You must know that after the last round of battle, the tyrannical carp dragon adopted a similar combo method, and directly eliminated the Koga Ninja frog, which was not very strong in defense!

Ling Feng's subtle tactics have also aroused the praise of many players, who feel that this kind of tactics is quite worth learning!

And now.

Less than five minutes passed.

The same scenario plays out again.

The blood-winged dragon used a set of combos to easily defeat the tyrannical carp dragon!

Even, it does better than the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon!

You must know that the tyrannical carp dragon can easily win the victory, that is because Lingfeng's tactics are appropriate, and he successfully confuses the opponent and makes the opponent fall into the trap.

Jiahe Ninja is a very sensitive Pokémon. If Ling Feng did not choose this tactic, let alone whether it could be solved easily, it would be unknown who would win or lose!

And now, what about the battle between the blood wing dragon and the tyrannical carp dragon?

You must know that the blood-winged flying dragon inflicted heavy damage on the tyrannical carp dragon in one fell swoop!

Afterwards, it was easily solved by using Destruction Light!

what does this mean?

This means that, unlike the tyrannical carp dragon and the Koga ninja frog, the blood-winged dragon can defeat the tyrannical carp dragon with absolute strength!Far beyond the strength of the opponent, in order to win in the frontal battle!Easily defeated the opponent!

This undoubtedly makes players feel the gap between the templates again!

As a boss-level template, the tyrannical carp dragon can definitely be regarded as the top existence among the boss-level elves. However, when facing the blood-winged dragon of the lord-level, it has no resistance and is easily defeated!

The difference between them is really worth thinking about!

There was silence in the audience for a long time before a voice sounded!

"The blood-winged dragon is so handsome!"

"Jingle bells, come on, come on!"

"Come on, Ding-dong, kill your opponent!"

"Next... Ling Feng will also release his hole cards!"

"Come on, Jingle!"

Just now, when the tyrannical carp dragon had a shocking reversal and defeated the Koga ninja frog, these players who supported Jinger Bell were embarrassed to speak at all...  

And now... With the blood-winged flying dragon crushing the tyrannical carp dragon with absolute strength, these players are immediately excited!

A cheering sound spread throughout the audience.

2.4  …

In the live broadcast room, 6666666 floated on the barrage.

The players are not stupid, and naturally they can see the gap between the tyrannical carp dragon and the blood wing flying dragon.

One is relying on proper tactics to defeat the opponent, while the other is relying on the crushing of strength to successfully defeat the opponent!

The difference is obvious!

But soon, the wind direction on the barrage turned to another place!

"Faced with such a powerful blood-winged flying dragon, should President Lingfeng also take out his trump card?"

"That's it... Next is the battle between the lord-level and the lord-level elves. It's very worth looking forward to!"

"I don't know what Lingfeng's lord-level elf is?".

Chapter eight hundred and seventy second hearty

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Chapter eight hundred and seventy third Mars hits the earth

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Eight hundred and seventieth chapters lose and win

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Chapter eight hundred and seventy fifth battle

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Chapter eight hundred and seventy-six the clang of tragedy

Soon, he found his name on the battle list!

After swiping his eyes lightly, Lin Wen saw his opponent in the next round!

After seeing the opponent's name, Lin Wen was stunned for a moment, and rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

Then... he confirmed that he was not wrong!

I saw that on the battle list, behind his name, there was a rather familiar name!

Kanto Region: Heart of Sunfire vs Carlos Region: Jingle Bells!

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