However, Lin Wen, who possesses fettering skills, is undoubtedly very aware of his connotations!

Bonding skills and explosive skills, which not only consume the stamina of the elves, but also the stamina of the players, are undoubtedly very powerful!

However, most of the players do not have a lot of physical strength, but when using this skill, there is no way to last for a long time, and can only support a very short time!

The skill of Hellfire's perseverance obviously greatly reduces the consumption of physical strength, so that the duration of these powerful skills can be increased, and the fighting power of the elves has been greatly increased in a short period of time. It is undoubtedly a very abnormal skill. !

Moreover, Lin Wen couldn't believe that Hellfire with this special skill would not have such a skill that consumes the player's physical strength!

"." You have to be a little more cautious~~! "Lin Wen said in his heart!

This information brought by Ling Feng is obviously very important to Lin Wen, which gives him a certain understanding of Hellfire again.If Lin Wen didn't have the Lingxi Guild as the backing, he obviously wouldn't be able to get the news (King Zhao's)!

This is the difference between a loose player and a guild player. Perhaps the masters of the loose player will play more casually, relying on their personal ability to do things, without the constraints of a guild, and undoubtedly more free!

However, in terms of collecting information and intelligence, the scattered players are not as good as a guild, and the two are not on the same level at all!

In this carnival competition, the information provided by Lingxi Guild to Lin Wen undoubtedly helped a lot and played a big role!

It can be said that the real Lone Ranger may have strong strength, but in many aspects, it is impossible to achieve the level of players who have the support of the guild!

Although Lin Wen has grown to this stage, although he does not rely on the help of the Lingxi Guild, the Lingxi Guild has also provided him with a lot of help! .

Chapter nine hundred and sixty-ninth single-minded and all-powerful duel

Time, quietly reverse the past!

When the time came to the second day, the players in the entire Elf Century became restless!

Because today is the final of the Carnival Competition!

As the first worldwide event to appear in the Wizard Century, the Carnival Contest has long received the attention of countless players!

Along the way, from the initial group elimination mission with the participation of all the people, to the ranking battle that attracted the interest of countless players!Until now, finally came to the finals!

The first and second showdown!

Heart of Yang Yan vs Hellfire!

Therefore, in the forum, early in the morning, it was already very popular, and countless players were discussing this final!

And when the time came to [-] noon, today's finals officially started!

Just when the time came to twelve o'clock, in the entire Elf Century, many players were teleported into the Battlefield Hall!

Among them, they are all lucky draw players in this final!

The audience for the finals reached an unprecedented [-]!

The audience alone reached [-] people!

The 970 is more than that!

You know, in addition to the audience on the spot, the audience watching the final through the live broadcast, I don't know how many!

You must know that today's battle can definitely be said to be the most exciting battle in the entire carnival competition!

On the one hand, it is the heart of Yang Yan who has long become famous and rushed all the way!

On the other hand, it is also the hellfire that has passed the qualifying battle all the way!

They all stood out from the top 1500 in the qualifying competition, and they are definitely very interesting!

In the entire Battle Arena, with the appearance of the lucky players and the audience, it became hot almost in the blink of an eye!The entire auditorium was filled with the chatter of the players!


Break into the top [-] players in the qualifying competition!Also invited by the system!

As a player who can break into the top [-] of the entire carnival competition.They are undoubtedly the top-ranked experts in the entire elf century!Therefore, in this carnival competition final, they are also invited (bifg) over!

at the same time!

Lin Wen has also received an invitation from the system!

Without hesitation, he simply agreed, and when the light flashed, he was already in the player's seat!

Since the audience was teleported in first, many players and audiences, while chatting again, were also paying attention to the situation of the player seats!

The appearance of Lin Wen immediately attracted the attention of many players and audiences!

"The Great God of Yang Yan has appeared!"

"God Yangyan, come on!"

"God Yang Yan, defeat your opponent and win a championship!"

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the auditorium became more lively, and countless players shouted loudly!Cheer for Lin Wen!

at the same time!

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared on the other end of the player's seat!


Another contestant for this final!

After being teleported into the player's seat, Hellfire raised his brows arrogantly, looked at Lin Wen, and then turned his head away!

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