
How could Ye Elf give it such a chance?

In the moving forest, Ye Elf is the real king. With the speed that no one can match, he can achieve almost incomparable!

In this case, although Bricaron struggled to avoid it, it was obviously just useless!

It was just a flash of his body, and then, the leaf elf disappeared in place, and in the blink of an eye, he appeared beside Briccaron!

Afterwards, Ye Elf did not show the slightest sympathy, and struck down with a million wooden horns! .

Chapter 1036 Tian Ji's Horse Racing


At the moment when the unicorn touched Briccaron, a strong power burst out in an instant, causing unimaginable and powerful damage to Briccaron!

Bri Caron, not Ye Jing~ling!

Leaf Elf can be directly immune to grass-type skills, but Bricaron can't do this. Facing the powerful force of Leaf Elf's millions of wooden horns, he doesn't even have the power to resist, and his body twitches. After a few clicks, and then - lost the ability to fight!

Bricaron, defeated!

The players at the scene fell silent, and they all quieted down!

They are all reminiscing about the battle process!

It's hard to imagine that Bricaron could be defeated in such a short period of time!

You must know that although Bricaron's grass-type skill attack did not cause damage to the leaf elves before, it was also a harmless thing, but now, the two lord-level elves have been divided into victory in a short period of time. burden!

This is an unimaginable thing!

Among the lord-level elves, there are also three, six, nine, and so on. Because of the different talent attributes, there is a gap!

There is no doubt that Ye Elf, the lord-level elves standing at the top of the wave, is very powerful, far beyond what other people can imagine!

In contrast, Bricaron's strength is not weak, but in the lord level elf, I am afraid it can be regarded as a medium level!

The gap is here!

The gap between top and middle!

It is precisely because of the existence of this gap that the two elves will decide the winner in a short period of time!

at the same time!

After thinking about it carefully, the players found that the result of Briccaron's defeat was actually very simple. That was because Qiangwei was too confident!

He was too confident in Bricaron's strength, so he chose to fight head-on with Ye Elf and was defeated directly and neatly!

If Briccaron changed his tactics and cooperated with Meloetta instead of fighting the Leaf Elf alone, then.With the relatively strong defensive ability and recovery ability of grass-type skills, how could he not be defeated so neatly!


However, Qiangwei directed Briccaron to choose the most inappropriate method!

Command Bricaron, and engage in a head-to-head battle with the Leaf Elf!

She overestimated the strength of her Brikaron and underestimated the strength of Ye Elf!

In the head-to-head battle, Ye Elf broke out an unimaginably huge amount of damage in a short period of time. He directly took away the set of Bricaron without even giving it a chance to recover, which caused such an embarrassing situation now. !

Bricaron is defeated!

On the scene, on Lin Wen's side, the ivy snake was almost full, and the Ye Elf was only slightly injured when he collided with Briccaron!

at the same time!

Although the state of the Meloetta of Susu sauce on the opposite side is very complete, can it really win in the one-on-two battle?

Hope is very slim!


After a brief silence, the players on the scene started to communicate!

Watching the game together and communicating with each other is very important and very interesting!

And at the same time!

At the commentary table, several commentators were also shocked for a short time. They didn't expect Ye Elf to defeat Briccaron so neatly. It was a bit beyond their expectations!

But fortunately, the psychological adjustment ability of these commentators is very powerful. With a very fast speed, they have adjusted their mood, so they have returned to normal and continue to explain!

For Bri Caron's easy defeat, an analysis was made!

Several commentators talked eloquently, but they quickly attracted the attention of the players!

Almost exactly what happened in a very short time, Bricaron was defeated!

The media who got the news became excited almost instantly, and the battle was not completely over yet, but the relevant reports had been sent out in real time, so that more people could understand the situation of the doubles match!

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????

"Briccaron is defeated, Susu sauce is in jeopardy! 》

"This is the birth of the Double Crown? 》

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