And this time!The leaf elf's body was shuttled fast in the forest, and it was getting closer and closer to Brikalon!

Qiangwei bites her silver teeth: "Since grass-type skills don't work for you, then... Briccaron, use Earthquake!"

Accompanied by Rose's command voice, Bricaron moved in an instant!

I saw that its slightly huge body strength condensed, and then, it suddenly stomped down!


A loud voice sounded!

At the moment when Brikaron launched the attack, the ground suddenly exploded, destroying the forest terrain. With it as the center, the ground in the surrounding area suddenly burst, and the gravel splashed!

Earthquake Skills!

Since grass-based skills can't hurt you, use other skills. Bricaron is not an elf with grass-based skills!

This is Rose's first thought!

So, at the first moment, she commanded Briccaron and used the earthquake skill!

The power is very powerful!

In the surrounding area, it cracked in an instant, blasting the entire ground!

After all, this is the attack of a lord-level elf, and the power is unimaginable!

at this time!

After the rapid attack, the Leaf Elf was in this area!

The moment he saw the earthquake spread outside, Lin Wen's command voice came out: "." Ye Elf, jump high! Attack Bri Kalong and use the mysterious sword directly!"

Lin Wen's command voice just fell!

The ground under Ye Elf's feet, because of the moment when Briccaron's earthquake skills exploded, Ye Elf kicked his hind legs and jumped forward abruptly!

Its body turned into a green streamer!

at the same time!

The single horn on the forehead shines brightly!

The rich grass-type energy has been gathered!

(Get Li's) I saw that the single horn on Ye Elf's forehead suddenly stretched and widened, and the powerful power contained in it, and the lightsaber appeared!

Draw your sword!

With the inertia of the forward jump, Ye Elf charged up his whole body, and in mid-air, he suddenly attacked Briccaron!

another side!

After knowing the reason why Ye Elf didn't get any damage, Qiangwei returned to her usual calm. At this time, after seeing Ye Elf's desperate attack method, fighting intent flashed in Qiangwei's eyes!

Did you choose close combat?

To know!

My Bricaron is an elf with this fighting attribute!

In close combat, I'm not afraid of you!

The thoughts in my heart flashed in an instant, and Qiangwei's command voice came out!

"Brikaron, head on, use the spiked hammer!".

1035 Collision

The audience at the scene gradually quieted down, and everyone could expect that in the next second, these two grass-type lord-level elves will have the most essential head-on collision!

This kind of battle undoubtedly makes the players the most excited and the most bloody!

Everyone's eyes are concentrated here, and they don't even dare to blink, for fear of missing some wonderful plot!

"Meloetta, transform into a dance pose!"

Susu Jiang's voice suddenly came out, and then, Meloetta's figure transformed into a dance posture!

"Quickly rush to Briccaron's side and help it deal with the leaf elves together!"

Susu sauce's order was issued quickly!

In a doubles match, all you need is cooperation. The two elves are fighting each other. This is obviously not going to work. Therefore, Susu Jiang has been thinking about letting Meloetta help Briccaron quickly!


Just as Meloetta made a move, Lin Wen, who was on the opposite side, directed the Ivy Snake to block it!

Vine whip, leaf blade, etc...

Grass-type elf is one of the elf attributes with more than 987 points of control skills!In this case, facing the single-mindedness that stopped you, I never thought that the player of the same level as you, Qingteng Snake, even though Meloetta's strength is very strong, but there is no version, only Dragged here by the ivy snake!

Susu Jiang's eyes have been on the other side, above the battle scene between Ye Elf and Bri Caron, and she wants to let Meloetta rush over, help Bri Caron, and defeat Ye Elf together!

After all, Susu Jiang had fought against Lin Wen in the qualifying competition. It was because of this that she knew more about how powerful this man was. The elves in the past, forming two-on-one for the leaf elves!


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