She doesn't need to control the ivy snake to defeat Meloetta directly, she just needs to control it and let the leaf elf have enough time!

The vine whip shot out in an instant and attacked in front of Meloetta!

On the other side, Ye Elf's speed was very fast, and the whole body turned into a green streamer. In just 370 hours in the blink of an eye, he had already crossed nearly half of the arena distance, and he was about to hit Briccaron in front of him!

Because Ye Elf was not injured by the sun beam, Qiangwei was a little confused and puzzled from the beginning, and her reaction was inevitably slower. Now, when Ye Elf was about to attack her, she suddenly recovered. !

"Caribron, use the Flying Leaf Knife, and stop me the footsteps of the Leaf Elf!"

Subconsciously, Qiangwei directed Briccaron to launch an attack!

The sharp leaf blade condensed in an instant, and then vented towards the leaf spirit!

Swish swish swish swish!

Countless piercing voices sounded!

After all, it is a lord-level elves. At this time, the power of the flying leaf blade is very amazing. Countless blade blades swept towards the leaf elves in his sky. In terms of power, it is already a powerful enough to be almost irresistible. skills!

The speed of the Flying Leaf Knife is extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, it has already crossed a huge distance and attacked Ye Elf!

Lin Wen's eyes narrowed slightly!

Immediately, he said: "Ye Elf, don't worry about the Flying Leaf Knife, and continue to move towards Briccaron!".

Chapter 1034 Close combat?

Ye Elf snorted softly, without fear, and continued to move forward!

Countless blade blades have already struck!

Although through the explanation of the commentary, most players already know that the reason why this leaf elf was not injured by the sun beam is because it is immune to grass-type skills!

But at this time, seeing this overwhelming leaf blade, the powerful flying leaf knife, there are still countless players, and I wiped a cold sweat for the leaf spirit in my heart!

After all, that's just one side of the commentary, and no one knows the real situation!

What's more, even if the Leaf Elf is really immune to grass-type skills, this powerful Flying Leaf Knife can still give people a lot of pressure!

This is inevitable!

Ye Elf goes forward!

In the next second, countless leaf blades attacked Ye Elf!

The speed is unimaginable!

Flying Leaf Knife!

Then, a scene that shocked Qiangwei appeared!

I saw that the blade blade, which was originally made very sharp because it was infused with grass-type energy, seemed to be drained of all energy the first time it came into contact with the leaf spirit, and lost all energy one after another. Ordinary leaves fell to the ground!

The Flying Leaf Knife is useless!

The countless flying leaf knives seem to be swept away towards the leaf spirit with threatening momentum. However, the first time I came into contact with it, it seemed to have no power. It changed from the sharp blade to the most ordinary one. The leaves fell to the ground!

As if the body was hollowed out!

The Flying Leaf Knife, once again did not cause any damage to the Leaf Elf!

Rose was completely stunned!

When the sun beam did not cause any damage to the Leaf Elf, Qiangwei was already very shocked. Now, when the Flying Leaf Knife is facing the Leaf Elf, it has no effect again, which completely made the girl a little dumbfounded. I don't quite understand what is the reason for this!

the other side!

When Ye Elf and Briccaron were fighting, Susu Jiang was also commanding Meloetta!

I saw that the green vine snake on the opposite side suddenly shot two thick vine whips towards Meloetta!

"Meloetta, get out of the way!"

Susu sauce's calm voice came out!

As a battle-hardened player, she naturally won't let Meloetta fall into control, so that the other party can seize the opportunity!

at the same time!

While directing Meloetta to carry out operations, it was also observing the situation here, and when it saw the Flying Leaf Knife, it did not cause any damage to the Leaf Elf!On the contrary, after the attack directly lost its effect, Su Su Jiang's brows inadvertently wrinkled!

Thoughts flashed through her mind, and she suddenly said, "Rose, don't use grass-type skills!"


Qiangwei, who was in a dazed state, responded subconsciously!

Then, Susu sauce's voice entered her ears!

"This leaf elf is likely to be immune to grass-type skills, so your Bricaron's sun beam and flying leaf knife did not cause any damage to it!"

A word to wake up the dreamer!

As the vice president of Scarlet Rose, Qiangwei is naturally not a female vase player who has not seen the world. On the contrary, she has also experienced many battles!

However, because this matter is too strange, the two skills of her elf did not cause any damage to the opponent, and Qiangwei had never been exposed to a similar situation before, so she could not react!

Now that I heard Su Su Jiang's explanation, Qiangwei wanted to understand everything almost instantly!

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