Following Lin Wen's command, I saw two vine whips staggering past Meloetta, suddenly turning back!

Their speed even exceeded that of Meloetta, which was in free fall, and in the blink of an eye, they had already caught up behind it!

All of a sudden, Meloetta didn't have any defenses, and the whole body was directly bound by the vine whip from the back, and it was tightly bound!

"Meloetta, find a way to break free!"

Susu sauce's slightly anxious voice came!

2.9 Now, it is her last elf to fight. As long as Meloetta is defeated, then... this carnival competition, she will come to an end, which makes this royal who usually looks rather cold. Sister player, it is inevitable to be anxious and panic at this time!

Seeing the vine whip binding Meloetta as he wished, Lin Wen squinted his eyes, and then said, "Ye Elf... smash it for me!"

In midair, Meloetta, bound by the vine whip, was struggling to get out of the vine whip!

At this time, the rattan whip suddenly raised a level!

Then, just like an entertainment project in an amusement park... The vine whip that was suddenly pulled up seemed to have lost its support and landed on the ground with a bang! ........

Chapter [-]: Entering the Finals

In the blink of an eye, Meloetta has fallen to the ground!


Made a slightly deafening sound!

Susu Jiang stared blankly at this scene, and said softly, "Meloetta..."

On the other side, another command from Lin Wen has come!

"Leaf elf, go and give it the final blow! Trample it with its front hooves!"


Ye Elf turned into a stream of light, and the vine whip was retracted, looking at the figure on the other end collapsed on the ground, and suddenly rushed out!

In the blink of an eye, the leaf elf had already rushed in front of Meloetta!

The front hoof brewed a faint light, and the leaf spirit was very cold, and then stepped on it brazenly!

Meloetta suddenly suffered huge damage again!

Its body struggled for a while, but as if it had reached a limit, it suddenly stopped moving!

Meloetta, has lost the ability to fight!

It is true that after changing to the dance stance, its body defenses have been improved to a certain extent, but it first took Ye Jing 17 Ling's full amount of seed bomb damage, and suffered a lot of damage at the beginning of the battle, and then , and was successfully tied up with a vine whip by Ye Elf's one-day combo, and directly used the vine whip to throw it on the earth. Now, before he has recovered, he has been attacked by another round of Ye Elf's attack!

Under the pile of damage, Meloetta finally lost the ability to fight!

After Meloetta was completely silent, the audience at the scene was quiet for two seconds!

Accompanied by the sound of the broadcast in the battlefield hall, after the victory of the heart of Yang Yan, the cheers suddenly sounded!

"God Yang Yan is really invincible!"

"God Yangyan has been promoted to the top three!"

"Strong and invincible! I'm hot!"

"Is this really the top six? It looks and feels the same as the final!"

"I feel sorry for Susu sauce, if it wasn't for the heart of Yang Yan, hey..."

"That's it!"

"Really distressed!"

"Distressed +1."

The atmosphere of the audience suddenly became active!

In the past, when the battle was at its most intense, few audience members would speak at all. Everyone's attention was focused on the battle in front of them, and there was no way to separate any spirit for discussion!

Now, with the defeat of Meloetta, the system's announcement sounded!The battle finally came to a conclusion, and the heart that many viewers mentioned was finally put down!


Right now!

On the ring, Ye Elf standing beside Meloetta suddenly staggered, and his breath suddenly became weak!

Lin Wen's eyes sharply noticed this, and he immediately understood!

Song of Doom, it worked!

Without any hesitation, he took out the Poke Ball and put away the Ye Elf, and said softly to the Poke Ball, "Thank you for your hard work, Ye Elf!"

Although even if Ye Elf's attack plan was unsuccessful, Lin Wen could use the Flash Dragon to turn the tide of the battle, but now, Ye Elf has successfully defeated his opponent, which is undoubtedly the scene that Lin Wean most wanted to see!

at the same time!

On the other side, Su Sujiang's eyes were complicated. She looked at Meloetta, who had collapsed on the ring and lost her fighting ability. The expression on her face was very complicated. After a long time, she sighed and then took out the elf. The ball retracted Meloetta into the Poké Ball!

Afterwards, Su Sujiang looked at the heart of Yang Yan on the podium at the other end of the ring, her eyes were serious, and she said, "Heart of Yang Yan, you are very strong."

At this point, the battle was over, and the shielding effect on each other's voice had disappeared. Susu sauce's voice was clearly transmitted to Lin Wen's ears. Players' ears!

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