Lin Wen's opponent in the next qualifying match turned out to be Ling Feng's opponent when he was watching today!

This made Lin Wen a little messy.

"That guy... he's quite strong..." Lin Wen recalled the battle during the day, and I have to say that during the day, Jinger Bell and Ling Feng tried their best!

"However, an elf like the blood-winged flying dragon." Lin Wen didn't know what to think, and a smile formed on the corner of his mouth.

After taking a look at his opponent in the next round, Lin Wen was watching other people's battle lists when the door of the room was suddenly pushed open!

Then, Ling Feng walked in quickly.

"Brother Yang Yan."

There was a smile on Ling Feng's mouth, but he could not see the depressed mood of being eliminated. As the president of a large guild such as the Lingxi Guild, his ability to adjust his mind is unmatched, which is very rare.

But... Lin Wen just looked at him, and a word that made Lin Wen fall was said!

"Brother Yangyan, you want to avenge me and abuse that jingle bell!"

Lin Wen:  …

"I'm so depressed." Ling Feng laughed, and he had no scruples in front of Lin Wen: "I thought that the battle would be guaranteed, but I didn't expect to lose because of the slightest difference. It's really depressing!"

Having said that, Ling Feng looked at Lin Wen and said, "So, Brother Yang Yan, you must help me to torture me back, and abuse that kid fiercely!"

Listening to Ling Feng's unreliable words, what else could Lin Wen say, so he nodded: "Okay, I will help you abuse him."

Ling Feng laughed, and then said: "Brother Yang Yan, I still have something to deal with, so I will leave first."

After speaking, he left here in a hurry.

Lin Wen looked at his back and shook his head helplessly.


At the same time, on the forum, just after the battle list appeared, players who watched the list were attracted by the battles one by one!

"The Great God of Yangyan and Jinger Bells Tomorrow? 》

"Distressed Jingle Bells! 》

"This Jinger Bell is at revenge with the Lingxi Guild. I just defeated the chairman of the Lingxi Guild, and now I have met the first master of the Lingxi Guild! 》

"Jingle Bells showed a very strong strength today, a proper dark horse, I don't know what will happen to the heart of Yang Yan. 》

"It should cause a lot of trouble to the heart of Yang Yan!The strength of his lord-level blood-winged dragon is far beyond imagination! 》

On the forum, related posts are flooding!

This kind of thing is definitely a very rare thing. I just finished the battle with the president of the Lingxi Guild. Now, in the second day of the battle, I actually encountered the heart of Yang Yan, who can be called the first master of the Lingxi Guild.

This kind of probability is no different from buying a lottery ticket.

You know, in today's battle, the performance of the blood-winged dragon can be said to impress many players. Jinger Bell, who was not a famous player before, has also become a dark horse in the mouth of the players. As soon as he started running, he encountered the ace of the carnival competition.

So... the battle between the dark horse and the trump card, who wins and who loses?

No one dared to draw firm conclusions.

The division of the entire battle list can be said to be stealing the limelight by this group of assignments. On the forum, there are players discussing related matters!


Carlos area.

in a house somewhere.

A young man is sitting on a seat.

He is the dark horse player who has caused a lot of discussion today, Jingle Bells!

A battle with Lingfeng made him famous and known by countless players...  

At this time, he had just clicked on the top post of the battle list in the forum, and was looking for his name in it.

"I don't know who the opponent is this time..." Jinger bells muttered.

Soon, his eyes stopped and fell to one place.

On it, it is clearly written...

Kanto Region: Heart of Sunfire vs Carlos Region: Jingle Bells.

"I'll fight the Heart of Yang Yan in the next game?" Jinger bell was stunned for two seconds, and then slammed his forehead: "No way... I'm lucky."

Although they are able to enter the top 188 players, all of them are masters, I am afraid that no one will be convinced by the other, but if there are opponents who are recognized by the players that they do not want to meet, then I am afraid everyone will mention a name!

Heart of Yang Yan!

The shadow of the famous tree of people, the record of the heart of Yang Yan is too amazing, until the last moment, no player on the road does not want to face him!

Jinger's jingle bells focused on the name of the heart of Yang Yan in the post, and couldn't help muttering: "I just fought with the president of the Lingxi Guild today, and I will fight with the members of the Lingxi Guild tomorrow. The fate of the Lingxi Guild is really deep..."

 0.9 Heart of Yang Yan, the news of the members of the Lingxi Guild, has long spread throughout the entire Elf Century, and players know it.

Shaking his head gently, the jingle bells did not feel depressed anymore, he comforted himself softly: "The soldiers come to block, the water comes to cover, since the system has randomly assigned him to be the opponent of the Heart of Yang Yan, then... just tomorrow Let's see if this Heart of Yang Yan is as powerful as the legend has it!"

Saying so in my heart, Jinger Bell didn't hesitate, and directly started to check the battle video about Yang Yan's Heart, ready to have a certain understanding of him.

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