Then, suddenly shot!

Flying Leaf Knife!

Then, the turbulent blade shot straight at the attacking vine whip!

On the other side, the vine whip of the wonderful frog flower is shooting directly at the ivy snake, trying to control it!

However, when the vine whip was not close to the ivy snake, it was hit by the surging flying leaf knife!

Almost instantly, with the sound of swishing, the whole thing was cut into sections!

The power of the ivy snake's flying leaf blade is not something that can be easily ignored!

At the same time (bibc), the Flying Leaf Knife did not stop there. After cutting the vine whip, it attacked the originator of the vine whip, the wonderful frog flower!

Although she is a grass-type elf, and she is still an elf with a strong defense, such as the elf with strong defense, facing the opposite side, the lord-level ivy snake did not dare to ignore a few pages. , Fengyun, after seeing this scene, hurriedly opened his mouth and commanded: "Miaohuahua, use the Flying Leaf Knife!"

Same skill!

The skill release speed of the wonderful frog flower is very fast, almost in the blink of an eye, the Flying Leaf Knife has been released, and then, it meets the Flying Leaf Knife of the Ivy Snake!

Ye Blades clashed in the air, making a sonorous sound!

This is an extremely shocking scene!

In the blink of an eye, the attack of the Flying Leaf Knife has been completed!

The strength of the two elves has been reflected!

I saw that after the leaf blades generated by the Flying Leaf Knife skill released by Wonderful Frog Flower were shot down one after another, the Flying Leaf Knife Skill on the side of Qingteng Snake still had a lot of leaf blades!

This is because of strength reasons, reflected in the gap in skills!

The gap between the lord level and the boss level!

I saw no hesitation in the remaining Flying Leaf Knife. After defeating the Flying Leaf Knife Skill of Miao Frog, the turbulent attacked Miao Frog again!

The defeat is only in an instant. At this time, the wonderful frog flower has no time to react, and there is no way to avoid it!

Then, it was attacked by the surging flying blade knife!

The sound of smashing the air rang out!

As a grass-type elf, Miaohuahua has a high resistance to grass-type skills such as Flying Leaf Knife. However, it is only a boss-level elf after all, but its opponent is a lord-level elf. Elf!Under such circumstances, when the turbulent flying leaf knife slashed, the wonderful frog flower suddenly showed a rather painful expression!

In the first round of confrontation, it can be said that when Miaohuahua faced the lord-level ivy snake, it can be said to be a complete defeat, being restrained everywhere, and there is no chance of resistance at all!

This is the huge gap between the lord-level elves and the boss-level elves!

The most important place in the wizard century is the template!

The template represents the potential gap of an elf. An elf with a high template and an elf run by Dimo, in the same level of battle, can only be crushed!

This is the difference in strength!

What's more, after being carefully cultivated by Lin Qi, the level of this ivy snake is not low at all!Not afraid of any battle at all!


another side!

When the ivy snake and the wonderful frog flower were in a confrontation, the leaf spirit also launched an action!

Sun Beam Skill!

One of the most powerful long-range single skills of Leaf Elf!

To know!

At the very beginning of the battle, Ivy Snake had already activated the ability to change the weather!Sunny day!

At this time, the current weather is sunny!

In this weather, the sun beam, a skill that requires charging, can be released directly without charging!

With the sound of Lin Wen's command, Ye Elf immediately began to act!

Almost instantly, the sun beam has been condensed, and then vented out!

Its goal is clear, pointing directly at the freezing light skill of the white sea lion attacking the ivy snake!

That's the beauty of doubles matches!

Two sprites can besiege one sprite at the same time!But in the same way, they can also clear the siege with each other, and there is a certain cooperation!

The speed of the solar beam is extremely fast, and it has caught up later, even surpassing the speed of the freezing beam!

In this case, before the freezing light hit the ivy snake, the leaf elf's sun beam had already hit!


Suddenly, two skills bombarded!

Suddenly there was a deafening sound!

To the players watching the battle in the battlefield, quietly watching this scene, ready to see what will happen next!


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