"God Yang Yan, come on, show your strength!"

"God Yangyan, you are the best!"

"Support support! Come and watch the battle!"


at the same time!

With the time came twelve o'clock!

In the battle hall, there were flashes of light!

The auditorium was already full of people in just a few minutes, and the voices were full of people!

These are the players who came to watch the battle!

Different from the Ranked Battles, the Ranked Battles are drawn by the system. Money is not enough. You must be lucky enough to win the lottery and come to the scene to watch the game!

In contrast, the doubles match is completely different!

Players can purchase their own admission qualifications!So come and watch it live!

Of course, because the doubles competition is also very popular now, it can be said that it is difficult to get a ticket now. If you want to enter the battlefield to watch the death, the price you need to pay is not low!

The originally quiet venue suddenly became chaotic because of the appearance of countless audiences, and the sound was very harsh!

All kinds of conversations sounded in the entire battlefield!

"It's finally starting!"

"Fuck, I've waited for a long time, and finally it's time to start!"

"Baby is not happy, why don't you fight at [-] o'clock? It was changed to [-] o'clock, and these few hours have been tormenting me!"

"I want to watch the battle ah ah, God Yang Yan, come on!"

"I've been waiting for a long time. The team of the Great God of Yang Yan had three byes, and I didn't see him make a move in the three rounds!"

"Similarly, I look forward to the outstanding performance of Yang Yan!"

Just as the players were discussing, two players also appeared on the player seats in the battlefield!

Susu sauce and roses!

These two are a pair of combinations in this competition!

At the same time, it is also the only team that has been combined by two female players to make it all the way here!

Needless to say, Su Sujiang is one of the top six in the Carnival Qualifying Tournament, and her strength can be imagined. You must know that she is known as one of the unlucky players in the Qualifying Tournament. She is only a lord-level elf, and she is incomparably powerful!The strength is outstanding, but in the top six competition, he encountered the heart of Yang Yan!

Many players have even thought that even if Susu Sauce and the Carnival Competition ranked second in the qualifying battle and won the runner-up in the Hellfire battle, then the two might not necessarily be the winner!

After all, the specializations between the two are different!

But there is also a very important point!

That is, most players don't think Susu sauce will lose to Hellfire!

This means that many players think that Susu sauce has the strength of a champion, but unfortunately she encountered the heart of Yang Yan when she was in the top six. Although she is very strong, the opponent is obviously stronger, and it is precisely because This is what led to this result!Susu sauce stops in the top six!

However, even so, Susu sauce's performance in the qualifying match was perfect. She reached that step as a female player, and was sought after and loved by countless players, and because of her attractive appearance, Therefore, in the 880 ranking match, she has attracted a good wave of fans, and she has successfully changed from being well-known in the Carlos area to becoming such a certain fame in the entire Elf Century!

Therefore, this time, after Susu sauce came to participate in the doubles competition, it also attracted the attention of countless players!

Not to mention, her teammate is also a very beautiful girl, and her strength is not lost at all!

Simply unimaginable!

Her teammate, Qiangwei, is the vice president of the Scarlet Rose Guild and a good helper for Su Sujiang, so this time, the two of them came together to participate in the doubles match!

The appearance of the first group of players was immediately discovered by many players below. After realizing that all eyes were on her, Su Su Jiang shook her head and smiled, then nodded and greeted!

"Come on Susu sauce!"

"Miss Rose, come on too!"

"This is the only group of sisters in the top four. The two young ladies have to cheer up!"

"Oh, Goddess Susu smiled at me, no way, this baby can't stand it anymore!"


In the audience, cheers for cheering suddenly sounded!

This made the surrounding players feel a little shake! .

Chapter 1019

Afterwards, the business of the players who cheered became bigger and bigger, and it soon rang through the audience!

In this case, the players from the second group and the third group appeared in the player's seat one after another!

However, in comparison, the enthusiasm of the audience caused by their arrival is nothing compared to it!

After all, these two groups of players don't have any very well-known characters. At the same time, one group is two men, and the other group is a couple fighting directly. This kind of relationship makes the players not want to say more!

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