The two of them chose such a remote place with this kind of thought in mind, and Lin Wen didn't feel any surprise.

After speaking, Lin Qi took out a Poke Ball and threw it out!

After a flash of light, a elf appeared in place!

Ivy Snake!

The first elf released by Lin Qi!It is his favorite and most powerful elf, the ivy snake!

Lord-level ivy snake!

You must know that in this carnival competition, Qingteng Snake has shown its strength well, defeated many opponents, and its strength is very strong.

"This is the ivy snake." Lin Qi said, "As for its origin, brother, you also know..."

Lin Wen smiled lightly.

He naturally understood, because this ivy snake was the first elf he captured for Lin Qi at the time!

After the ivy snake was first captured by Lin Wen, he handed it over to Lin Qi. Lin Qi cultivated it all the way, and now it has become very powerful!

If it hadn't appeared in the carnival competition, Lin Wen wouldn't even know that this ivy snake had been promoted to a lord-level elf by Lin Qi!

Very powerful!

You must know that Lin Qi is not the first group of players to enter the game. When she entered the game, many players had already started to develop. Ranking in the top [-] in the carnival competition undoubtedly proves how talented Lin Qi is in this game!

After releasing the ivy snake, Lin Qi explained the attribute skills of the ivy snake to Lin Wen!

Except at the beginning, when the ivy snake was handed over to Lin Qi, Lin Wen had a certain understanding of the ivy snake. When it came to the back, it was all Lin Qi who was cultivating it, and Lin Wen didn't know anything about it. I don't understand!

Therefore, when Lin Qi introduced the ivy snake, Lin Wen listened very seriously, and carefully remembered the attributes of the ivy snake in his heart!

Soon, the properties of the ivy snake were conveyed!

Afterwards, Lin Qi took out the other two Poké Balls and released two Pokémon!

These two elves are the other two elves of Lin Qi!

As early as in the carnival competition, these two elves had fought, but compared to the ivy snake, their limelight was undoubtedly obscured a lot!

Two elves that tend to be supportive!

With the flash of light, two elves appeared next to them!

Sun Elf and Shanaido!

Two super power elves!

In the qualifying match of the Carnival Competition, although Lin Qi's main force was the Ivy Snake, his ability to reach the top twenty-four was no different from the support of these two elves!

Lin Wen nodded secretly, some ideas had already appeared in his heart!

Afterwards, Lin Qi gave Lin Wen the attribute panel of the Sun Elf and Shanaido to watch, and briefly described it next to him!

After checking the skill panel, Lin Wen immediately determined that these two elves were following the auxiliary route!

The sun elf follows the famous special effect resistance transfer flow in the forum. This genre was originally started by Qianxia's battle in Orudelang City. It has been known by countless players and learned to imitate and use it, thus becoming popular throughout the elf. century!

Undoubtedly one of the most effective and powerful genres!

It can be seen from this that Lin Qi is obviously not the kind of player who works behind closed doors, but will often visit forums and other places where players communicate, and learn from other players to improve their strength!

And the other one, Shanaido, took the route of hypnotizing the mind to interfere with the moonburst!

It is also an elves that tend to be auxiliary!

Players, after all, when they have the main combat power elves, they will also cultivate one or two auxiliary route elves. Lin Qi is obviously in this state!

Facts have proved that not every Shanai Duo is the same as Lin Wen's own Shanai Duo. He is addicted to the output and cannot extricate himself. As a goblin super-type elf, Shanai Duo can also play a great role if he takes the auxiliary route, which should not be underestimated. !

After all, the output route of the elves and the auxiliary routes are an indispensable part of the elves. Both need to be owned, but which route to take obviously depends on the player's own considerations!

Soon, Lin Wen had a certain understanding of the attributes of the two elves, and he knew it! 0.2

The only regret is that the Sun Elf and Shanaido are only boss-level elves, not lord-level elves like Ivy Snake!

However, this is also innocuous!

At present, the lord-level elves in the hands of players are still very limited. Even the players who have lord-level elves, I am afraid that except for a few people, there is only one lord-level elves. Lin Qi's strength is strong enough!

These two elves are boss-level elves, and they are enough when facing ordinary players!

You must know that the doubles game is not just a battle of Lin Qi alone, Lin Wen and Lin Qi will fight side by side, and the superposition of the strengths of the two is their final combat effectiveness! ........

Chapter nine hundred and ninety third debut

After both sides had a certain understanding of each other's elf attribute skills, the two immediately began to discuss tactics!

Doubles matches undoubtedly have very strict requirements for tactics!Implementing a good tactic can definitely give the opponent a big surprise in doubles matches!

All, Lin Wen and Lin Qi are discussing very seriously!

By combining the elf skills of both of them for tactical settings, the two discussed very seriously.


For the next three days, Lin Wen and Lin Qi were basically inseparable, on and off the game!

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