Pokemon: Animus

Chapter 16 - Fun for Everyone

We get off at the top floor, instead of a hallway there is a small lobby with a fountain and four arch framed double doors in each corner of the room. Naomi leads the way to the one on our immediate right.

She unlocks the door with her key card, "I always get the same penthouse, there's enough private rooms for us each to pick one."

The suite has a massive central lounge, a full kitchen, balcony pool area, the works. Feeling the need to open every door I find this place has a complete spa room and each bedroom has its own bathroom.

"The plumbing here must be insane."

Jane gives me an odd look, "Yup, you're an old man."

A knock at the front door stops me from firing back.

Naomi calls from her room, "That should be for you two, I requested a tailor."

I glance at my bargain bin outfit and immediately head for the door.

Answering as the next knock hits reveals a startled, mustached man in a burgundy suit with tape measures. Strangly I swear I've seen this guy before.

He smooths his glossy brown hair, "Hello I'm Jonathan, you must be Kurt, and that lass over there must be Miss Jane."

Honestly I'm excited at the prospect of decent clothes that haven't been worn threadbare by other owners.

The man walks in and sets some of his measures on the counter before taking out a notepad, "alright, Miss Wattson has graciously offered to cover the bill. However I'm to recommend we put together something practical as you two are on a League run. So no gowns for the dinner tonight Miss Jane."

I bȧrėly catch the laugh in my throat but not without her noticing.

Bossy practically growls, "after you old man."

Shrugging, I turn to the tailor, "I like red, black, and grey. I want something that works in the desert and the snow. Jeans are fine by me, and I'd like it if I can modify this jacket the League sent me. Lose the logo on the back and up the all weather factor if possible."

His eyebrows raise, "A tall order in a short time. What about you Miss Jane."

The poor tomboy actually looks at her hair with a hint of blush, "I'm fine with whatever the little princess suggests. Um, I don't suppose you can cut hair?"

Naomi calls from her room once more, "They may as well match Mr. Van Ness, as long as they lose the street thug look."

Jonathan seems to study Jane as she slowly turns redder, "I did hair long before clothes, leave it to me little lady. Now go take a seat in the spa dressing room, both of you."

Just shy of an hour later, Jane and I look like a pair from the trendiest biker gang imaginable. Black leather jackets, hers is cropped above the midriff, red shirts, again hers is cropped revealing some skin. Also black cargo pants, her's have pointless zippers and are way too tight… Along with the fresh haircuts I think this girl cheated to show off downstairs.

To the man responsible, "If I had to say, I doubt she'll have much fun in that if we visit anywhere icey."

Jane rolls her eyes while putting on a pair of wedged sneakers, "You looked at a map lately old man? There's nowhere cold enough for natural snow in Hoenn."

The stylist nods while leaning on the counter, "Exactly, and I really doubt Miss Wattson will mind the slide in practicality in favor of being ready to Slay the hunnies downstairs."

Naomi also joins us in the living room, white blonde hair done up in a spiky bun, extravagant white dress made of leaf patterns, and crystal heels.

I sigh, "You're too young to pick up boys downstairs Miss Watts. Nothing about that is practical at all."

She sticks out her tongue, "Of course I have a change of clothes for tomorrow. You two look the part that's for sure. Shall we head down? Fantastic work as always Mr. Van Ness."

What ever, at least I can finally get a drink. Even back with Lacy, all she kept was wine. Not my style.

Downstairs in the lobby Naomi shoos me away, "Kurt, Jane will be sufficient until the battle show."

Jane snorts, "She means your too old to party. Shall we princess?"

Strangely the punk girl offers her arm to escort Naomi towards the ballroom. Certainly a sight to see a biker girl leading a miniature ice queen, I thought they despised each other. Guess I had a bad read.

Stepping onto the casino floor and grabbing a whisky drink from the tray of a passing Chimecho, I survey the games. Slots dominate the space, afar I see card tables, roulette wheels, even tvs broadcasting fights. Too bad I only have an hour and not a lot of Poke.

An elderly voice, the Alakazam, "If I may suggest the fourth slot machine on the electric row Mr. Kurt."

Suppose it really did appreciate my concern earlier.

Tesla chitters excitedly from my shoulder as we navigate the rows of machines covered in brilliant lights and exciting sounds.

The fourth machine among the ones featuring images of all kinds of electric Pokemon sits vacant. Tess hops to my ŀȧp and taps the display enthusiastically. It plays even for 10 odd minutes before the images of Magnemites line up center. Bells ring, coins spill out, and a small voucher prints. It reads 25% off an electric TM!

Instead of numbers it has the regional dex, type, and stage. This time I kill a decent half hour before finally the little metal ball lands on all my bets. Admittedly a safe set, Crobat, Flying, Stage 3.

The Gothorita running the table cheers for me and passes my winnings. Fresh with success and a rumbling stomach, it's time to cash out and order food before the show.

