Pokemon: Animus

Chapter 17 - Thunder Cats

Lisia skips through the sand over to the challengers platform, "Birdkeeper Cobra, swooping in from the Kalos Region and here to face Vivica's great tide pool arena, where the rocks are sharp and just finding a place to put your feet can be a challenge in itself. Sand or surf, one misstep and you'll lose all advantage. You need cat like reflexes to fight on these rocks, so of course Miss Vivica will give Cobra a run for his money with her pretty kitties!"

She hops back towards the restaurant, "But first, we are in a casino! That means everything is up to luck, let's spin that fancey wheel and find out what kind of battle we'll see tonight!"

Vivica gives a bow and wave towards Cobra, he stoicly nods and trots over to a massive spinning wheel thats been brought out from who knows where. On it I can make out over a dozen symbols. Cobra reach up and gives it a big spin. It rapidly rotates, the click of the arrow taping against the pegs.

Finally the wheel slows to stop, the crowd below gives an ooooh and then a cheer.

Lisia belts out, "There you have it folks, right in between Little Cup and Full Team Royal. This fight will be a Triple Team, no Megas!"

Cobra runs back to his rock after trading some pokeballs in his bag and showing them to a league official.

A waitress brings out a tray to Vivica, "Alright Cobra, here's my team. Give us a good show Boys!"

Three flashes of light beam onto the rocks in front of her, the screen mounted in our table automatically pulls up dex displays for each pokemon.

A lean black lion, Luxray. Standing on its hind legs, a blue male Meowstic. Last, what looks like a hulking mash up of a gorilla and a white tiger, Incineroar!

The crowd erupts with a chant, "Ivan! Ivan! Ivan! Ivan!"

Taping the screen on the big boy shows he's a shiny Pokemon, and one of the available league starters from the Alolan region.

I look to Naomi, "He seems Popular."

Jane cuts in, "Ivan is a power house inferno, Vivica rarely loses when he's on the field."

Miss Watts agrees, "When father got her the shiny Litten to celebrate the birth of her daughter, aunty wouldn't stop hugging him for three hours. Ivan is super protective of my younger cousin. The Meowstic helps watch her little boy, its named Azure. Luthor the Luxray has been with aunty since she won the Sinnoh Invitational years ago."

Dawn scowls, "Barely, I would have won if that damn cat wasn't so fast."

Cobra calls out his Pokémon, the dex screens change. One massive owl, Decidueye, perches on a jagged pillar. A big penguin, Empoleon, steps onto the beach. Last a burning hawk, Talonflame takes to the sky.

Edgar sighs, "Cobra's got more fire power but the type advantage may be on Vivica's side."

The League official steps onto the beach, "Trainers are you ready?"

A silent but confidant nod from them both.

"Then let the match begin!"

Cheers erupt from the crowd once more.

Vivica takes initiative, "Set the field boys!"

Meowstic drifts to cover behind a rock as a low mist enshrouds the field. The dex app pings identifying the move, Misty Terrain. Another ping as Luxray roars, static sparks flicker all through the mist, Electric terrain. Only the tallest rocks peek through the fulminating fog.

Dawn huffs, "This nasty combo again."

Cobra seems undaunted, "Damask bring in the tide!"

Ooohs come from the crowd as the official retreats to a wooden stage.

Lisia calls out, "Look there folks! A massive tide surge is coming back in, there goes the sandy spots!"

Waves crash up the jagged rocks causing eddies in the sparkling mist. Ping, Watersport.

The bird keeper calls, "Talon, Find that Meowstic, Robin don't let the luxray close distance."

Vivica responds as the first attacks volley across the field, "Azure clip the talonflame's wings, Luthor build up some speed, Ivan get ready."

Visible pulses of blue energy in rings blast into the sky at the swooping hawk, it dodges with a big loop but has now spotted its prey.

Pings from the dex; Psybeam, acrobatics.

Streams of blue lightning bounce from rock to rock as the luxray builds pressure, green arrows from the decidueye trace past the black lion keeping it on its toes. Ping; Charge, Leaf blades.

The talonflame makes a breathtaking dive. Ping; Brave Bird.

Vivica smirks, "Copycat. You're on Ivan."

Just as the Talon flame reaches its target the Meowstic vanishes into the shadows and a massive white tiger springs out of the mist slamming the hawk into its arms.

Gasps, cheers, everyone is eating it up.

Cobra yells, "No Damask Hydro,"

A pained screech echoes out as the Luxray slams into the Empoleon that was about to make his move then viciously chomps down.

Ping; Wild Charge, Thunder Fang.

Lisia riles up the crowd more, "What a brutal surge by Vivica, she's dominating early. But can Cobra change the tide?!"

Cobra calls out, "Back him up Robin, stop that cat!"

The empoleon's wings shimmer in the moonlight as he counter attacks the luxray. He hops back just as dark feathers missile into the cat's shadow, he seems unable to move. Ping; Steel wing, Spirit Shackle

Vivica, "Azure knock out that owl! Luthor chargeback up."

Cobra, "Now's your shot Damask, Hydro Cannon!"

Lisia howls, "It's a Double Knockout! We're down to two on two, things are looking dire for Vivica now."

Meanwhile the Decidueye and Meowstic are trading shots, neither landing an attack as they seem to teleport among the shadows of the rocky water field.

