In contrast, Susu sauce and Rose are more attractive, so many players who love the game have joined it and supported it, which is very interesting!

The players on the field, the most supportive, is Susu sauce!

After all, the combination of the two beauties is much more attractive than other players, and there is no way for others to compare!

In this case, the first one to enter the battle arena, and after appearing on the player's seat, immediately attracted the attention of countless players and attracted everyone's support!

In contrast, although the other two groups of players are also very strong, in terms of popularity, compared with Su Sujiang and Qiangwei, Mo Chen naturally forgot, although there were also some in the audience for them. The sound of cheering, but, in comparison, compared with the cheering sound of Susu sauce and Rose, it is like being pressed at the bottom, there is absolutely no possibility of any comparison!

Not only the scene, but several groups of players accompanied by the semi-finals appeared in the player's seat one after another. After the camera in the live broadcast room was aimed at the player's seat, the players in the live broadcast room also refined your team for themselves. Come on!

However, the combination of Susu sauce and Rose still wins!

The combination of two girls is really too big!

After all, most of the players watching the live broadcast are male players, and there are far fewer female players. These male players must prefer more girls!

In contrast, the combination of two boys may attract some fans of girls who adore masters, but there are definitely not many men who like them. After all, not every straight male player likes to be gay!


Another pair that has already appeared in the Battlefield Pavilion is a couple of a man and a woman. It seems to be both, and fans of both should be attracted, but in fact it is!

You must know that there are quite a few single dogs among the players watching the battle!

Damn, couples participating in the competition are undoubtedly throwing dog food in front of the players!

As a single dog player, it's good if you don't start spraying. You expect him to cheer for you and become your fan?Isn't that a joke!

In this case, Susu sauce and Qiangwei have become one of the most supported combinations by the players, and it looks like they will become the uncrowned king!

Just at this time!

Many players at the scene shouted the names of Susu sauce and Rose, and the barrage was also supporting Susu sauce and other words!

On the player's seat where the camera was aimed, two more figures suddenly appeared!

The light flashed, and two figures appeared in place!

For a time, the audience in the battlefield and the audience in the live broadcast room saw these two figures!

The first time they saw these two figures, the player's wind direction changed greatly!

As if they were speaking in unison, the players in the Battle Arena suddenly made the same cry!

"God Yangyan, come on~〃!"

"God Yangyan, come on!"

"God Yangyan, you finally appeared!"

"Damn it, waiting for the dead baby! I finally waited for you to show up!"

The players who appeared in the player's seat were Lin Wen and Lin Qi!

The two were already online in the game early in the morning. After receiving the invitation reminder from the system, they chose to enter after a short delay. Therefore, they also became the top four players, and the last group arrived at the opposing battlefield. player!

Just came to the battlefield, Lin Wen and Lin Qi have not recovered, they heard the overwhelming cheers from the surrounding!

These voices helped Lin Wen cheer, and similarly, there were also those who helped Lin Qi!

Although Lin Qi's strength is slightly less than Susu sauce, she is a female player after all, and she is also a female player who has reached the top [-], and she also has a lot of fans!

Not to mention, in the doubles match, she and Lin Wen formed a team, and more players knew about her, thus attracting more fans!

In this case, there are also many players who support Lin Qi!

In the entire Battle Arena, after Lin Wen and Lin Qi appeared, the wind direction changed a bit. Although there were still many players who were unwavering and still shouting the names of Susu Jiang and Qiangwei, there were also many players who temporarily changed positions. , After seeing Lin Wen and Lin Qi appear, they immediately became their diehard fans, shouting and cheering for them!

This is where the Heart of Sunfire is terrifying in this game!

As one of the players who emerged in the Elf Century at the beginning of the game, the name of Heart of Yang Yan has always been active in the ears of players, and it has attracted many, countless, and various regions. Player lock sought after!

And in the carnival competition, it reached a climax!

Whether it is the lucky number of byes that makes people feel terrifying, the strength displayed, and the status of winning the championship of the qualifying battle, it has made Yang Yanxin's fans countless more!

After all, the Carnival Competition is one of the first world competitions in the Elf Century. It has received the participation of all players, and its influence is not comparable to those of the previous small battle competitions!

In this case, players who used to be fans of Yangyan Heart have become more like Yangyan Hearts fans and become die-hard fans of Yangyan Hearts, while players who were once fans of Yangyan Hearts are passers-by players. We, after seeing the performance of Yang Yan Xin in the carnival competition, suddenly became fond of Yang Yan Xin and became his fans! .

Chapter 1020 Lottery

and so!

at this time!

When the two girls, Susu Jiang and Qiangwei, crushed the other two groups of players, the appearance of Lin Wen and Lin Qi successfully brought the situation back. Countless players on the scene were still shouting before. The name of Susu sauce, but the moment Lin Wen and Lin Qi appeared, they immediately changed their formation and turned to support the heart of Yang Yan!

All kinds of them are thought-provoking!

It's not just the scene that has changed!

In the live broadcast room, along with the players' seats on the screen of the live broadcast room, after the two new figures appeared, the barrage in the live broadcast room suddenly changed!

Before, most of the barrages supported Susu sauce, etc. After all, as the female player with the highest ranking in the qualifying competition, this time she broke into the top four of the carnival doubles competition. Susu sauce's The crowd is huge!

However, now, for the players who support, the collective barrage has changed!

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