After that... he didn't hesitate, and when he saw Ye Elf flying out, he suddenly gave another order!

"Flaming chicken, use the flame vortex on the leaf elves!"


The flame suddenly appeared beside Ye Elf, condensed into a 4.2 circle of flame vortex, and then locked Ye Elf in the center!

The battle situation changed in an instant!

Ye Elf was actually controlled by the flame vortex in the center!

This scene immediately made the players watching the live broadcast even more shaken!

"Ye Elf, the Great God of Yang Yan, this time, won't he really fail?"

In the barrage, someone couldn't help but asked this kind of barrage...  

It seems that a grass-type elf is actually bound by the flame vortex. Next, it can't escape the attack of the flame chicken, which almost means that it has been defeated!

Could it be... Will the Leaf Elf fail?

Players watching the live broadcast hesitated. .

Chapter eight hundred and forty-ninth holy sword, cut!

And on the battlefield!

After the flaming chicken cast the flame vortex, it fell to the ground, about three or four meters away from the leaf elf.

Looking at the Ye Elf bound by the flame vortex, the flame chicken's eyes flashed a hint of pride!

at the same time……

The main god behind him is even more happy, and the smugness on his face is inevitably revealed!

"Heart of Yang Yan, you are too much!"

Taking the initiative on the battlefield, after wanting to fight that suffocating previous battle, the Lord God had a smug look on his face, and couldn't help but said: "Obviously when I release the flaming chicken, you have the opportunity to change it. Only elves come to fight, but they have to use leaf elves!"

"My flaming chicken is also a lord-level Pokémon. It has undergone MEGA evolution and will not be afraid to face your leaf elves!"

"Furthermore, the natural restraint of the fire element over the grass element makes this battle doomed to failure from the very beginning!"

The Lord God quickly finished saying a few words, and finally felt that he breathed a sigh of relief!

Without hesitation, he immediately prepared to give another order to let the Flaming Chicken completely solve the 19 Ye Spirits who were bound in the vortex of flames!

At this moment... He suddenly saw a smile on the face of Lin Wen across from him.

The Lord God subconsciously noticed something was wrong!'s too late!

Because Ye Elf has already started to act!

Fettered Skill: Unyielding Will: After use, remove and immune to all control effects, increase movement speed by 50%, and reduce the damage taken by the elf by 50%, consume 10 points of stamina per second, and 10% of the blood of the elf !

With Lin Wen's use of the bond skill, the flame vortex that originally controlled Ye Elf lost its effect in an instant, and Ye Elf regained his freedom!

Then... Lin Wen's order suddenly came out!

"Leaf Elf, use the mysterious sword on the flaming chicken!"

Ye Elf kicked his hind legs, and his body suddenly shot out. At the same time, the unicorn on his forehead was radiant, and a lightsaber appeared in it!

Leaf Elf's most powerful single skill, the mysterious sword!

Holy Swordsman!

The Lord God realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly shouted: "Flaming Chicken, run away!"'s too late!

The main god thinks that the ticket is in hand, and the flaming chicken, doesn't it feel that the victory is in his hands?

It has no defenses at all!

How fast is the Leaf Elf?The flame chicken never thought that Ye Elf would break free from the shackles of the flame vortex. The distance between the two was only three or four meters. At Ye Elf's super speed, the flame chicken had no time to dodge and watched helplessly. Attacked it with the holy sword!



The grass-type energy blooms recklessly, and the damage of grass-type skills will be weakened for the flame chicken, but the mysterious sword skill is a fighting-type skill!

One hit!

The flaming chicken fell to the ground!

Obviously has lost the combat ability!


A real spike!

Just one hit!

The mysterious sword skill that ignores the defense, as the most powerful single attack skill of the Leaf Elf, is definitely an unimaginable existence. The terrifying damage caused can directly kill the flame chicken!

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