"Who knows?"

"It's unimaginable!"

Players, have made the voice of discussion!

After seeing the performance in the arena, they all expressed their thoughts!


at this time!

I saw that on the arena, the foam light skill and the jet flame skill had already crossed half the distance in the blink of an eye!

These two skills cannot be regarded as very powerful skills, at best they can be regarded as the more general skills of the two attributes, and their power is not the most powerful!

However, don't forget what the genie is that unleashes these two skills!

A flaming monkey!

An Emperor Nabo!

It is an elf with good potential itself, and now it has grown into a lord-level elf, with the same talent and strength!How can the skills released by such two elves be simple?

From the player's point of view, Shanaido is an elves with a slight disadvantage in defense, so after seeing the attack of Emperor Nabo and the Flaming Monkey getting closer and closer to Shanaido, he suddenly lost the idea of ​​continuing to watch!

at this time!

Lin Wen moved!

He opened his mouth and let out the command voice softly!

At the same time, on the podium, on the side of Lin Tattoo, Lin Qi, who was only a short distance away from Lin Wen, also spoke out his order!

"Shanaido, super shield!"

"Shanaido, put a super shield on it!"

The two command voices have been issued!

Almost as soon as the order was issued, the two Shanaido started to act!

Shanaido all mastered telepathy skills. The two Shanaido already understood what they meant before their respective masters spoke!

In this case, the skill is released almost instantly!

I saw a purple light flashing from the corner of Lin Wen's Shanaido's eyes, and then, his body was immediately wrapped in a thick super shield!

at the same time!

Lin Qi's Shanaido also took action!

It is a leader-level elf. In terms of strength, it is definitely the weakest of the four elves in the field, but it cannot be seen clearly because of this!

Because this Shanaido itself is not a main battle Shanaido, a goblin blood Shanaido, but a natural auxiliary elf, not everyone will cultivate Shanaido into a main output force like Lin Wen. , cultivating Shanaido into a mobile fort!

Lin Qi's Shanaido is obviously like this!

As a Shanai Duo, it did not choose to go the same route as Lin Wen's Shanai Duo, but chose to become an elf that prefers to assist, with unique accomplishments in assisting!

As an assistant, not a main battle elf, this makes this 2v2, on the surface, the balance seems to be falling towards Lin Wen's side!

Just when Lin Wen's Shanai Duo started to act and put a layer of explained super shield for himself, Lin Qi's Shanai Duo, after getting the master's order, also started to act again!

I saw that it controlled a powerful super power and directly instilled it into the super shield of Lin Wen Shanai Duo!

For a time, the light of the super shield shines!

The purple light was flickering constantly, the super shield suddenly thickened, and the defense doubled!

This scene left the spectators stunned!

They thought that Shanaido of the Heart of Yang Yan was going to be hit by this attack, but they didn't expect this to happen again!Incredible!

I saw that in the arena, the super shield on Shanaido's body flashed with dazzling light, and it was very powerful just by looking at it, which shows that its defense is terrifying!

At the very beginning, the super shield that Lin Wen had seen was on Chao Meng, who was taken away by the sea god Lugia!

Chao Meng's super shield can be described as extremely powerful!

At that time, on the third floor of Team Rocket Base, when fighting with Mewtwo at 0.8, Mewtwo's super shield can be said to have had a very powerful contest with its own elves, and it was finally quite difficult to defeat it. The super shield was broken, but that was indeed a result that Shanaido got after overdrawing his body!

"But...now............" Lin Wen's mind flashed a thought. With his current strength, I am afraid that if he encounters Chaomeng who was taken away by the God of the Sea, if his strength does not If there is any improvement, then Lin Wen has great confidence and can successfully defeat it!

And now, Shanaido's super shield is ready!

In addition, there is Lin Qi's Shanaido next to him as a backing, which enhances the power of the super shield!

In this case, the super shield on Shanaido has definitely come to the most powerful point! .

Chapter 1008 Incredible Defense

I saw that the deep purple light flickered around Shanaido, forming an almost physical super shield!

the other side!

It's too late to say it, although it takes so long to say, but all this happened in an instant!

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