Pokemon: Animus

Chapter 18 - Hunting Precious Metals

Edgar spots us first and says something to Dawn who turns towards us. Like she can't help it, she makes sure to smile and flare out her hair. I can see how she became a successful model.

Jane elbows my ribs, "She doesn't really go adventuring in that tiny pink skirt does she?!"

Alright, one of us needs to get our heads out of the gutter.

I wave at them, "Hey, guess you guys had business here too?"

Dawn shakes her head, "Not officially."

Edgar speaks up, "When it comes to Steel types, there's one man to ask."

A firm voice comes through the opening door, "And that would be me, Steven Stone. What can I do for you kids today?"

He steps out, sharp metallic blue suit, sharp silver beard, sharp grey eyes, this older gentleman could cut you with his gaze alone.

Edgar bows, "Grand Uncle, I've come for research."

Dawn seems shocked, "You're still sharp looking as ever Mr. Stone. I was hoping to take you up on that offer from years ago. I'm looking for a Mawile."

While the surprise from Edgar is one thing, I'm on the clock. Funny she want's a Mawile though, too bad this one is taken.

I bring my bag around, "I'm delivering this egg, hopefully Professor Birch has spoken to you. Also my companion here was counting on you to tip us off where we can find some Pokemon as well."

The gentlemen chuckles, "First you should be a Wikstom lad, How is your grandfather?"

Edgar nods, "His bones don't know how old he is, sir."

Steven continues, "I remember his son married Fantina in Sinnoh, which brings us to the now famous Miss Dawn."

She smiles as he points to the egg in my hands, "This one is for my granddaughter but you shouldn't have issue reigning in a wild one. I may have just the opportunity for all of you. Come inside."

We're brought towards a study lined with bookshelves and fancy metal sculptures. Steven points Edgar to the books and the lad quickly steps over to a bookshelf near an empty suit of armor on display.

Our host smiles, "So that's what he's after." Turning towards me, "Place the egg on the desk along with whatever that scamp Sawyer sent along. Birch told me the project you'll be taking part in, I'm to help you out but I'll actually sweeten the deal if you do a little job for me today. It'll even help your partner there."

A knock at the door.

He grins, "Right on cue."

Poking his head in is an older lad, probably early twenties, in a set of hiking gear, "Mr. Stone, I'm Marius, I called ahead from the Institute."

Steven beckons him over, "This lad is working on his graduate project for Slateport's Oceanography school. He's going to explore a region on the south east side of the island for a shipwreck hidden along the coast. You all are going to escort him and help out. The hidden caves are more likely to have what you are looking for, in this instance that Includes you, young Wikstrom."

Edgar looks over his book, "What kind of shipwreck?"

Marius excitedly stands up, "Pirates! I have notes from a couple old journals, island surveys, and port filings that lead me to believe that a famous Buccaneer, Blade Beard, made his hideout bȧrėly more than an hour's drive from here."

Steven stands up and pulls some items our from his desk, "So Mr. Kurt, accompany the student to his hidden treasure and I'll grant you an island king's ransom as its fitting for such a tale."

On the table is a jar of reddish pellets, and two data chips, one clearly a T M.

With enough said, fifteen minutes later we are loaded in a 4wd van and heading to the southern side of the island. Marius is driving while Edgar helps him navigate the old maps compared to the modern gps.

Realizing we're likely heading for a cave I can't help but lament that Shak is still hibernating on my hotel bed.

Dawn takes the moment to slide over between Me and Jane, "So Kurt, can't remember anything about yourself right? Well, I happen to be good at measuring people up. By my estimate you're somewhere between 30 and 35, strangely perfect health, and good with kids. Any evidence you had or have a wife? What about current girlfriend?"

I recall her jealous comment about May back in Littleroot, "I washed up with nothing in Rustboro, met a great gal there, she's a doctor. Maybe I had kids myself, I can only hope to remember or be recognised."

Jane seems surprised while listening in. That or she's distracted by Dawn's bȧrė legs invading the hell out of her personal space.

Dawn leans back but then closes in further, "So you're not sure if you are married at the moment, but that didn't stop you from picking up a girl soon as you woke up. And there was a lie right at the end there. Why didn't you try to get on camera during the show match if that's your goal? Miss Wattson could easily have arranged it."

Stevens not the only sharp one. Not like anyone in this world could possibly recognise me.

I call up to Edgar, "We getting close?"

Marius answers, "This old trail curves around the next point in a minute, there should be a narrow inlet and shoal. You couldn't sail in unless it was peak tide and at low tide the hideout entrance would have been large enough to maneuver a boat into."

Dawn takes the hint and doesn't press further for now.

Driving along a steep cliff side we arrive above a narrow cravase. We can see water streaming out towards the ocean. The trail however curves back inland.

The grad student stops the car, "Looks like we're on foot from here, luckily it seems we'll catch the cove a little while before low tide."

Making our way through the brush, Tesla and Dawn's Snivy fends off wild Pokemon while her Wingull scouts ahead.

