Aim for the Flash Dragon!

From the time Abilene started to act, Lin Wen and the Flashing Dragon remained silent. There was a feeling that I was just watching you quietly and pretending to be forceful. However, as time progressed to the present... There is action!

Facing Abilang, whose body had already jumped into the sky and was rushing towards the flashing dragon, Lin Wen decisively gave an order!

"Flash Dragon, use the dragon's tail!"


Accompanied by Lin Wen's command voice, the flashing dragon suddenly let out a dragon roar, the huge body did not show any delay, and the body suddenly turned around!

The huge dragon tail suddenly swung out!

Look directly at Abillon!

Abilene jumped into the sky, and there was no place to borrow a seat at this time. Hellfire saw this scene, and his eyes flashed with fighting intent, and then said: "Abilang, prove that your chance has come! Give me ruthless. Defeat this Flash Dragon!"

In mid-air, Abillon has no way out in 3.3. If you want to win, you need to have a head-on battle!

Dragon Tail fights a million tons!

In the next second, the glove suddenly collided with the dragon's tail!

The ability to fight physically, but under the action of the powerful force, I saw a wave of air suddenly set off around!The gravel on the rocks was blown away!

Then... in the sight of all the players watching the battle, I saw a figure flying out!

It flew extremely fast, almost in the blink of an eye, it had already reached a distance of more than [-] meters!

Because of its extremely fast speed, players can't even see it clearly! ........

Chapter [-] How big is the gap


Whether it is watching the battle live, the players who are silent at this time, or the two commentators who are speechless when they see the current scene, or those who watch the battle through the live broadcast room in the live broadcast room. Players!

Everyone knows who that figure is!

You know, the two sides of the battle are Flash Dragon and Abillon!

There is a huge difference in body size between the two!

Not far away, the flashing dragon stood comfortingly on the ground, the dragon tail slowly retracted, and on the other side, it was Abilang who flew out!

In the first round of head-to-head battle between Abilene and Flash Dragon, Abillion was actually kicked out by a tail!

This undoubtedly silenced every player present.

I thought it was an evenly matched battle, but... when the battle was just started, what was it that you were kicked away by someone's tail?

What the fuck?

How big is this gap?

This is the idea that pops up in the minds of players in general!

Although there is a big gap between Abillon and the Flash Dragon, the two elves are both lord-level elves, which has given players a lot of expectations, but now, Abillon has been kicked out by a tail. Yes, this undoubtedly shocked the players!

Not just the players watching the battle!

Even the owner of Abilene, who was standing at the other end of Hellfire, had a look of disbelief in his eyes after seeing Abilang and being swept away by the flashing dragon from the heart of Yang Yan!

In his view, this is completely impossible!

His own Abilang, as a lord-level elf and a fighting type, is very powerful, and after special training, he is very powerful!

However, now, it is such a powerful elf that is directly pumped away by the flashing dragon without showing a trace of affection!

The strength of the Flash Dragon is evident!

In the entire Battle Arena, the only one who didn't show a shocking expression was probably the only master, Lin Wen!

Because he was already prepared!

Even now, if Lin Wen were to choose the most powerful elf in his team, apart from some specific circumstances, Lin Wen would still choose the Flash Dragon, not the Leaf Elf!

The talent of the Flash Dragon is really too powerful, and it is really standing at the top of the lord-level elves. It is infinitely close, and even as it grows, it is getting closer and closer to the legendary elves!

You must know that the mother of the flashing dragon, the giant dragon, although she is also a lord-level elf, she definitely has legendary strength!

As its offspring, before the huge fast dragon fell into a deep sleep, he gave the flashing fast dragon a gift, which directly led to the powerful and terrifying talent of the flashing fast dragon. Under the strong defense of the elves, I am afraid that they will not be inferior to the legendary elves!

In this case, when facing Abilene, the Flash Dragon uses the dragon tail, a skill that is more effective if the difference in size is larger, even if Abillion's megaton punch is already very powerful Ferocious, but still unable to stop the dragon tail of the flashing dragon, it was smashed out!


On the ring!

Abi Lang, who was swept away by a tail, fell to the ground in an embarrassed manner!

However, as a fighting spirit, its physique is really strong!

Being so savagely kicked and fell to the rocky ground, it didn't seem to have caused too serious damage to it. After only two seconds on the ground, Abilene got up again!

However, it looked at the flashing dragon, but it was more cautious!

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