The battle has now progressed, although many players do not know the name of the skill of moving forest, but I don’t know how many people already know that the leaf spirit of the heart of sun has a skill that can change the terrain, so moving forest Skills do not need any silver light!

Therefore, at the beginning of the battle, Lin Wen let Ye Elf use the moving forest without any psychological burden!

I saw a flash of light on Ye Elf's body, and countless grass-type energies condensed instantly. In this fairly large arena, there were originally countless rocks on the ground, but after the use of the mobile forest, the majestic grass-type energy Under the action of energy, the stone was instantly burst!

The entire arena turned into a big forest, with grass temples and saplings emerging one after another!

These are all condensed from grass energy!

In the blink of an eye, the entire arena terrain has become a forest terrain that has a great advantage over Ye Elf!

The brows of Su Sujiang on the opposite side frowned for the first time.

She did not hesitate, just after Lin Wen directed Ye Elf to use the moving forest, she directed Minas and launched an attack brazenly!

Susu Jiang herself knew that, without the knowledge of both parties, Lin Wen chose the grass-type Leaf Elf, while he chose the water-type Minas, which was undoubtedly a disadvantage from the very beginning. a choice!

However, Susu sauce will not give up because of this!

Although the first battle is very likely to be broken, this is a 3v3 battle after all, even if Minas is defeated, she will still have these other elves to fight!

Therefore, even if the innate attributes of Minas are restrained by Ye Elf, the hope of victory in this battle is relatively slim, but Susu sauce has no intention of holding back!

It is necessary to use Minas to consume the physical strength of the leaf elves as much as possible, then, in the next battle, it is possible to make other elves perform well and win!

These thoughts flashed through Su Sujiang's mind. Seeing that Ye Elf had used the moving forest skills, the entire terrain changed into a forest terrain that was more beneficial to Ye Elf. Susu Jiang no longer hesitated, and commanded bluntly: " Minas, use the water cannon on the Leaf Elf!"

Minas let out a soft cry, and also felt the strength of the opponent. The guys who fought with it before were definitely not of the same level, so he took this battle very seriously. After hearing Susu Jiang's command voice, there was no Without the slightest hesitation, he charged up!


Afterwards, a powerful stream of water spewed out, attacking the direction of Ye Elf!

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

As a lord-level elf, Minas' water cannon was extremely powerful, rushing forward!

In the blink of an eye, it was not far from Ye Elf!

At this point, the moving forest skills have just been released!

This arena has just been converted to a forest terrain!

Seeing the water cannon attacking in front of him, even without Lin Wen's command, Ye Elf's body suddenly flashed and turned into a green streamer. In this forest terrain caused by the moving forest, it was difficult for anyone to detect it. Arrived, and then, the whole body jumped high!

In an instant, it has left its place!

And after it left the place, the turbulent water cannon skills just hit, and the water cannon without the target suddenly bombarded the trees made of grass energy!

0 ......

Ye Elf's speed is terrifying!

It is a very sensitive elf, and it has deep attainments in speed and agility. Now it is in the moving forest, not only has all attributes been enhanced to a certain extent, but also has an unimaginably powerful increase in speed. !

In the moving forest, it is the absolute king, and it is difficult for others to touch its body!

Seeing that the powerful water cannon hit by Minas was deftly dodged by Ye Elf, the players in the audience suddenly exclaimed.

"Fuck, Ye Elf is so fast!"

"It's all phantoms, I only felt a flash, and the leaf elf disappeared in place!

"I thought that Minas' water cannon skill was a must. I thought that even if the leaf elves were grass elves, they would suffer some damage with high damage reduction to water skills. After all, this is from the lord level. Minas' attack, but I didn't expect Ye Elf to dodge the attack so lightly!"

Compare your heart to your heart and put yourself in your shoes!

These players have all thought of this, if their own elves are placed in the situation of the leaf elves, then I am afraid that it is not easy to dodge at all, and they will be directly hit by water cannons! .

Chapter nine hundred and forty-six frozen seeds

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Chapter nine hundred and forty-seventh magic height

For the latest content, please go here!

Chapter [-] The first victory to get!

"Minas, use the water tail!"

The turbulent water suddenly condensed in mid-air and wrapped around Minas' dragon tail!

Afterwards, facing the attacking Leaf Elf, facing the Leaf Elf who had caused huge damage to it, Minas swept his tail and slammed towards the attacking Leaf Elf!


next second!

The mysterious sword and the water tail collide together!

I saw that under the powerful power of the mysterious sword and the powerful defense-breaking ability that can be said to be indestructible, Minas's water tail was successfully broken through after only a slight blocking for a moment!

Its damage could not be recovered. When facing the Leaf Spirit, it was not bad to be able to block it for a short time!

Then... the mysterious sword slammed into the body of Minas!

Minas suddenly let out a whimper!

After about two seconds.

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