This is a doubles match after all!

Qiangwei has Susu sauce as her opponent, Lin Wen, and Lin Qi as her opponent!

Lin Qi, is not a dragging oil bottle!

Compared to Su Su sauce, Lin Qi is extremely confident in Lin Wen and his brother!

She firmly believed that as long as she held off Susu sauce, it was only a matter of time before her brother defeated Qiangwei's Briccaron!

Therefore, this girl only thought about dragging Meloetta, and she never thought about fighting the opponent head-on. It can be said that Susu Jiang has a headache!


another side!

Just when Susu Jiang and Lin Qi were anxiously together, the two elves, Ye Elf and Bri Kalong, had already started a head-to-head confrontation!

On the one hand, it is the leaf elves that swooped in!

The holy sword on the forehead shone brightly, and a sword came from the west!

On the other side, is Briccaron with fierce light flashing on his fists!

As a lord-level elf with both grass and fighting attributes, Caribron never felt that his melee combat would be weaker than anyone else!

It is ready to face the attack of the leaf elves!

In the blink of an eye!

Just the next second!

The two elves suddenly collided!

Mystic Sword vs Spiked Hammer!

The thorn hammer is the hammer attack that Bricaron uses his two arms full of thorns to attack. The power is very amazing!

The two elves suddenly collided!

It was obviously just a physical collision, but at the moment when the two elves collided, there was a deafening loud noise!

All the players at the scene were quiet, watching these two powerful lord-level elves collide, wanting to see who can gain the upper hand!

(bjah) Fist versus lightsaber!

The collision of powerful skills!

At this time, the ground was still full of potholes because of the aftermath of the previous Briccaron earthquake skills!

However, the Leaf Elf had already fallen to the ground!


The chirping sounded!

Ye Elf's forehead suddenly lifted!

An incomparably powerful force erupted!

I saw that Bri Kalong, whose fists were caught on the horn of the leaf elf, was suddenly overturned!


You know, in terms of body size, Bri Kalong is much bigger than the Leaf Elf!

However, just now, under the gaze of countless people, such a truly amazing thing happened!

Bri Caron was suddenly overturned by the Leaf Elf!

At the moment of seeing this scene, countless players have already understood everything in their hearts!

In the previous collision, it was obviously Ye Elf who had the upper hand!

Ye Elf's mysterious sword skills, no one can stop the power!

"Bri Caron!"

At the moment when Briccaron was overturned, Qiangwei couldn't help shouting with some worry!

On the ring, Bri Caron was directly overturned, gasping for breath. Obviously, the previous collision had caused him a lot of damage!

Beat up the drowning dog!

This is a battle, this is a competition, and Lin Wen will not give any relationship to the opponent. At the moment when Bri Caron was overturned, his next command was already conveyed!

"Leaf Elf, use a million wooden horns to strike!"


The rich grass-type energy condensed on the single horn in an instant, and the single horn that had been restored to dullness due to the dispersal of the previous mysterious sword power was erected again!

As the rays of light flickered, the unicorn stood proudly, the rich grass-type energy gathered in it, and the surrounding air was even trembling!

"Briccaron, get out of the way!"

Rose cried anxiously!

Bricaron, who was overturned on the ground, obviously also sensed the crisis and struggled to dodge!

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