The prize table is next to a large golden Meowth fountain. On the wall is a lengthy list of physical prizes; special pokeballs, charms, TMs, evolution stones, mega stones, even rare Pokemon eggs. Thinking it through I opt to prepare for the local gym, grabbing a Miracle Seed for Blue, and TM73 Thunderwave for Tesla. I'm left with enough to make a small gain for the evening thanks to that voucher.

While they fetch my items I examine the super expensive Pokemon egg list. It includes an Aerodactyl fossil, Spheal egg, Bagon, Ralts, Rufflet, Shinx, Munchlax, Aron, Abra, Mareep, Larvitar, Elekid, Magby, Cleffa, Phanpy, Houndour, Dratini, and finally Pichu.

Of course some of those have appeal but I'm not sure my feisty luck would hold out for them.

The fellow working the counter comes back with a mini usb device and a small golden acorn. Turns out real TMs are video tutorials on how to train moves for applicable pokemon. Each one is fingerprint coded to prevent resale, and they can be viewed on center computers or better phones than mine.

Tess seems more interested in the seed.

"Not for you missy, this goes to Blue. Let's go fetch the girls and get some food."

The ballroom below a set of curved stairs is packed with hopping youths, one wall is open to the beach outside. On the big stage is a pop rock group with a white haired female vocalist, female guitar, and twin blonde males on the bass and drums. The tune is definitely something you can jump to, which means there's no way Naomi is in the…. Or not.

Off to the side edge of the near moshing front I can see the princess jumping with her fists in the air while a somewhat frazzled looking Jane is fending off the more aggressive moshers while holding Naomi's heels.

Guess I better pull them out before Jane uses those shoes to shank someone. As I walk along the edge the song comes to an end.

The lead songstress screams out, "Ya'll having a great time?"

Teens cheer away their angst.

She continues, "Once again I'm Roxie and we are Venoshock!"

Another eruption from the youths.

Guitar chords start, "Let's get out a couple more songs for our boy's hometown."

The drummer yells to his mic, "Alright Hoenn there's a fight tonight by why wait?! Let's tear down the roof with a massive circle pit, LET'S GO! Let em hear ya clear in Mauville!"

Just as the usually prim and proper princess looks to take off into the madness I yank her and Jane out to the safety lane.

Massive drum and bass lines start to pound while I signal its time to go.

Back in the lobby Naomi seems out of breath and annoyed, "My twin cousins were about to go Off, Kurt!"

Jane collapses on a bench, "I'm not a qualified sumo wrestler to do that anymore tonight."

Suddenly feeling sure I was some sort of father before, "Get cleaned up for dinner and meet me back at the front desk. I'm sure you have reserved seats for the battle."

While waiting I let Blue out, my reflexes are all that stops him from bolting onto the casino floor to cause mayhem.

Holding him by his stump, "Look here bud this shiny seed will boost your grass type moves."

His red wisp eyes brighten on sight of the golden seed. A branch sprouts from the back of his head like a crooked horn. The tip splits and I place the seed there, it closes in a spiral now looking like a christmas elf hat bell.

He slips my grasp but slowly moves along the lobby wall bit by bit like a strange potted plant. Finally he arrives at an actual potted plant and hides within. Tesla taps my head and points towards an approaching couple, teen boy and girl.

Like fate the guy pauses next to Blue's hiding spot to take a drink. When the girl looks away, a sneaky branch slips under the lad's glass and tips it up quickly. He sputters and coughs, spilling juice all down his front and splashing some on her dress. They both embarrassingly try to retreat away to the elevators, after that who knows.

Blue gives a signature giggle and returns to my side before giving me the victory signal with his shadowy hands.

"Jeez, get in the ball Blue. Tesla, don't get any ideas!"

My pokeball closes up just as my companions return. At this point Dawn, Edgar, and Tommy reunite with us as well.

Dawn presents a knockout smile, "Thanks for the invitation Miss Wattson, we'll be happy to join you in your booth for the main event tonight."

Aside from us, other groups begin to congregate in the lobby from both the casino floor and the ballroom, some even seem to be fresh from the beach.

A grand archway of lights and palm trees leads to a mostly outdoor restaurant and arena set against a cove at the cliff's edge. We take stone steps up to a decent sized room carved right into the cliff face above everyone else.

The fighting area is marked out to be a tidal zone consisting of flat or jagged rocks amongst sandy stretches and pools of water revealed by the retreating waveline. Wild Pokemon are being ushered away by a Vaporeon and a pair of Corphish.

Menus are brought to our balcony side tables, it's mostly seafood. Surprisingly I find myself disinclined towards fish and the like opting instead for a Stantler steak. When I first got here I was surprised folk ate Pokemon but then again, what else is there.

While the girls chat, Tommy orders a second plate, Edgar stares off into the distant horizon thinking who knows what.

Finally the lights dim as two figures step towards natural rock platforms at either end of the arena. Camera crews aim from their posts, and a girl bounds out front.

Her mint hair and outfit done up like some kind of idol, "Hey everyone, Lisia here to bring you another exciting World Pokemon Championship qualifier here in the Hoenn region! So I hope you're excited folks, let's meet Vivica's challenger!"

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