This exclamation sounded, immediately attracting more attention, and immediately, Lin Wen's identity was more and more confirmed.

As the most famous player in the Elf Century so far, and during the recent carnival competition, there are countless players watching the live broadcast. They already knew the image of Lin Wen, so they recognized it at a glance!

That is the heart of Yang Yan himself!

"My day, when I come to a competition, I can see dog abuse?".

Chapter eight hundred and sixty-five battle of Lingfeng

For the latest content, please go here!

Chapter eight hundred and sixty-six water disputes

For the latest content, please go here!

Chapter eight hundred and sixty seventh evenly matched

For the latest content, please go here!

Chapter eight hundred and sixty-eight illusion

For the latest content, please go here!

Chapter [-] Lingfeng, win!

For the latest content, please go here!

Chapter eight hundred and seventieth shocking blood-winged dragon

For the latest content, please go here!

Chapter [-] Lord-level confrontation

Even, even the players watching the live broadcast, the number of barrages posted at this time is much less, and they are all watching.

Many players who usually like to open the bullet screen for live broadcasts also choose to close the bullet screen at this time, so as not to affect their look and feel.

The strength of the tyrannical carp dragon has been proved, and it was very easy to defeat the Koga Ninja frog.

So... what is the strength of this lord-level blood-winged dragon?

This kind of proof collision is not usually seen. Can the leader-level tyrannical dragon pose a threat to the lord-level blood-winged dragon?

This is what players are looking forward to!

in the blink of an eye.

The tail and dragon head have collided together!

The head hammer containing mysterious power slammed into it!

 "Five Eight Zeros" Then, the side that made the players couldn't help but exclaimed happened!

I saw that at the first moment of contact, the dragon tail of the tyrannical carp dragon collided to one side, and the momentum of the blood-wing flying dragon continued to charge towards the belly of the tyrannical carp dragon!

Ling Feng's face suddenly changed, and he shouted loudly: "Burning Carp Dragon, get out of the way!"

It's slow!

The speed of the flight is so fast, just in the blink of an eye, the hard head of the blood-winged flying dragon contains mysterious power, and it has slammed into the abdomen of the violent carp dragon!


The tyrannical carp dragon suddenly wailed because of the pain!

As a lord-level elf, the blood-winged flying dragon's blow was extremely ferocious, and even the tyrannical carp dragon with high defense could not withstand it. I saw that under a collision, its body suddenly turned tactfully, and its huge body moved towards the water. It went up and down, and because of the pain, I kept making a painful moan!

"Blood-winged dragon, use Destruction Death Light on him!"

Jinger's face was calm, as if he had expected this to happen, and a calm order was conveyed.

The same plot!

Before, after the tyrannical carp dragon swept the Koga ninja frog with one tail, it was solved with a destructive death light.

And now, after the violent carp dragon collided with the blood wing dragon at an absolute disadvantage, Jinger bells even chose to use this skill!

In the blink of an eye, the destruction of the dead light has already condensed!

Then, it swept toward the violent carp dragon that was struggling because of the pain!

Even though Ling Feng has tried his best to shout the tyrannical carp dragon, hoping it will cheer up, but everything is just useless!

The blood-winged dragon's destructive power of death light is much stronger than that of the tyrannical carp dragon!

I saw the surging destructive light of death suddenly bombarded the huge body of the tyrannical carp dragon, making a violent explosion!


Under the release of energy, the tyrannical carp dragon suffered an unimaginable amount of damage, and its body slowly sank on the water.

Obviously, it had lost its fighting ability and was easily defeated by the Blood Winged Dragon.

Under the combo of a set of skills, it exploded in an instant, and the tyrannical carp dragon was directly KO!

All the players watching the live broadcast don't know what expression to use to face this scene, is it a smile?cry?Is it shocking?

Because...they always felt that this scene seemed familiar!

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