Although Lin Wen left the forum, but... the entire forum exploded again!

The discussion about the number of byes has not ended, and the emergence of the new mode has shocked the players again!

Watching the battle between elves live and watching the video broadcast are completely different concepts!

Just like many years ago, football, a sport loved by people all over the world, the atmosphere of watching at the scene cannot be compared with the feeling of watching TV at home, it is simply a world of difference!

Therefore, the appearance of this new mode and the next battle, there can be audiences, which immediately makes many players feel excited!

However, the way the system selects the audience leaves many players speechless.

It's not selling tickets, but drawing!


Among the hundreds of millions of Elf Century players, [-] spectators were drawn to the scene to watch the battle. This was undoubtedly a time to test luck and character, and it could be said that many players felt a little depressed.

"Strong protest! How can I use the lottery? I have money, I want to buy a ticket!"

"I despise the Europeans, and I suggest that the players who have been drawn to the audience this time should not show it off."

"That's it!"

On the forum, there are many players who don't have any expectations for their luck, and they can't help but complain about this rule.

At the same time, there are also many players who think that their hands are very popular, and they directly post live broadcasts, preparing to wait for their qualifications to come.

The post about the introduction of the new mode clearly explained that, after the battle list of each round is released, players who can watch the game live will receive a private message from the system!

Some are happy and some are worried.

In less than ten minutes, on the forum, someone showed off the system private message they got.

This means that in tomorrow's top 375 battle, he will be eligible to go to the scene to watch the battle!

This immediately aroused the envy, jealousy and hatred of countless players below!

With the passage of time, there have been more related bragging posts, and [-] people have been drawn from the number of players. This luck can be compared to buying lottery tickets, making these players feel very lucky!

However, lucky people are a minority after all. Most players are not so lucky. They can become the [-] lucky viewers who were drawn. Looking at other people's show-off posts, they can only secretly envy and hate...  ....

Fortunately...they will be able to watch the live broadcast when the time comes, but the perception is different, which gives them some psychological comfort.


The carnival competition's ranking battles directly transfer players to the battlefield. After all... this event involves countless players from all major regions in the elf world. If they are all gathered together, it would be too much. too much trouble.

Because there is no requirement for the location of the players, Lin Wen has been staying in the residence of the Lingxi Guild for the past two days and lived here.

The room full of player profiles became the room he stayed the longest, and he was in that room when he checked the forum before.

After Lin Wen finished checking about the disappearance of the new mode, he just exited the forum when there was a knock on the door.

Boom boom boom 0.5.

Lin Wen looked at the door and said, "Please come in."

The door was pushed open, and a figure walked into the room.

It was Ling Feng, the president of Lingxi Guild.

In the past two days, Lin Wen and Ling Feng have communicated a lot. After all... In Ling Feng's view, the other party is the hope of the carnival championship!

As long as Lin Wen can win the carnival competition, the Lingxi Guild will also benefit a lot.

Under this premise, Ling Feng would naturally communicate with Lin Wen all the time.

Although he himself has broken into the top 375, as the president of the Lingxi Guild, the largest guild in the two major regions of Chengdu and Guandu, Ling Feng has more experience and is still busy with managing the guild. .

Chapter [-] Is there any pressure?

To be able to break into the top 375 is unexpected.

Of course, Ling Feng himself knew that, after all, he was not a player like Lin Wen who devoted himself to improving his strength. Now that he has reached the top 375, every next battle may be his elimination.

For this, Ling Feng is very open.

Pushing the door and entering, Ling Feng smiled when he saw Lin Wen's gaze and said, "Brother Yang Yan, your luck is really good, you were able to get a bye spot."

Lin Wen smiled lightly and said, "It's okay."

Ling Feng laughed, and then said: "You don't know, although the bye place is not important to you, I read the players' posts... It is probably because they feel very lucky that you have won this bye place. Well! After all, in the next round, you won't be touched."

Hearing this, Lin Wen also showed a shallow smile.

As Ling Feng said, Lin Wen really didn't have any expectations for the bye quota. After all, it was not important to him whether he could get it or not, but 19 was very important to other players.

In the end, it fell into the hands of the recognized big BOSS, the Heart of Yang Yan, which is undoubtedly the best choice for players other than themselves.

"About the specific situation of the new model? Have you read it?" Ling Feng asked after restraining his smile.

"Look." Lin Wen nodded u gently, and then analyzed: "The difficulty of the next battle will obviously be higher." Lin Wen paused and continued: "In a place where there are audiences It is a completely different feeling from the two people who were sent to fight in a small space before!"

"Well, you're right." Ling Feng nodded in agreement.

Afterwards, he looked at Lin Wen with a teasing look and said, "How... Although I won the bye spot this time, the next time I join the battle, it will be in the top 188. It can be said that everyone is a master, Yang Yan. Brother, are you stressed?"

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