"Fuck, Goddess Susu praised the heart of Yang Yan!"

"Meow... God Yang Yan won't capture another one, right?"

"Wuwuwu, Qianxia Goddess and Little Night Cat are not clear with him, why is there another one here!"

"Hey, so angry!"

There are various speeches from the players.

Hearing the opposite, Su Sujiang's voice came, Lin Wen's eyes became more serious, and then nodded lightly: "You are also very strong."

The eyes of the two looked at each other for two seconds, and then they all showed smiles. There was no arrow drawn before the battle at all, but it meant that they didn't know each other!

Then, the two slowly stepped down.

At this time, the system automatically repaired the arena that was destroyed in the battle between the two, and the broken gravel on the entire arena was restored one after another, returning to its original appearance and looking brand new.

Two hosts, one male and one female, quietly walked to the ring at some point.

Seeing Lin Wen and the cute night cat walking down from the podium, the camera turned instantly and came to the two hosts on the ring.

The male host opened his mouth and said 090: "Then...with the battle between Yang Yanzhi and Susu sauce officially ended, the semi-finals and the top six battles also successfully drew the prelude."

He said that Mike handed it forward: "Everyone tell me, today's battle, is it fun to watch?"


Accompanied by his question, the audience at the scene shouted at the same time!

In fact, they didn't lie either!

Today's battle is indeed very enjoyable to watch!Very refreshing, far beyond expectations!

Not only the audience at the scene, but even the players in the live broadcast room, after hearing the host's order, they immediately typed out the words "Shuang Shuang Shuang" in the barrage!

The hostess grinned: "The carnival has been going on so far, and now, the semi-finals of the top six battles have ended. In the entire carnival competition, only the last three players are left!"

"They are, respectively, the Hellfire players from the Chengdu area!"

With the voice of the hostess, the camera suddenly turned around and moved to the contestants' seat!

I saw a sturdy man sitting on the player's seat. After knowing that the camera was turned to him, he suddenly showed a rather arrogant smile to the camera!

This is hellfire! .

Chapter Nine hundred and sixty-three quota allocation

"Have the Hellfire contestants come to the stage." The male host answered.

Then, the hostess introduced again: "And the second player in the top three is a dark spot from the Carlos area!"

With the voice of the hostess, the camera turned again and moved to the other direction of the contestants' seat!

I saw a rather quiet-looking boy sitting there, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, looking quiet and quiet!

However, his ability to reach the top three in the carnival competition has been truly proved!

"There is a dark spot player please come on stage." The male host said.

The camera gave the two players two seconds, and I saw that they both got up from the players' seats, and then walked slowly towards the ring!

"Then in the end... the last player in the top three is the one who just ended the battle... does everyone know who he is?"

The hostess's voice was a little excited, and then she turned the microphone towards the many audiences below!

When asked abruptly, the audience at the scene did not hesitate at all, and shouted directly: "Heart of Yang Yan!"

in unison!

During the battle between Lin Wen and Susu sauce, the entire audience can be said to be divided into two parts, one part supports the heart of Yang Yan, and the other part supports Susu sauce!

However, now, with the end of the battle, Susu sauce has been eliminated, and there is no possibility to continue. After the host asked this question, the former fans of Susu sauce are even more than Lin Wen's own fans. More enthusiasm!

They have only one idea!

Since you defeated Susu sauce, then you should go all the way and win the championship directly. In this way... we can prove that our Susu sauce is definitely not only the level of the top six!

With the strength shown by Susu sauce, if it hadn't met the Heart of Yang Yan, then... even winning the championship is in sight!

Hearing the echoes of countless players below, the hostess smiled, and then said loudly: "That's right...he is a player from the Guandu area, and is praised by countless players as the Yangyan Heart of the Great God of Yangyan 々~! "

"Next, let's invite the Heart of Yang Yan to take the stage!"

Just as he stepped down from the podium, Lin Wen heard the call of his name!

After hearing the host's call, Lin Wen shook his head gently, and then walked up slowly like he was on the ring!

And above the ring, the hellfire, the dark spot of light, has come here one step ahead!

As Lin Wen stepped onto the stage, the male and female hosts both nodded slightly towards Lin Wen and signaled.

At the other end, the expression of the dark spot of light remained unchanged, but it was Hellfire. After looking at Lin Wen, he let out a cold snort.

"This is the top three players in our carnival competition!" The male host said: "The champion, runner-up, and third runner-up of this carnival will be decided among these three players!"

After speaking, the male host handed the microphone to Hellfire first, and asked: "Hellfire player, as the first to win the first battle in this top six battle and become the top three player, you, Any thoughts on the next game?"

Hellfire smiled contemptuously, his eyes swept across the dark spots of light and the forest pattern on the other side, and said arrogantly: "This is just the beginning, this time the champion must be my Hellfire!"

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