PS: Before you know it, it's already the thousandth chapter!Thanks for your support all the way!Sprinkle~ Sprinkle~.

Chapter 1001 The crushing of two lords

The next moment, the two skills bombarded together!

The sun beam that contains the sun, and the freezing light that contains the cold current!

Hot and cold clash!

I saw that after the two skills were bombarded together, after holding steady for three seconds, they suddenly burst!

I saw that the cold current of the freezing light was suddenly broken by the sun beam!Then, the sun beam moved towards the place where the freezing light attacked, and the body of the white sea lion slammed into it!

The sun beam is not only very powerful, but also the ballistic speed of the skill is almost comparable to that of the skill. If the only disadvantage is that this skill needs to be charged, it gives many opponents a chance!

However, because of the weather changes brought about by this Sunny Day skill, the last weakness of the Sun Beam has also been erased!

There is no need to charge any power at all. Under the sunny weather, the sun beam becomes a smooth hair skill!

However, the power of the sun beam has not been weakened in any way!

After blasting the freezing light, the sun beam attacked the white sea lion in an instant, and in the blink of an eye, it came to the front of the white sea lion!

The speed of Sun Beam's skills is terrifyingly fast!

The owner of the white sea lion, Hei Ye realized something was wrong the moment he saw the freezing light released by the white sea lion being broken. However, the speed at which his command sound was conveyed was still a step slower, just as he was about to command the white sea lion. When it is time to dodge or use some defensive skills, the sun beam has arrived!

The next second, the bombardment hit the white sea lion!

Very powerful solar beam skill!

Although compared to the boss-level elves, most of the lord-level elves are invincible, except for a few powerful and terrible boss-level elves, there is no boss-level elves that can defeat the lord-level elves!

After all, there are three, six, nine, and so on among the boss-level elves. Among them, the real top-level boss-level elves will not have the slightest fear when they encounter some weak lord-level elves, but will have the opportunity to create miracles!

Similarly, among the lord-level elves, there are also third- and sixth-level existences!

Ye Elves are undoubtedly the top elves among the lord-level elves!

After all, as an elf with a unique attribute in the elf century, this is the kind of treatment that many legendary elves have!Coupled with the careful cultivation of Lin Wen, it is definitely one of the most powerful elves in Lin Wen!Among the lord-level elves, it is rare to encounter opponents!

In contrast, at the other end, the white sea lion of the night, although it is also a lord-level elf, but!The combat power will be much weaker!

In the final analysis, this white sea lion belongs to the kind of elves that have broken away from the lowest level of the lord level, but cannot see the edge of the highest level!

This can be seen from the skills of the two elves.

The sun beam easily defeated the freezing beam, and then struck the white sea lion with a bang!

next second!

The white sea lion took the damage of the sun beam!

You must know that the power of the sun beam is very powerful. In the past, it could even be called the most powerful skill of Ye Elf!The power is very powerful!

And now, although the power of the solar beam has been attenuated to a certain extent due to the collision with the freezing light, the power of the solar beam is still terrible!

Simply unimaginable!

Just as the white sea lion was touched by the sun beam for the first time, it showed a painful expression, obviously suffering a very strong injury!

In the blink of an eye, the power of the sun beam was exhausted!

But on the body of the white sea lion, there was an obvious burn wound!

After all, the white sea lion is a lord-level elf, and its defense has been enhanced, far exceeding that of a leader-level elf. If this is a leader-level white sea lion, then under the attack of the sun beam of the leaf elf, it will be instantly killed. maybe!

After all, the power of this skill is far beyond imagination!

The four elves fought on the ring!

The players below watched this scene quietly, and they couldn't help but exclaim when they saw that Bai Haishi and Miaowahua were both injured!

"As expected of the team of the Great God of Yang Yan, the opponent was at a disadvantage from the very beginning!"

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"That's right! These are two lord-level elves. Although the white sea lion on the other side is also a lord-level elves, they can't be compared with Ye Elf at all. They were caught in a passive state from the beginning!"

"It's not a level opponent at all!"

"My heart hurts, I'm about to go to the World Championships, and I met the Great God of Yang Yan!"

"I feel distressed plus one, Yang Yan's team is definitely a strong contender for this doubles championship!"

"That's right! After all, not every team can come up with a combination of two lords! Likewise, not every team has a ranking champion like the Heart of Yang Yan!"

After Lin Wen and Lin Qi gained an initial advantage, the players below immediately started a heated discussion!

In order to influence the players to fight, in addition to the initial cheering sound, after the battle starts, the players' conversation voices will not be heard by both sides in the ring, but will be blocked!

Therefore, Lin Wen Lin Qi in the ring, and the two players on the opposite side could not hear the voices of discussion below at all!

Otherwise, if you hear the discussion sounds of the players below, it is estimated that Hei Ye and Fengyun will be depressed again!

After all, among almost all players, no one is optimistic about them, and they all feel that it is a pity for them to meet the team of the Heart of Yang Yan!

After all, there is a lord-level elf in the team of the two, which is a good configuration for doubles competitions that are mainly for entertainment events!

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