Now, after seeing this lineup, players have wondered why Lin Wen chose this lineup!

Not just players!

Even on the other side, the gold coins and ingots on the other podium, when they saw the two Shanai Duo released by Lin Wen and Lin Qi, they were a little puzzled for a while, and they didn't think about why the other party released these two elves!Very surprised!

After all, after knowing that their opponent turned out to be the heart of Yang Yan, the two searched for information about Lin Wen and Lin Qi very seriously.

After some analysis, the two also felt that the other party was most likely to bring out two lord-level elves to fight!

Among them, Lin Qi only has a lord-level ivy snake, which has almost been recognized by them as one of their opponents, while the heart of Yang Yan has multiple lord-level elves, and they can't be sure!

just now!

The Heart of Sunfire uses the lord-level Shanaido!

This is what they expected!


Lin Qi did not use the lord-level ivy snake as expected, but instead used a boss-level Shanaido!

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

This was undoubtedly a big surprise for the two of them, and they couldn't understand what Lin Wen and Lin Qi meant for a while!


As the four elves appeared, then the platforms in front of the podiums on both sides slowly fell down and landed on the ring!

There will be another stage in the Doubles World Championship, and terrain elements will be added. Now, there is only one battlefield, and that is the ring!

As the platform slowly fell, the four elves slowly landed on the ring!

Two Shanaido!

At the other end, there are the lord-level Emperor Nabo and the lord-level flame monkey!

Four elves stand in the ring!

Then, with the sound of the system, the battle officially started!

The moment the battle started, the gold coins and ingots on the other side began to command!

Emperor Nabo is the lord-level elf of Yuanbao, and gold coins are the lord-level elf of gold coins!

As the battle began, the voices of the two sounded one after another!

"Emperor Nabo, use foam light on that lord-level Shanaido!" The crisp voice of Yuanbao sounded, directing Emperor Nabo to attack!

She chose the initial attack target to Shanaido of Linwen!

Because, as long as anyone can see it, in this battle, the real main force of the opposing Yang Yan Heart team is this lord-level elf of Yang Yan Heart!

As long as this lord-level Shanaido can be defeated, the remaining boss-level elf will not have any resistance at all!

In this case, the primary target of Yuanbao's attack was on Shanai Duo of Linwen!

I saw the emperor Nabo snorted softly, and then, the surging foam attacked Shanaido!

This is the attack of a lord-level elf, the power is extremely powerful, and the speed is also fast!

On the other side, the command voice of the gold coins has also been transmitted!

"Flame monkey, use jet flame!"

With the command sound of the gold coin, the flaming monkey also quickly began to act! .

Chapter 1007 Super Shield

The surging flames spewed out and attacked Shanaido fiercely!

The power cannot be underestimated!

One fire and one fire!

The two elves attacked at the same time!

Powerful foam rays and jet flames attacked Shanaido at the same time!

The voices of the players on the scene gradually became silent. Watching the battle between the three lord-level elves in the field, I was quite excited, and I was ready to see what would happen next!

In this case, almost no one of the players watching the game made a sound. Noda's venue was quiet, watching the two turbulent skills attack Shanaido!

The speed of the two skills is fast, and in the blink of an eye, half the distance has been crossed!


"One Eighty Seven" At this moment, the two Shanaido hadn't responded yet!

This made the players below suddenly a little surprised!

"Why doesn't the Great God Yang Yan react?"

"That's right, there are two lord-level elves on the opposite side, and their skills are very powerful. Shanaido is a weak elves in terms of defense, but there is no way they can withstand a few times!"

"That's right!"

"The skills are getting closer!"

"Emperor Nabo of Yuanbao and Gold Coins and Flaming Monkey are not ordinary elves. As lord-level elves, their combat effectiveness can be said to be very terrifying. Does the Great God of Yang Yan really dare to let Shanai Duo face their attacks. Can't it?"

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