Because... as long as the elf is not affected by some skills that cannot leave the battle and return to the elf ball, as long as the elf is put into the elf ball and replaced, then... the effect of the song of death will naturally disappear!

At this time, Ye Elf didn't have any ability to prevent it from returning to the Elf Ball, but... Lin Wen knew that the opponent's Song of Destruction, when used at such a time, was simply incomprehensible!The leaf elves are bound to be hurt!


You know, it's on the ring now!

In the arena, there is a special competition system!

Players on both sides each have a chance to replace the elves!

Susu sauce's two lord-level elves were easily defeated, and now there is only the last Meloetta left, and she was born without the opportunity to replace elves and take the initiative to replace elves. In contrast, although Lin Wen still has this A elf's place, but... but has lost the qualification to replace the elf!

A long time ago, he replaced the Leaf Elf with Shanaido to fight, and used up the quota this time!

Unless the elves lose their ability to fight, there is no way for Lin Wen to take the initiative to replace the elves! .

Chapter nine hundred and sixty first attack

Susu Jiang undoubtedly took a fancy to this, so after Meloetta was blown away by a seed bomb, she decided to use this skill!

Lin Wen's eyes narrowed, and he had already figured out everything in an instant. He said in his heart, "Since this is the case... we must quickly resolve Meloetta!"

"The existence of the Song of Doom is equivalent to a holy sword hanging high above the head, binding the Ye Elf. The Ye Elf who listened to the Song of Doom will enter a state of near-death at some point!"

"We must speed up the attack! Before Song of Doom's ability explodes, we must successfully defeat Susu sauce!"

In Lin Wen's heart, he suddenly made a decision!

Susu sauce's tactics are undoubtedly a real attack and a real strategy, but "four eight three", you have to jump into it!

If they encounter it in the wild, Ye Elf can easily avoid the damage of Meloetta's Song of Doom. However, they are now on the ring, and the restrictions of the rules determine that Ye Elf must endure it hard. The next burst of damage from Song of Doom!

With this thought in his mind, Lin Wen did not hesitate, and said directly, "Ye Elf, use Super Crash on Meloetta!"

Ye Elf suddenly let out a soft cry, and his body shot out instantly!

The entire body of the leaf elf turned into a green streamer, and in the blink of an eye, it had already crossed the distance between it and Meloetta!

Its speed is far beyond the imagination of countless people!

Ye Elf's speed has already reached a very terrifying level, but with the bonus of super collision, this speed has been improved to a certain extent again!

Simply unimaginable!

In the blink of an eye, the Leaf Elf had already crossed a very long distance and came not far in front of Meloetta!

As soon as Ye Elf made a move, Susu Jiang immediately responded!

After casting the Song of Destruction on Ye Elf, as long as a certain amount of time passes, then... Ye Elf will lose his ability to fight and fall into a state of near-death. This is undoubtedly the least loss for Meloetta. fighting method!

Therefore, at the moment when the Song of Destruction was finished, Susu Jiang's order had been given!

"Meloetta, return to dancing posture!"

Compared with the singing stance that is more inclined to the long-range mage, it is undoubtedly the dancing stance that is good at fighting and dodging, which is more suitable for the current situation!

At the moment when Ye Elf rushed towards Meloetta, Meloetta had switched to a dancing posture again!

"Dodge the attack of the Leaf Elf!"

Susu sauce's order was issued again!

She made up her mind to preserve Meloetta's physical strength as much as possible, and not to fight it head-on until it was dragged until the song of death came into play!

After hearing Susu Jiang's order, Meloetta, who was transformed into a dancing posture with a very flexible body, slammed her legs, and her entire body jumped up instantly and jumped into the air!

Just as it took off, the leaf spirit's super collision finally came!But it was already long overdue and did not hit the target head-on!

The target, in order to avoid the attack of the super collision, has already jumped into the air!

Lin Wen's eyes narrowed without a trace of nervousness or hesitation. Although he understood that in order for Ye Elf to defeat his opponent before Song of Doom could play a role, it would take so long to keep rushing and rushing, but... his thoughts were very deep. His sobriety was not affected by this matter at all!

Ye Elf's super-collision didn't hit the target. It could easily control its body with a sudden brake and stayed on the spot, looking towards Meloetta, who jumped into the air!

Lin Wen's order was immediately conveyed!

"Leaf Elf, use the vine whip on Meloetta!"

Vine whip!

Ye Elf started to take action the first time he heard the order, two sturdy vine whips shot out towards the mid-air, and quickly attacked towards Meloetta in mid-air!

This blow undoubtedly exceeded Susu sauce's expectations!

Her face changed, and she quickly said, "Meloetta, get out of the way!"

Meloetta was in mid-air, and she was a little panicked when she saw the two vine whips that shot at it, but after hearing Susu Jiang's order, it quickly responded, although in mid-air, there was no The existence of a leverage point, but as a dance posture, Meloetta's posture can be described as very flexible. Facing a vine whip that came from a swift shot, the body made a subtle turn, and Successfully escaped!

Then, its body fell towards the ground in a free fall!

As long as it falls to the ground, the initiative will undoubtedly return to Meloetta's hands again!

However, Lin Wen and Ye Elf will not give it this chance!

Seeing that the vine whip was flexibly turned away by Meloetta, there was no trace of depression on Lin Wen's face, but Zhi opened his mouth and said, "Ye Elf, bind it!"

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