage explode again!

"Damn it, Yang Yan looks like he's going to encounter trouble this time, this is a flaming chicken that can evolve MEGA, and his strength has increased to a certain extent!

"That's right, mega evolution, I'm so envious, so envious!

"I don't know how Yang Yan will respond!"

In the blink of an eye, the flame chicken opposite has undergone a big change!

Its body has been raised a little higher, the colors on its body are more gorgeous, and the heat of the flames has increased a little!

MEGA evolution is definitely an evolution method that has a huge improvement for the elf in addition to improving the elf template!

In the blink of an eye, the strength of the flaming chicken has grown again!

You must know that this is a lord-level elf. After it has undergone super-evolution, its strength will obviously be improved to a certain extent!

The strength is absolutely far beyond imagination!

"It seems that this main god is so famous in the Shenno area, and he didn't come here casually."

As one of the seeded players, a well-known player in the Shenao region, the Lord God obviously also has his own trump card! .

Chapter eight hundred and forty-seven the audience again stunned

The players were instantly excited. After seeing the first battle just now, they had no hope for the Lord God.

After all, the Wrestling Eagles were suppressed throughout the whole process. Although the guerrilla warfare method was not very refreshing in the eyes of many players, the final result shocked many people!

After the whole battle, the Wrestling Eagle Man didn't even hurt Ye Elf, he didn't even touch its shadow, he was suppressed all the way until he lost his ability to fight!

It can be said that such a scene made many players who originally had certain expectations for the main god, suddenly lost their disappointment!

However, now, with the appearance of the flaming chicken, the MEGA evolution has been carried out with the flame, and many people suddenly have hope again!

This flame chicken looks very powerful!

So...will he be able to defeat the Leaf Spirit of the Heart of Sunfire?

Anticipation rose again in the hearts of many players.

In a real event, rather than seeing well-known players win, what the audience wants to see is often the appearance of a dark horse!

The appearance of a dark horse and picking over some well-known players will undoubtedly make the audience happier!

And in this carnival competition, the most famous player is undoubtedly the Heart of Yang Yan!

While many viewers are looking forward to him going all the way and having a wonderful battle, they are also looking forward to whether he will encounter a dark horse and be directly overturned!

Therefore, after seeing the very tyrannical flame chicken debut, players suddenly became very looking forward to it!

In the barrage, there are even many words of encouragement!

"God, come on!"

"If you win the Great God of Yang Yan, I will become your fan!"

"The brothers in front add me one!"

"Same with the same!"

In the barrage, it suddenly became hot!

The camera is pulled back to the battlefield.

The flaming chicken that has undergone MEGA evolution is more vigorous, and his eyes are fixed on the opposite Leaf Elf, full of fighting intent.


The Lord God's eyes were only staring at Lin Wen's body, full of fighting intent.

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