The male host's eyes lit up: "It seems that the Hellfire players are very confident!"

Saying that, he gestured to the hostess beside him with his eyes.

The hostess understood and said to the dark light spot on the other end: "Dark light spot contestant, what do you think of the next noun competition?"

The dark spot's eyes were very calm. After hearing the hostess's inquiry, he said softly, "Well... I can only say that I will do my best and leave no regrets for myself."

"It seems that the dark spot player is a very humble player." The hostess concluded.

Afterwards, the eyes of both the male and female hosts saw Lin's tattoo!

They know very well that among the three, the most famous and the one that attracts the most attention from players is the Heart of Yang Yan!

Approaching quietly, the hostess asked, "Heart of Yang Yan, what do you think of the next game?"

Lin Wen raised his brows and immediately said, "Since we have already made it here, then we are naturally ready to win the championship."

His tone is not as arrogant as Hellfire, and at the same time, he is not as modest as the dark spot of light!

It was said so plainly, but the tone was so determined!


However, after hearing Lin Wen's words, the players at the scene suddenly became lively!

"." Yang Yan's domineering side leaked! "

"I serve, since I've rushed here, I'm naturally ready to win the championship, this tone tsk tsk!"

"Is it completely like a pair of hands!"

"Support the Great God of Yang Yan!"

After inquiring about Lin Wen, the two hosts did not continue, but turned to look at the audience at the scene, and then said: "It seems that the remaining three top three players in the carnival competition, each of them It's full of fighting spirit!"

"That's right...(really)..." The hostess replied: "Being able to pass the group elimination mission all the way, from the top 1500 qualifying competition all the way to here, the strength of the three players is definitely worth looking up to. !"

"However, what we are going to do next has nothing to do with strength, but with luck."

"Yes." The male host said: "I think all players have a certain understanding of the competition system. When the competition reaches the top three, these three players will have a lottery draw! One player will be promoted directly to the top three. The day after tomorrow's finals! The remaining two players will fight tomorrow to decide the runner-up of this carnival competition!"

"That's it!" the hostess said: "I think everyone knows this competition system very well. Since this is the case, we will not waste everyone's time, please bring the props!".

Chapter [-] Bye!

During the time when the props had not come up, the two hosts were not idle either, and they started to communicate.

After all, as a host, the most important thing is to warm up!Don't let the place cool down!

"Speaking of which, this carnival competition actually has a lot of interesting points, and there are also a lot of points for players to complain." The male host said.

"Oh?" The hostess cooperated with a rather puzzled expression: "What do you mean?"

"For example, in the old game system before, players rolled dice to determine the size of the points, and then decided which player would release their elf first!"

The hostess nodded gently: "Well...this is indeed a very interesting place!"

"Then... Next, our method of drawing bye quotas is also a very traditional and interesting little activity!" The male host's eyes lit up, and he suddenly noticed the extra figure in the corner of the battlefield. He opened his mouth and said, "That's... draw lots!"

As he said that, he raised his hand and pointed to the other side: "We invite our service staff to appear!"

All the players on the scene, including Lin Wen and others in the ring, looked at the direction of his fingers at the same time!

Not only them, but even the camera was aimed in the direction of 860, and every player watching the live broadcast saw this scene!

I saw an auspicious egg, staggering, holding a small box, and walking towards the ring!

After seeing the figure of this auspicious egg, I don't know how many players on the field suddenly burst out laughing!

"This auspicious egg is so cute!"

"Pfft hahahaha..."

"Looks so cute!"

"I thought the service staff was alone... It turned out to be an auspicious egg!"

Auspicious eggs are Pokémon that symbolize luck. Holding a small box used to draw lots to draw a bye, they walked to the ring step by step!

"Welcome to our auspicious eggs." The male host smiled.

Geely Egg squinted his eyes happily, then said, "lucky!"

Saying that, it placed the small box in its arms on the table that had already appeared in the ring!

"Then... Next, is the scene that many players are looking forward to!" The male host brewed the atmosphere: "In this box, there are three balls, two black balls, and one red ball! Among them, the black ball was drawn. The players of the ball will have a match tomorrow, the winner will enter the final, and the loser will automatically become the third runner-up in the carnival competition!"

"And the player who draws the red ball can be directly promoted to the finals! You can relax and wait for the battle the day after tomorrow!"

"Who will draw the bye this time?"

"let us wait and see!"

Speaking... The male host turned his gaze to Lin Wen and the other three players, and asked, "Which one of you would like to start first?"

As soon as the host finished asking, Hellfire suddenly took a step forward and said arrogantly: "I'm the first to start!"

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