Because he was going to see what kind of mode to use, so... Lin Wen did not leave the forum. After exiting this thread, he started to look at the post on the forum homepage.

His eyes swept over several posts on the homepage, and Lin Wen was a little amused.

"The Great God of Yang Yan is so strong, he even won a bye, what about Tian Li? 》

"I envy the Great God Yang Yan, I really want a bye! 》

"Although I was out in the first round of the group knockout, I still want to say, I envy the Great God Yang Yan! 》

"Envy +1! 》

On the entire forum, half of the posts on the homepage were discussing the fact that he had won a bye spot!

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

This is really...

Lin Wen shook his head slightly.

You know, in his guess, this bye place is likely to be caused by his full luck value.

Then it is very likely that the next few byes will be won by myself!

It's a big fuss the first time, so what's next...?

It's unimaginable!

Shaking his head, Lin Wen continued to read the post.

In addition to discussing the topic of "Heart of Yang Yan gets a bye quota", there are many players on the forum discussing what the new mode looks like!


The qualifying competition lasted for two days, and now more than a thousand players have been eliminated, leaving only 375 players. In this case, everyone understands the routine of the qualifying competition. At this time, it is necessary to change the mode. Can not help but attract the attention of players, what is the new mode like.

Many players have posted their guesses on the forum, and everyone is expressing their own opinions to guess the new mode.

The forum is a place for players to discuss. In this carnival competition, the gap between the qualifying competitions can be said to be very lively.

After simply flipping through the post a few times, Lin Wen saw something interesting and even replied by himself.

Because the id of the player forum is bound to the id of the game, the appearance of the Heart of Yang Yan immediately caused a shock in the forum, and the replies below also became indecent!

"I saw a live Yang Yan God!"

"66666! It turned out to be the Great God of Yang Yan!"

"Fuck, I see it for real."

"Poké Ball, bring me back the Great God of Yang Yan."

"It's up to you, Yang Yan Beast!"

Seeing this situation, Lin Wen could only helplessly smile.

It can be said that this is also one of the troubles after becoming famous. Wherever you go, people always pay attention.

After simply browsing many posts in the forum, after a refresh, a new pinned post finally appeared on the homepage! .

Eight hundred and sixtieth chapters the bad news of the local tyrants

New mode!

A new mode for Ranked Battles!

The first time he saw the pinned post, Lin Wen quickly clicked in and checked it out.

The post was very detailed about the introduction of the new mode of the Ranked Battle. Lin Wen watched it for more than ten minutes before reading everything.

Then...he took a deep breath.

It is said to be a new mode, and the rules of the battle have not changed. In the top 375, it is still through the roll of dice to decide who will release the elves first and choose the elves.There is a chance to change the sprite halfway!

But that's only the top 375!When the battle of the top 375 is over and the top 188 is reached, after one round and the top 94, the rules of the battle have changed!

"Eight Six Seven" random map!

There are three elves that can be used by both sides. If all the elves of one side are defeated, it means that the other side wins!

Of course... If you want to reach the top 94, it will take two days, so you don't need to worry too much now.

The important point is that after the next, that is, tomorrow's top 375 battle, they will no longer be teleported to that white space, but will come to a battle place with auditoriums and arenas!

In the audience, there will be [-] more lucky players randomly selected by the system to watch the game live!

Of course, the audience drawn from each round of battle is different, which gives more players a chance.

Of course, the players who are fighting can directly enter this fighting place and watch it at will.

In the next battle, only one battle will take place at the same time!

Players will compete in a ring that can freely change the terrain!On both sides of the ring, there are gorgeous podiums!

This undoubtedly means that the compulsion of the qualifying battle is a level higher, and it also means that the next battle will become more important!

After learning about the new mode in detail, Lin Wen left the forum. For him, he usually has no interest in watching the forum. The reason why he took a good stroll today is purely to wait for the system to introduce the new mode. Just appeared.

After reading it now, he left the forum.


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