How could the two young people who tasted the forbidden fruit for the first time resist that kind of temptation?

At the same time, in the game, the two will discuss the tactics very seriously. Although the doubles match is more inclined to entertainment 18 events, there will also be experts involved. In this case, Lin Wen If He Lin Qi wants to gain a good reputation, or even a championship, he naturally needs serious preparations!

As far as Lin Wen himself is concerned, if he doesn't participate, that's fine. Since he participated in the doubles competition, he naturally wants to come back with a champion!

Therefore, when the two are in the game, they are also very close, but most of the time they are not talking about love, but discussing and setting up various tactics based on their own elf attribute skills!

It has to be said that both of them are masters in the game!Suggestions from each other emerged one by one, sparks collided, and after three days, Lin Wen and Lin Qi could be said to have developed several sets of tactics!

Call them elf combos rather than tactics!

The elf combination between Lin Wen and Lin Qi!

After three days, the two discussed three elf combinations!

Three days have passed in the blink of an eye.

During these three days, many players signed up for the doubles match.

Players are still very enthusiastic about the competition. Although the singles competition has ended, the doubles competition is also a place to show their strength. Therefore, many players have formed teams to sign up and participate in the doubles competition. , I hope to get a good ranking!

And as time comes to today, along with the time to twelve noon, the carnival competition, the doubles competition, finally begins!

Although the number of registrations for the entire doubles competition is much lower than the number of registrations for the previous singles competition, it is also a terrifying number!

After all, there are generally three possibilities for signing up for a doubles match. One is a couple who are together. Facing a doubles match where they can show their affection and spread dog food, they will naturally come to participate!

The other is a good friend who has a close relationship. How do you say that?The opposite sex is only true love for the sake of giving birth to the same sex. In this era, it has become a trend to engage in a base, and GAY is GAY!

The last type is a team that is temporarily formed together. Although this kind of team seems to be a temporary team, the tacit understanding is not very sufficient, but their strength should not be underestimated!

This kind of temporary team usually only wants to get the rewards of the doubles competition, and because of this, they are often the masters of the players!Has a certain strength as a background!

Otherwise, how can they have the confidence to come and participate?

This is basically the specific situation of the many players who came to participate in the carnival competition and doubles competition!

With the time coming after twelve o'clock, the first batch of games is about to start!


In this doubles competition, the competitions in each region are played separately. First, the top ten players from each region will be competed, and then the final competition will be held in the venues where the qualifying competition is held before entering!

And Lin Wen and Lin Qi are undoubtedly participating in the competition in the Guandu area!

Before the time came to twelve o'clock, the two had already arrived at the competition venue!

At this time, countless players have gathered in the competition venue!

Among them, some are players who come to participate in the game, and some are players who come here to watch the battle!

I saw that there were ten arenas in a row on the field of Nuoda, and this was the place where the battles took place, and ten groups of players were fighting at the same time!

With the sound of the system, the doubles battle finally begins!

In the ten arenas, players have already boarded!

Compared with the singles match, the doubles match is undoubtedly more exciting in a certain aspect. After all, the skill coordination between the two elves is undoubtedly a very eye-catching place. Two very weak skills, but in two elves. After cooperation, it may play a huge role!

Moreover, a total of four elves are fighting in the field, and the effect and momentum are very beautiful and shocking!

On the field, ten arena matches are going on at the same time!

167 Lin Wen and Lin Qi chose a corner among the players. While watching the battle in the ring, they were also waiting for their battle to come!

The carnival competition is still going on, but Lin Wen did not dare to openly expose it to the players, so he could only find a corner and prepare to wait for a while and leave immediately after the game is over!

In the arena, the battles are going on in an orderly manner!

Long before the start of the doubles match, the participating players have already obtained their own arena and their serial numbers!

The arena where Lin Wen and Lin Qi are located is the second arena!

Therefore, the place where the two are staying is very close to the No. [-] Forum!

With the end of a battle on the second arena, the system's advertisement sounded, listening to the same serial number as himself, Lin Wen and Lin Qi looked at each other, and then quickly walked towards the arena!

They walked very fast, and in the blink of an eye, they had already reached the ring!

And at this moment, the players who have been paying attention to the second ring suddenly noticed Lin Wen and Lin Qi!

He glanced at it carefully, and then suddenly surprised: "Isn't this the heart of Yang Yan?".

Nine hundred and ninetieth chapters do not stay alive

"Heart of Yang Yan?"

"Fuck? God Yang Yan also participated in the doubles match?"

"Isn't it? God Yang Yan is here too?"

"Where is the Great God of Yang Yan? Where is it?"

An exclamation suddenly caused the response of countless players around!

The qualifying competition has just ended three days ago, and the popularity has not yet passed. As the champion of the qualifying competition, Yang Yanxin has become an idol in the eyes of most players. Now I heard that Yang Yanxin actually came to participate. After the doubles match, I was a little excited and started to look for it!

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