In the audience, cheers sounded again!

That's a hellfire fan!

It has been able to go all the way to the present, and it is a fighting-type Pokémon that looks very bloody when it fights. Hellfire has come all the way, and it has undoubtedly attracted many fans!

Today, the battle has not yet begun, and the audience is already very lively!

At the same time, the screen in the live broadcast room has already lit up, and the situation in the battlefield is displayed on the screen. Many players watching the live broadcast have sent out bullet screens and communicated!

Just at this time!

Two figures quietly stepped onto the ring!

That is exactly the two hosts, a man and a woman, who have frequently shown their faces these days!

Holding a microphone, the male host walked to the ring and said slowly, "Welcome everyone to the carnival competition, the final scene!"

Along with his opening remarks, deafening cheers suddenly sounded on the scene!

The hostess waited for the cheers to cool down, and then continued: "The carnival has been going on for half a month since its inception, and today, it's finally coming to an end!"

"That's right." The male host said, "Today, in the arena under our feet, the champion of the first carnival competition will be decided!"

"Everyone must have been looking forward to it."

The two hosts cooperated very skillfully.

"Then... let's not waste everyone's time, let us invite, one of the finalists, the Heart of Yang Yan from the Guandu area!"


As the host's voice fell, the audience at the scene decisively gave deafening cheers!

"Heart of Yang Yan! Heart of Yang Yan!"

Unanimous cheers sounded, shaking everyone's heart!

At the same time, countless people's eyes were fixed on the players' seats!

There, a figure slowly got up!

It is Lin Wen!

After looking at this figure, the cheers suddenly became more intense!

Under the background of this sound, Lin Wen took a step, slowly walked out of the contestants' seat, and walked out towards the ring!

Before the carnival competition, Lin Wen was already well-known in the Elf Century and had a large number of fans!And after the carnival competition, he made it all the way to the finals, no doubt proved himself to others!This has given him a huge boost in the number of fans!

When Lin Wen was halfway there, the male host's voice sounded again!

"Then...We are also welcome to come from the Chengdu area, the Hellfire who will be a strong contender for the championship of this carnival!"


As soon as the name of Hellfire came out, the cheers sounded again!

Many players who didn't speak out before, at this time, couldn't help but shout out the name of Hellfire! .

Chapter [-] Terrain Selection

You must know that among the players who have been able to make it all the way from the ranked competition to the present, which one is not very famous and is known by countless players, and which one does not have many fans?

Compared with the appearance of Lin Wen before, the appearance of Hellfire is not inferior to him!

In the audience, the voices of the two names sounded alternately!

"Heart of Yang Yan!"


"Heart of Yang Yan!"


Players on both sides had a fierce competition!

It is unimaginable!

You must know that the current scene is a super-large venue with as many as [-] people. The scene can be described as very grand!

The sound is deafening!

Lin Wen and Hellfire, one after the other, stepped onto the arena one after another!

Afterwards, the two stood beside the two hosts, one on the left and one on the right!

The male host was the first to say, "Heart of Yang Yan, who has been going all the way to the present, is now in the finals. I wonder how you feel?"


Lin Wen was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses and said, "I can't talk about my feelings... I can only say that the opponents are very powerful."

"Then... Next, it's the finals, what do you want to say?"

"Since we've come this far, we naturally hope to win the championship," Lin Wen said in a light tone.

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