Flash Dragon!

A very large flash dragon!

At the same time, it is also one of Lin Wen's exclusive mount elves!

Once the huge body of the flashing dragon appeared, it immediately attracted the attention of countless players!

Lin Wen and Lin Qi did not hesitate. After the Flash Dragon appeared, they immediately rode on it!

Then, with the dragon's wings unfolding, the flash dragon suddenly took off and jumped into the sky!

Move the dragon wings and leave here quickly!

The speed of the flashing dragon is extremely fast, but in the blink of an eye, it has quickly left here. With Lin Wen's skills and the bonus of riding experts, it will soon disappear!

In mid-air!

The flash dragon is flying fast!

Under its huge body, every time the dragon wings are unfolded and fanned, 007 will move forward for a long distance!

In this case, in just a few tens of seconds, the Flash Dragon quickly flew away from the place!Leaving the residence of the Lingxi Union!

The flashing dragon soared through the sky, and the huge body floated past like a dark cloud, moving quickly in the sky!

On its back, Lin Qi and Lin Wen leaned against each other and looked around!

I have to say that the environment in the elf world is also a very important place to attract players!

The entire Elf World is almost indistinguishable from the real world outside, very real, and most importantly, the environment in the Elf Century is much better than the environment in the real world outside!

Now is the time period near the end of the year. It is winter in the wizard century. At this time, looking down in the sky, there are still snowflakes that have not melted on the forests and hillsides in some places. beauty!

Lin Wen and Lin Qi stood side by side on the back of the Flash Dragon, Lin Qi gently snuggled (biab) on Lin Wen's chest, the two of them were very quiet, and did not make a sound to destroy the current tranquility. !

You must know that yesterday, after finally breaking through the last layer of boundaries, the relationship between the two has undoubtedly improved qualitatively, like opening a new window. I can't wait to gather together every minute and every second. Do not separate!

At this time, in the middle of the sky, the sun is hanging high in the sky, and the white clouds are on the side. The beautiful scenery like a dangerous situation is undoubtedly a very attractive and wonderful scene. Now this scene!

In the sky, the Flash Dragon is flying very fast!

Learned from the encounters in the Lingxi Guild's resident, in order to prevent the flash dragon from landing and attracting onlookers from the players, therefore, Lin Wen, standing on the back of the flash dragon, directed the flash dragon to fly forward for a long time before commanding. As it slowly descended!

The place where the flashing dragon landed was a silent forest, and there was no human figure in sight, only wild elves were playing here!

However, as soon as the lord-level elf with an incomparable size like the Flash Dragon landed, it immediately attracted the attention of all the wild elves here, template, level strength, under the suppression, these wild elves did not dare to stay in place. Too much stay, directly choose to leave quickly!Get out of this land!

Compared with these weak wild elves, the strength of the Flash Dragon is completely unimaginable giants, and they do not dare to raise any challenge!

In this quiet forest, I chose a relatively open area, and the flashing dragon slowly fell!

Even so, because of the huge stature, the Dragon Wing of the Flash Dragon slammed down a branch and successfully landed on the ground!

Afterwards, Lin Wen jumped down from the back of the Flash Dragon, and took Lin Qi from the Flash Dragon's back!

Lin Wen's eyes swept around. Although he had already confirmed it above, Lin Wen still wanted to confirm again if there were other players around!

This is the famous trouble!

This carnival competition, he is undoubtedly the limelight, and it is precisely because of this, now that the carnival competition has not completely passed, and there will be this doubles competition three days later, the boom has not passed yet, if he appeared somewhere, Then it is almost inevitable to attract the attention of players!

Although this kind of thing has not happened once or twice, Lin Wen doesn't like it very much from the bottom of his heart!

That's why he chose to avoid it if he could, and commanded the flashing dragon to come to such a remote area before he chose to descend!

After scanning his eyes left and right, he confirmed that this place is indeed very quiet and quiet, and there is no player's existence, and Lin Wen breathed a sigh of relief!

Afterwards, Lin Wen turned his head and looked towards Abandoning you.

I saw the girl was looking at him with a bright smile.

Lin Wen spread his hands.

The last layer between the two was broken, and there was no estrangement between them!Very intimate!

Now that it has been confirmed that there are no other players here, the two of them will naturally start their business!

You know, three days later is the start of the doubles match. Although the doubles match is more entertaining than the individual battle, the two of them do not dare to relax in the slightest. After all, there are also experts in the doubles match, not to mention , some doubles players who cooperate with each other tacitly, the combat power displayed is absolutely amazing!

The two of them team up to participate, and it is very likely that they will meet the strong!

Under such circumstances, Lin Wen would choose to go online with Lin Qi, instead of continuing to get tired of being together offline, just to show off his elf and let the two have a simple understanding of each other first!

Lin Wen had already decided before that he wanted to get a good name in the doubles match, so naturally he would not give up easily, but instead took this tournament very seriously! .

Chapter nine hundred and ninety-first their respective elves

In this case, after confirming that there are no other players around, Lin Wen directly opened his mouth to Lin Qi and said: "Qi'er, this is the Flash Dragon, the lord-level elf, one of the main elf in my hands!"

Lin Wen pointed to the flashing dragon and said to Lin Qi.

The flashing dragon is very intelligent, and understands that the relationship between his master and this human being is not ordinary. After hearing Lin Wen mentioning himself, he immediately let out a soft dragon roar, indicating that he also said hello!

However, it is said to be soft, but in fact, judging from its huge size, this kind of sound is obviously not small. With a sound, the surrounding wild elves were once again disturbed and had to stay away a lot.

"He is the elf that I joined the team late." Lin Wen introduced Lin Qi: "The elf in my hand, the Flash Dragon is the last one to join the team, but the talent is very amazing. When he joined, he was the lord. The elf of the highest level has grown step by step to the present, and it can be said that it is the number one to number two in my hands!"

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