"I don't know if I can see any wonderful battles today."

"Definitely, today's battles are all real masters, and they are all very powerful!"

"The first day I didn't see the Great God of Yang Yan, I miss him..."

"The front, are you disgusting?"

And as the time came to eight o'clock, the screen finally slowly lit up!

At the same time, 375 players and 2000 lucky players in the third round of the qualifying match were teleported to a huge venue at the same time.

Inside the screen, the first thing that appeared, was a huge ring!

The arena is huge and square, about 100x100 in size!

There is plenty of room for the little elves to move around!

Moreover, during the battle, the terrain on this arena can be changed arbitrarily!

On both sides of the ring, there are two podiums about 5 meters high!

Players stand on it and can clearly see every corner of the arena, which is convenient for commanding!

Compared with the previous two rounds of qualifying competitions, the bitterness of players being transported to a small space, starting from this round, the next qualifying competitions can undoubtedly be described in seven words!

High-end luxury has grades!

Above the arena, at a height of about tens of meters, there are four huge screens facing all directions!

This is for the player audience!

Sitting in the audience, trying to see every detail of the battles of the players in the arena below is not realistic. Therefore, in this huge battle arena, there is also a big screen for players to watch!

The entire battle arena has a large area and surrounds the square of the arena, which is a stepped auditorium!

At first glance, there are far more than [-] seats in the auditorium. This is a large venue capable of accommodating tens of thousands of people!

"It looks very atmospheric.〃!"

"Yeah, compared to the previous one, this match looks much more regular now."

"There are so many seats... How come there are only [-] spectators, will it increase in the future?"

"Looking forward to ING"

The viewers who watched the live broadcast watched the entire new battlefield with the camera, and immediately issued their own comments!

at the same time.

In the battlefield, the transmitted rays of light flashed one after another!

The 2000 spectators who were selected by the lucky draw were sent to the auditorium one after another!

The first time they were sent over, these audience members carefully looked at the environment of the entire battlefield.

In order to prevent spectators from affecting the game, the movement range of each spectator is limited to five meters, and they cannot leave the auditorium!

At the same time, in another place on the battlefield, rays of light flashed!

Players in Ranked Battles!Player area!

Players who are either well-known or unknown among the players were teleported over!

They were obviously very curious about this place, and after the double teleportation came out, they couldn't help but look around.

Some players are also familiar with each other, and immediately greeted each other.

Lin Wen also saw several familiar figures.

Soon, he heard a familiar and cordial voice!

"elder brother!"

Lin Wen looked around and saw Lin Qiqiao standing not far away.

Seeing Lin Wen looking over, Lin Qi hurriedly walked over to Lin Wen's side, grabbed Lin Wen's arm very naturally, turned his head to look at Lin Wen, and said, "Brother... let's go, let's go. Come and watch the game."

"." Well, Lin Wen nodded lightly."

The players had special seats, and Lin Wen and Lin Qi walked towards the seats side by side.

They are a man and a woman, so close as a combination of male and female friends, they immediately attracted the attention of many other players, and even in the audience on the other side, there were sharp-eyed players watching and seeing their figures.

Immediately, attention was focused.

"Fuck, if I'm not mistaken, this is the heart of Yang Yan!"

The one who exclaimed was a player!

At this time, 375 players have not yet arrived. Unlike the lucky draw spectators, the participating players can decide whether to go to the opposite battlefield as long as they have not reached their own games.

Therefore, there are only more than [-] players here now.

Being able to become one of the 3 (of Li's) 75 players selected among the hundreds of millions of players in the entire Elf Century, these players can undoubtedly be called masters, so they also have the arrogance in their hearts. When addressing Lin Wen, He won't come directly to an admired Yang Yan God like ordinary players.

Instead, it will only be called the Heart of Yang Yan.

After all, in their own eyes, they themselves are not the great gods in the mouths of the players!

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