
The sound of heavy objects falling to the ground sounded!

The entire audience was silent for two seconds!

Then, cheers, all kinds of fierce shouts, sounded impressively!

I saw that under the powerful power of the mysterious sword, Minas' body fell to the ground!

In the last round of the top six battles, the first battle, the Heart of Yang Yan, was the first to win!

"The Great God of Yang Yan is invincible!"

"Good job!"

"Let me just say, God Yang Yan is running for the championship, how could he be defeated here?"

"That's it!"

There was a heated discussion in the audience.

At the same time, many players watching the live broadcast, there are also countless 66666 floating on the barrage, congratulations for the first victory of Yang Yan Heart!

At the commentary table, seeing the body of Minas slammed to the ground, the male host said: "Then...the victory of the first round was won by the heart of Yang Yan, the Great God of Yang Yan in the Guandu area. Knowing that our Susu player from the Carlos region will take what kind of countermeasures if they lose a game first 々”?”

"That's right." The hostess next to him said, "In the 3v3 battle, the player who can win the first victory will undoubtedly have a certain initiative, but... this battle can only be said of Susu sauce. Her luck was a little worse. After all, the first elf she chose was Minas, and the first elf that Yang Yan Xin chose was Ye Elf. When her attributes were perfectly restrained, Ye Elf was not ordinary. The elf was defeated, it can be said to be expected."

"Well, that's the truth." The male host next to him nodded again and again.

The truth is exactly as they say!

The water-type elf was defeated by the grass-type elf. After the new competition system appeared, let two players release the first elf to fight at the same time. This is not only a matter of luck, but also the familiarity of each other's materials. Guessing the other person's heart!

The battle has now progressed, and the carnival competition has progressed from the top 1500 to the top six. Every remaining player has fought many battles. It can be said that basically all the main elves have bubbling. In this case, everyone It can be said that they know each other well!

Therefore, releasing the elves at the same time will also test the players' ability to speculate in their hearts!

Susu sauce's first elf chose Minas, while Lin Wen's first elf chose Ye elf, which is undoubtedly a successful Tianke in terms of attributes!There is no possibility of any struggle at all!It can be said that it is a battle that is doomed from the beginning!

After all, Ye Elf is not a boss-level elves, and even among the lord-level elves, they are top-notch existences, and their strength is very powerful and terrifying!

The analysis of the two hosts is indeed reasonable.


on the ring.

Su Sujiang on the podium pursed her lips and looked at Minas, who had lost her fighting ability, and felt a little annoyed at her choice for the first battle!

After all... the attributes are suppressed by Tian, ​​this is also an opportunity that is difficult to encounter after both parties release the elves at the same time.

She took out the Poké Ball and took Minas back.

Then, the second Poké Ball appeared in his hand!

In the semi-finals, the top six battles, but there is no such thing as a break, the two sides directly engage in a fierce battle to decide the final winner!

Seeing that Susu sauce took out a pokeball again in her hand, the players suddenly began to discuss fiercely!

"What elf will Goddess Susu use this time?"

"I don't know! Who knows who she will choose to deal with the God of Yang Yan Ye Elf?"

"." Ye Elf's strength is indeed very powerful!"

"But Susu sauce is not an ordinary person, you know, she has exposed two lord-level elves before, and now that Minas is defeated, then... Susu sauce should also release her other lord-level elf. Bar?"

"That's what it should be!"


At the same time, the male and female commentators in the commentary booth also looked here, and the male commentator said, "Then... after the first defeat, Su Sujiang has now taken out her second elf, and she is fighting. Will the second elf be the god horse? Let's wait and see!"

With the voice of the commentary, Su Sujiang on the podium suddenly threw the Poke Ball in his hand!

After a flash of light!

Then, an elf appeared in place!

The first time this elf appeared in the ring (Nord Zhao), the voice of the players' discussion suddenly increased by another decibel!

"It sure is this elf!"

"I'll just say it, after all, it's the second battle. When the first battle has been lost, Susu sauce obviously won't hide it, and directly releases her other lord-level elf!"

"Yes, this elf is also a grass-type elf. Facing the leaf elf, there is no attribute restraint. It is a competition of true strength!"

"It can only be said that Minas's luck is not good. If you encounter other elves with the heart of Yang Yan, then even if you lose the battle, you will not be as happy as before! But when you encounter Ye elves with similar attributes, you will be easily defeated. Loosely defeated!"

"That's right!"

I saw that after a flash of light, the one who appeared on the ring was an elf wearing a grass skirt! .

Chapter nine hundred and forty-ninth change

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