Cobra calls, "Damask you're still in this Fight!"

Vivica interrupts, "That's what you think, Luthor, Discharge!"

A blinding pulse of blue lightning blasts away the remaining mist revealing a stunned Empoleon collapsing into the water from a rock.

Lisia, "Empoleon is down! It's two verse one!"

The challenger isn't done yet, "Robin, Feather Dance the meowstic and take out that Luxray!"

Where the owl disappears a cloud of feathers materialize just as the meowstic lands in pursuit. From a nearby rock green leaves shoot into the side of Luthor sending him into the tide.

More cheers, Lisia, "This fight is still on! Luxray is out! Can Cobra take the win?!"

I glance at Dawn, "Does Cobra have it?"

She shakes her head, "Type advantage can really bite your ȧss."

While Meostic swipes away the last feathers, Vivica calls out, "Fun House!"

The blue cat's eyes glow and the whole field seems to slow to a crawl, waves crash in slow motion. Ping; Trick Room

Vivica, "Now end that bird!"

Cobra, "Not this time, Shadow Sneak!"

A pulse of blue energy aims for the decidueye as it visibly descends into its own shadow. Rocks shatter away as a cat yowls in pain. Behind the Meowstic is Robin as it kicks the opponent into the sea just as time seems to return to normal.

Gasps, the crowd goes quiet. Meostic floats belly up.

The Official, "Meowstic is unable to battle, Birdkeeper Cobra wins!"

With tide pulling back out, Vivica strolls across the sand. Head still high, a smile on her face.

She shakes cobra's hand, "Well fought, I'm proud to hand over the Pride Badge."

Cameras flash, Lisia runs over, "An Amazing battle, the waves, the sparks, the shadows and flames! Feathers and Fur collided and Birdkeeper Cobra Takes the Win! Thoughts on the fight you two?"

Vivica grins, "He did a fantastic job of keeping his head in the match."

Cobra stalls slightly in the face of several cameras, "This is a fantastic gym arena, along with Vivica's tricks.I can already say I would love to battle here again sometime! That wheel had some fun sounding formats for sure."

Lisia hones in on the winner, "So what's next for you?"

He leans back from the pressing idol, "Well I've got an appointment in a couple weeks to battle Wallace for his Rain Badge."

Missy doesn't seem satisfied, "Oh, fighting my uncle huh? What about my gym or the Hoenn Invitational?"

Cobra chuckles, "It comes down to timing and points, we'll see where the wind blows as the year progresses."

She relents and turns back to the cameras, "Well I hope to see more of this bird boy this year, but that's all for tonight folks have a great night and look forward to our contining coverage of exciting matches in Hoenn!"

The cameras lower, Vivica shakes Cobra's hand again before parting. Lisia leads hm towards the bar.

I ask Dawn, "So what is this Invitational?"

A raised brow, "Get hit upside the head with a rock or something?"

Charming isn't she.

Jane speaks up, "Maybe you should get a sign around your neck old man."

Naomi supplies an answer, "Each region has an annual tournament for World points and local pride. There are two brackets, experienced locals and visitors. Once two trainers reach the top of their brackets they battle. Winner takes three worlds points, those rounding out the top 5 get one point. It's held in the fall, you need at least three points in that region to participate."

Sounds like I won't be joining that fun anytime soon then. However, "Dawn does that mean you and May will enter?"

She grins, "You bet, I'll actually be having a match with Vivica in a few days. We've agreed beforehand to have a Little Cup match. That means the Pokemon can't be evolved."

Naomi seems excited while the others don't look interested.

Vivica arrives to join us for the rest of dinner, and 30 minutes later so does my zubat. Literally crashing the party as he fumbles into the balcony, tired and chubby.

I chuckle embarrassingly, "Well I think it's time to call it a night eh?"

The night passes peacefully to the ambiance of waves. It takes a while to fall asleep while remembering the crazy fight and choking on zubat gas.

Morning sunlight bathes my room, zubat is still out cold, blue is best kept in his ball in towns, Tesla seems ready for the day however.

"Let's check out this Thunderwave T M until the others wake up."

She hops to my head and watches seriously the room pc screen. The video shows a menu of pokemon, Tesla chirps and points to a Joltik icon.

We watch as a little yellow spider crouches in the center of a field of webs and releases a pulse of electricity.

Soon everyone else is up and relaxing in the lounge. Naomi, whos playing with her Flabebe, says she has plans with Vivica today so it's just me and Jane.

The town is much calmer this morning, some kids are out surfing, old folks fishing off the pier, families are building sandcastles at the beach with their pokemon.

Jane seems a bit down from the scenery so I pat her back, "Hey, what kind of Pokemon do you think we'll find ya today? Once we make this delivery the rest of the day is up to you."

Pumping her fist in determination, "Princess said this Steven guy is the authority on boss steel types, a former World Champ even!"

Thirty minutes later and were staring at a cliffside mansion that looks to be welded together from massive metal plates. Statues of pokemon line a yard of blue tropical plants and metal water features. There's even a few steel type Pokemon enjoying the yard.

A Lairon herds a troop of small Aron, while a Metang cleans a fountain.. At the front door we find a waiting Dawn and Edgar, guess were not the only visitors today.

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