Afterwards, Lin Wen told Lin Qi the general skills of the Flash Dragon again.

Lin Qi was on the side, listened to his ears, nodded again and again, and quickly formed an impression of the strength of the flashing dragon in his heart!

Although I have seen the battle of the Flash Dragon more than once, but seeing it is different from knowing it personally. After knowing the skills and attributes of the Flash Dragon, you can deeply realize its power!

You must know that the Flash Dragon is not an ordinary character. As a lord-level elf, and it is also the first lord-level elf in the elf world, the strength of the Flash Dragon must not be underestimated. Similarly, Lin Qi is not a long time ago. Which little rookie has just entered the game, she has successfully entered the top [-] of the carnival competition, and she can even be regarded as a master in the entire elf century. Some introductions of the fast dragon, and soon have a most intuitive understanding of the strength of the flash fast dragon!

You must know that in a doubles match, the two will send one elf to fight on the same field, and the two will cooperate with each other. In this case, it is very important to know the other's elf. After all, at least you must know your teammates. Exactly what kind of strength and what kind of skills they have, on the battlefield, the two of them can cooperate!

This is undoubtedly something that Lin Wen has considered for a long time, and Lin Qi also knows it, so the two choose to communicate here.Let the other party have a simple understanding of their elves!

The introduction of Flash Dragon will end soon!

Lin Qi is also a very smart girl, and Lin Wen has nothing to hide from her. Lin Qi quickly learned some information about the Flash Dragon and kept it in his heart.

Afterwards, Lin Wen put away the Flash Dragon and took out another Poke Ball!

Throw one towards the front!

After a flash of light, the flashing dragon disappeared in place, and a figure appeared in place!

It has a green body, standing there, full of the breath of a king, it is the only leaf elf king in the elf century!Leaf Elf!

Ye Elf was obviously very familiar with Lin Qi, so he was not surprised when he came out and saw Lin Qi!

"It's the Ye Elf." Lin Wen pointed at the Ye Elf and said, "Qi'er, you know, it was my first elf, and it has followed me since Ibrahimovic's time. With the lord-level elf, it can be said that it is one of the second trump card elfs in my hand besides the Flash Dragon!"

"Its combat power is not inferior to the Flash Dragon, it is very powerful!"

Afterwards, Lin Wen gave a brief introduction to Lin Qi about Ye Elf's skills!

These two elves had appeared in previous battles, and Lin Qi had watched their battles. Now that they were introduced in detail by Lin Wen, Lin Qi suddenly understood very well!

Afterwards, after introducing the Leaf Elf, Lin Qi put away the Leaf Elf and took out a Elf Ball again!

After a flash of light, a figure appeared on the spot!

"Master Yang Yan!"

The moment this figure appeared, Lin Wen thought of a voice in his heart!

The elf released by Lin Wen this time immediately understood!

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????

It is the lord-level elf, the fairy queen, Shanaido!

Shanaido, who was promoted to the lord level elf, is undoubtedly more noble than before, and in the carnival competition, its combat power has undoubtedly been fully revealed, which shocked countless players!

That earth-shattering, earth-shattering super power storm is still remembered in the hearts of countless players, and there is no way to forget it!

Really, too powerful!

"Shanaiduo has followed my elf for a long time." Lin Wen's eyes flashed with a flash of reminiscence, as if he had thought of the scene where he first got Shanaido in the Meteor Forest: "It has always been mine. One of the main force, has helped me a lot, and the strength is also very strong!"


Afterwards, Lin Wen told Lin Qi the skills mastered by Shanaido, as well as its attributes!

He introduced his elves one by one, so that Lin Qi would have an understanding, so that the two would not know anything about each other in the doubles match!

The introduction of Shanai Duo was completed quickly. After introducing Shanai Duo, Lin Qi took it back into the Poké Ball, and was too lazy to introduce them one by one. He directly took out three Poke Balls and threw them out!

Ice Elf!

Alola's Nine Tails!


Three elves appeared in front of him one after another!

"The three of them have always followed my little friends all the way!"

A flash of reminiscence flashed in Lin Wen's eyes, as if he recalled the weak appearance of these elves when he had just caught them, and then opened his mouth to introduce Lin Qi one by one!

"I got the ice elf in Team Rocket's base. It has been enhanced by Team Rocket's genetic modification, and its talent can be described as very powerful!" Lin Wen paused: "It is because of it that several heavenly kings in the alliance have given missions. Only after completing the Royal Dragon Trial can I get it, so I went to the Chengdu area and participated in the Royal Dragon Trial, and it is precisely because of this that I can get the lord-level elf who was still a mini-dragon at that time!".

Chapter [-] Tactical Arrangements

"This Lucario..."

"Nine tails..."

Lin Wen introduced each elf very seriously. In doubles competitions, understanding each other is a very important thing, and you must understand everything!

Lin Wen was talking, while Lin Qi was listening carefully. Soon, Lin Wen finished telling Lin Qi the relevant information about the three elves.

Afterwards, Lin Wen said: "I still have a Minas, but now, it is not by my side. After the mission of the annihilation of Team Rocket, Minas started the lord level promotion mission, which takes two days. In a month's time, I followed Lugia, the divine beast of the sea."

"Of course... it won't come back before the doubles match of the Carnival, so I won't introduce you too much!" Lin Wen said softly.

"Nine Forty Zero"

Lin Qi nodded lightly.

"How is it? Qi'er, do you have a certain understanding of my elves?" Lin Wen said.

"Yeah." Lin Qi nodded in response, and then said, "Brother... I'll release my elf as well, you'll have a brief look."

"Okay." Lin Wen said.

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