Rope gets us down the cliff at a short section, before us is a beautiful oasis of a cove inside this slot canyon. A few small waterfalls pour in. Taillow fly from nests in the cliff walls, a few Corphish are dueling, a Quagsire is relaxing on a wet rock.

The sand is incredible pristine and soft, Dawn lets some fall through her fingers.

She whistles, "This is the type they bag up and make beds for ground type Pokemon, we should definitely take some with us when we leave…. Hey, Feebas! Winry, scoop one up for me!"

While theres no sign of a cave at first glance there are indeed odd pale fish circling the cove. The wingull gives an excited caw before diving at the fish. It takes a few tries but she does succeed at tossing one ashore. A toss of a pokeball and Dawn has her third Pokemon.

Waiting for the tide to finish rolling out, Jane let's her sandile trade blows with the feisty lobsters.

Twenty minutes and Marius walks over pointing at the opposite cliff and a bunch of rubble beneath one of the water falls. I think our entrance has collapsed, there's a chance we can still make way below the waterline.

Edgar, Jane and I release our water Pokemon to check it out. They come back nodding for us to follow them.

"Guess it's time to get wet, hope you packed some shorts."

Dawn laughs, "My outfit is designed for land or water, let's go, my Mawile awaits!"

I've got shorts in my bag, Jane was wearing a red two piece under her outfit that seems to distract Edgar.

Finally some actual emotion from the lad, "You got shorts Eddy?"

He jumps, "Um yes, I have a swim suit. Where might we change?"

My turn to laugh, "Tess make a close line between those palm saplings."

She makes the webbing and returns for head pats, now it's finally time she gets in her pokeball.

Taking out a camp blanket from my bag I hang it over the thread, "There you can change after me."

After a bit he emerges in a striped tank top and shorts outfit, definitely an odd duck.

Diving in reveals a narrow tunnel under two leaning boulders.

I resurface, "This definitely falls under the dangerous side of diving, got any air tanks in that fancy pack Marius?"

He actually nods, "I expected we might dive on the wreck. I have some mini rebreathers Only … I just bought 4."

Welp, "Jane and Dawn split one, Edgar and...why are you shaking your head?"

The brat looks down right scared, "people should share such things, that's how you get sick!"

Everyone just stares at the sheltered rich brat.

Dawn swims back ashore and whispers something in his ear. His face turns red and he immediately shakes his head. She frowns a fraction of a second before whispering closer into his ear. This time he gulps visibly and slowly nods.

She turns to the group, "I'll share with Edgar, the rest of you all have your own. We won't have a spare."

With my suspicions I look to see if Jane is feels a lost opportunity, but she seems not to care either way.

Back to the more pressing matter.

I'm not quite sold, "Let's have the Pokemon make sure it goes through first."

It's five mins later they pop back up.

Having Skrelp, Magicarp, and Tentacool line up, "Is the tunnel short?"

Skrelp and Tentacool nod, Magicarp gives a blank stare.

Okay, "Are there pockets of breathable air in the tunnel?"

The first two shake their heads, Magicarp nods.

Um, "Did you see the ship?"

Two nods and a shake…

Whatever, "Was there any dangerous Pokémon?"

Three nods.

I think I figured it out, "Jane this carp is your soulmate."

The Magicarp nods, the other two and Jane seem confused.

A moment passes before the rebellious girl punches me in the shoulder, "Can it old man!"

Swimming towards the cave, "Alright I'll lead with my Skrelp, Jane stay right behind me, then Marius, Edgar, and last is Dawn with Tentacool. Stay sharp. Marius do you have a Pokémon."

He pulls out a dive ball, "Ofcourse, help us out Sealeo!"

A large, blue sea lion appears.

That works, "Alright we're all heading through this tunnel, please lead the way Sealeo. Watch out for other mean Pokémon."

One by one we dive into the narrow tunnel, sure enough I can see with my dive light that we only need to swim a few yards.

As we progress I try to keep an eye on everyone. About the third time I look back to check on everyone bump into Skrelp ahead of me. Shining the light forward I bȧrėly catch the edge of a shadow moving past the exit.

Sealeo looks back, I point forward in confirmation.

There's a brief hesitation before he steels himself and charges forward. Skrelp and I race after him.

Past the exit the hidden lagoon opens up, narrow beams of light penetrate the darkness from small holes the cavern ceiling. Now I see them, Sealeo is chasing away a school of Carvanha.

As the rest of the group exits the tunnel and swims for the surface, I watch the Pokémon dash towards the hull of a ship with its front buried down into the lagoon floor. Its back half is jutting above the water line. A large pillar of light shines down on it, a collapse of the cave roof must have slammed the ship and created this eerie scene.

A shoreline at the edge of the cave isn't too far away, a ruined pier even stretches towards the wreck.

Checking on Sealeo I find him racing back my way clearly afraid. No need to wonder long, a pair of Sharpedo jet from behind the submerged portion of the ship. One is absolutely Massive!

Kicking towards the surface, the moment my head breaks water I tear out my rebreather and yell, "Swim for your damn lives!"

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