The picture flashed quickly, and after about five or six seconds, it suddenly stopped!

I saw that the terrain that finally appeared on the big screen was the rocky terrain! .

Chapter [-]: The Power of Flash Dragon

As soon as the terrain was extracted, the ring below suddenly began to change!

In the blink of an eye, the rocky terrain has taken shape!

Then, the two elves slowly fell!

As soon as the platform fell down, Abillon made a flexible jump and jumped directly to the rock below!

As a fighting elf, what Abilene lacks the most is his flexible posture!

In contrast, the action of the Flash Dragon is undoubtedly much simpler!

After seeing Abilang jumping down and feeling the slow speed of the platform, the flashing dragon couldn't wait any longer. The dragon's wings unfolded, like a heavy dark cloud, leaping down from the platform!

In the blink of an eye, it has already fallen to the ground, and even the rocky ground has a certain "two six seven" vibration!

The two elves fell on the battlefield one after another!

The battle is imminent!

On the one hand, it is Abi Lang, who is proficient in fighting and born to fight!

On the other side, there is a flashy dragon with a huge size and a noble bloodline!

What I have to mention is that the difference in size between the two is really big. Compared with the very large Flash Dragon, Abillon looks like a child...

Two elves stand still!

Then, accompanied by the voice in the battlefield hall!

The battle... officially begins!


The two sides did not command the first time!

The two looked at each other across the ring!

On the complex rocky terrain, Flash Dragon and Abillon are also looking at each other!

Although the rocky terrain can be described as very complicated, for some elves, it will greatly limit their movement speed, but for Flash Dragon and Abillon, this terrain is no different from peace!

Abillon itself is a fighting elf, and the flexibility of his body is the most important point. Every Abillon is a good fighting player, a real elite elf, not to mention, this lord of Hellfire. Elf!

Absolutely the existence of superior strength!

In this case, the rocky terrain won't affect it at all!

And what about the other side?

The impact of rocky terrain on the Flash Dragon is even smaller!

To know……

It can fly!

This kind of terrain on the ground will basically not have any effect on it. What's more, the huge size of the flash dragon is doomed. It stays in place and can easily defend against the attacks of various elves. It is very convenient!

The two elves faced each other on the rocky ground, and the scene was very serious!

Although I am surprised why the two players have not started fighting immediately, but... this is the last game of the carnival competition!The audience and players at the scene, and even the audience watching the live broadcast, have enough patience!

Even, with the confrontation on the battlefield, even the audience at the scene gradually stopped from the cheers, stopped talking, and watched the battle quietly!

There are [-] spectators in Noda's stadium, but at this moment, only a slight chatter can be heard. The deafening shout just now seems to have never existed!

at this time!

Just when the two elves stared at each other, guarding each other!

The order of Hellfire was suddenly conveyed!

"Abi Lang, get close to each other quickly! Give this big guy a slap!"

Following the order of Hellfire, Abilang's back leg kicked, and his body suddenly leaped out!

You must know that as a fighting elf, and also a lord-level = fighting elf, what Abilang is best at is flexible posture!

The rocky ground did not affect it in any way, and in the blink of an eye, there were several jumps, and the position moved forward quickly!

You must know that the rocky terrain below is converted by the ring, and the actual area is not large. In the blink of an eye, Abilang has attacked not far from the flashing dragon!

Subsequently, the order of Hellfire was issued again!

"Abi Lang, use a million-ton punch!"

Hellfire's order is complete!

Abilang was advancing rapidly, and after hearing the sound of hellfire, a dazzling light suddenly burst out from the glove!

At this moment, Abilang's hind legs kicked, his body jumped high, his fists raised, releasing an incomparably huge power!

A million-ton punch!

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