Swish swish swish!

Countless piercing sounds resounded!

Facing the attacking Ye Fengfeng skill, the Lord God calmly said, "Is it still an old trick?"

"But...for my flame chicken, it's useless at all!"

"After all, Flaming Chicken is not a Wrestling Eagle!"

Without any hesitation, he said directly: "Flaming chicken, use jet flame!"


The raging flames shot out!

Ye Fengfeng attacked the flame chicken, but... at the moment of contact with the surging jet flame, it was burned by the flame, leaving no armor!

The Flame Chicken is not a Wrestling Eagle. As the real main elf of the main god, it is not only stronger than the Wrestling Eagle, but also has a certain degree of advantage in the face of the Leaf Elf. !

Compared with Ye Elf, the battle situation is the suppression of attribute values!

"The fire element's restraint on the grass element is really serious, even the leaf elves are no exception!"

"This skill can't beat the flame chicken at all!"

"I don't know how Yang Yan will deal with it."

Players watching the live broadcast are expressing their opinions one after another.

Seeing that a single blow failed, Lin Wen frowned slightly!

Immediately... an idea suddenly occurred in his heart!

Lin Wen lowered his voice and quietly issued an order!

The distance between Lin Wen and the Lord God was very far, and the order given in a low voice was not heard by the Lord God.

Then... Lin Wen raised his volume and suddenly ordered: "Ye Elf! Sprint over and start a close combat with the Flaming Chicken!"

"Melee combat?"

This command was heard by the Lord God, and his eyes suddenly lit up!

"The threat of seeing skills is not big, so you want to fight me in close combat?" The corner of the Lord God's mouth outlined a confident smile: "I really think about it too much, you know... close combat is also the same. The fighting aspect that the flame chicken is good at!"

Thinking of this... The Lord God didn't hesitate at all, and said directly: "Flaming Chicken, don't be afraid, since he wants to fight in close quarters, we won't be afraid of it!"

The flame chicken that has undergone MEGA evolution is very handsome. After hearing the order of the Lord God, it kicked its right foot and its body burst out!

Bumping towards the rushing Ye Elf's winning face!

"Leaf elf... trampling with front hooves!"

During the sprint, Lin Wen's order came again!

Not to be outdone, the Lord God said, "Since that's the case... Flaming Chicken, use Flaming Fist to knock it down!"

Fire fist!

I saw a flame suddenly rise above the fist of the flaming chicken!

The two elves can be said to be very powerful elves, and the combat power of each is very amazing, unimaginable!

At the same time, their speed is also very fast!

The complex rocky terrain with many obstacles did not cause any obstacles to them at all. The two elves rushed towards the middle, and in the blink of an eye, they had already touched each other!

Ye Elf jumped up suddenly!

Then, its front hooves suddenly lifted, and its hooves contained a faint fluorescent green light, and it suddenly stepped towards the flame chicken below!

Not to be outdone, the flaming chicken condensed flames on its fists and slammed towards the belly of the leaf elf above!


Ye Elf's front hooves seem to be extremely fast, but... when they actually touch, they are actually one step behind the flaming chicken!

It was first punched by the flame of the flame chicken, and its body flew out instantly!

Seeing this scene, the number of barrage suddenly exploded!

"Fuck, Ye Elf is actually at a disadvantage?"

"Am I wrong?"

"What's the situation?"

"Could it be that the myth of Yang Yan's invincibility is about to be broken?"

This exciting scene made countless players feel very confused, full of doubts and shocks!

This is the first time Ye Elf has been at a disadvantage in front of outsiders!

Undoubtedly, players feel that the invincible myth of the Heart of Yang Yan is about to be smashed today?

After seeing that the flame fist of the flaming chicken actually hit the Ye Elf first, an excited look flashed in the eyes of the main god, and he praised loudly: "The flaming chicken, well done!"

"What if your leaf elf is so powerful? My flame chicken is also a lord-level elf. Under the condition of attribute restraint, you don't even want to defeat me!"

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