Not pulling!

The bathroom door was locked from the inside!

However, the resulting sound successfully alarmed Lin Qi who was taking a shower in the bathroom, and Lin Qi's soft and weak voice came from inside: "Who is it?"

"It's me..." Lin Wen whispered.

"Ah? Brother?"

Lin Qi in the bathroom was surprised, and his voice subconsciously softened: "What are you doing here..."

"I..." Lin Wen hesitated for a while, then said, "Can I go in?"

The flames within the body continued to rise, almost burning Lin Wen's body completely!

Hearing Lin Wen's question, Lin Qi's face in the bathroom subconsciously turned red, and her face was even more rosy because of the hot water, and her voice was not as low as a mosquito's cry, and said softly: "Brother... that way. Not so good……"

"Oh. ........."

Lin Wen softly agreed. Because of Lin Qi's refusal, the heat in his heart dissipated a little, and he said a little depressedly, "Okay then."

His depressed voice was clearly introduced into the bathroom, and Lin Qi in the bathroom heard it clearly!

Lin Qi's heart softened, and courage rose in her heart. She thought that everything she had belonged to the other party anyway. Thinking of this, her nervousness relaxed a little, and she looked at the doorknob not far away with her big eyes. Gather up your courage, turn it twice, and unlock the door!

Lin Wen, who just turned around, clearly heard the sound of unlocking the lock behind him!

His heart moved, and he turned back subconsciously!

As soon as he turned around, he heard a soft voice from inside the bathroom.

"Brother, come in..."

Lin Wen's heart was fiery, and then he slammed open the frosted glass door of the bathroom and stepped in!

Next, it's all under the hood!

The night passed quietly!


the next day.

Early in the morning, the entire Elf Century has become hot, and there is only one reason for everything, that is, today, it is the semi-finals of the doubles match of the Carnival Competition!

Final Four!

In the entire doubles competition, there are only the last four players left to compete for the final champion, runner-up, and third runner-up!

It can be said that each of these four players is an elite!

Fighting all the way, the three groups of players who came up, plus three consecutive rounds of byes, the team of the Heart of Yang Yan, known as the lucky son by the media players!

Because it is already a semi-final match, and only two battles are needed today, the doubles match did not start at [-]:[-] in the morning as usual!But when it was approaching twelve o'clock, the curtain was officially opened! .

Chapter 1018 Vibration

The battle has not yet started, and the participating players and spectators have not been teleported into the battle hall, but countless figures have appeared in the live broadcast room with a black screen!

The barrage was brushed into a piece, and it didn't stop for a minute!

"Deduct 1 to support the Great God of Yang Yan!"

"Support Susu Jiang's Deduction 1!"


"Why haven't you started yet?"

"I've already thanked the old man who was waiting, why don't we start?"

"I'm still waiting to see God Yang Yan torture people!"

"Wait to start!"

The battle has not yet started, but the live broadcast room has become extremely popular. Countless players have gathered here, wantonly launching barrages, and discussing the upcoming battle!

It's definitely a great vibe!


When the time came to twelve o'clock on the whole!

The semifinals of the doubles match has officially begun!

The screen in the live room finally lights up!

19 With the screen in the live broadcast room lit up, the players watching the live broadcast suddenly sent out countless 666s for support!

They have been looking forward to it for a long time!

The carnival competition and the semi-finals of the doubles competition are already an unattainable place for these players watching the live broadcast. If you want to get there all the way, in addition to your strength, luck is also very important, and you cannot tolerate it. A little negligence!

And the battle of the semi-finals will obviously be very exciting!

After seeing that the screen in the live broadcast room finally lit up, and the doubles match was finally about to start, the barrage suddenly became active again!

"It's finally time to start watching!"

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