Pokemon: Animus

Chapter 19 - All that Glitters

Its comes down to relative speed. How fast can our group swim to the nearby shore versus the Sharpedo close distance from the wreck.

Watching everyone file out from the tunnel, not good!

Jane surfaces next to me and spots the approching shark fins, "Oh fuċk!"

No shit, "Get them moving! Skrelp smokescreen!"

The threat disappears opposite a large plum of black ink.

Dawn drags the lagging Edgar, Marius seems fine. The problem is Jane, she's clumsily trying to do better than dog paddle while her Magicarp nudges her attempting to help.

I swim up beside her and pull her along. Peeking back I spot the first Sharpedo dashing around the ink cloud while the hulk one bursts out of the center only a few yards away.

Hitting the rock shore I start pulling myself and Jane up. A second glance over my shoulder and the Sharpedo is right there, mouth opening. Fear, a spike in adrenaline, time seems to slow in awe of its teeth.

I'm ashore, Jane just behind, but Sharpedo launches from the water!

Jane's eyes are wide with tears as an orange and yellow hero slams into the side of the encroaching maw!

The shark bȧrėly misses, slamming the side of the bank, Magicarp tumbles onto the shore and flails about.

Jane screams, "Fail Fish!" Before dashing over.

From the water I hear a squeak, "Relp!"

Skrelp is at the water's edge while the other shark fin closes in. I quickly click her pokeball, a flash of light, the doom fin slows. The two terrors menacingly pace a moment before diving back towards the wreck.

A frantic girl is hugging the life from a poor fish beside me while crying out, "not a failure! You're the King of Carps!"

Taking a deep breath and patting her head, "Alright, give him a break. He's earned it. You're safe and those gills don't work on land."

Checking the rest I'm distracted by a blue seal lion with a rastafarian hat. Nope just Sealio and Tentacool. The others look alright, Dawn is already surveying the cave.

Marius is breathing heavy, "That was a Mega-Sharpedo! It's mega stone must be down there somewhere."

Be my guest, "I won't stop you from diving back in to look. What do you want on your tombstone?"

He stalls, "Sharpedo aren't normally that aggressive, this must be their nest."

No, you think?

Dawn echoes my thoughts, "That was a bit obvious but it doesn't matter, we aren't here for the fish."

She points ahead, "There's a man made tunnel just before the dock. Whatever is in there is likely in better condition than the wreck."

I agree, "Safer too, plus the Pokémon we're after could be deeper into the cave. Any sign like tracks?"

Now that we get a proper look around, dim light, mostly flat stone, a few stalags. A few zubat are resting up above. On the ground among the layer of dust I can see a few tracks here and there.

Dawn begins scanning the ground with here phone camera.

The pokedex app pings, the voice of an elder butler, "Tracks belonging to Aron detected Madam."

She ignores my snickering, "looks like we're good for steel types. Let's move forward. I mentioned Mawile so I claim the first one, what about you guys?"

I turn to Jane who glances at me before speaking up, "I was looking in the dex during the drive, I'm going for Onix."

Nice, "Are we able to take down something that big?"

Dawn nods, "The average size is probably not as big as you're thinking. With your Phantump and her Sandile it shouldn't be an issue, just wear it down and keep moving."

Jane pulls her clothes out of her bag which reminds me I'd rather not battle rock and steel Pokémon while bȧrėfoot.

Also on that note, "Come on out Blue."

My favorite stump appears giving a salute with his little shadow hands. Then he does a circle around me looking for something.

Ah, "Tess isn't quite suited for fighting big rocks. I'll let her out later."

He shrugs before excitedly bolting deeper into the cave.

Moving on we find that the tunnel gently slopes down. Not far along there is a natural side tunnel branching off where Blue is waiting.

It only goes a few yards before becoming too small to stand in. Shining a light reveals a Geodude that escapes into the dark.

Further down the main shaft we find another tunnel, this one a bit off the ground and curving up. At first we don't see anything but Blue floats up and dusts off the shell of a hibernating Aron.

Dawn whispers, "It looks like a small hive. If we do get in a battle down here let's hope we don't wake them up."

Finally the main tunnel ends in a wooden wall with a large set of double doors like an old town gate. Blue is searching every inch of it to find out how to get it open.

Marius tries peaking through the seem, "The path curves, there are two metal bars across the back of the door."

Dawn takes a look, "You said this pirate was named Blade Beard? There are nicks in those bars. I bet he just lifted them with his sword."

She steps back, "Come out Snivy. Use vine whip to lift these bars."

The small green lizard appears and thin vines sprout from the foliage along its collar.

Dawn has a smug grin while the door swings open up until the point when the left side just falls forward, the hinges long rusted away.

Fortunately it doesn't make much noise but the cloud of dirt causes a few coughs and a very dusty fashion model.

Around the bend we find doors lining either side of the tunnel. Some shut, some ajar, shattered, or laying on the floor. Bedrooms by the look, each barren but Blue seems determined to investigate.

We race forward and find Blue wrestling with a small purple imp. On sight of us it jumps back and retreats under the ruined bed.

Edgar identifies it, "Sableye, just annoying little fiends."

He turns to move on, an audible 'sable' comes from in the room. I equate it to a 'screw you too pal.'

Finally the main tunnel comes to what looks like a collapse with the top part somewhat open.

Grimacing, "looks like we can squeeze through, but it's definitely dangerous."

Our employer steps back, "we can turn back, no need to do anything risky. Now that we've found the place I can get approved for an official excavation and archaeological survey from the institute."

I check on Jane, an unresigned determination is in her eyes but she doesn't seem confident to speak out.

Dawn catches my eye line, "You two can search ahead. Us three will stay back for safety. If anything exciting happens, Sandile can dig you out as long it's not catastrophic."

The crawl space stretches for about five yards. What worries me, is that there's light at the end, flickering like a lit fire.

A lantern hanging in the round room casts light on a partial collapse of the ceiling to one side, where the Onix came in. The wall of the room is veined with gold and carved with some sort of art.

Onix has it's head propped up on a wooden locker with intricate decorations. There's not quite enough height to the ceiling for it to effectively battle.

Carefully and as silent as possible I slide down into the room. I signal Jane to be quiet as I drop down.

Whispering, "Blue, Ingrain, see if you can quietly dig up some roots to tie him down."

Blue nods and takes up position to the side.

Pulling out my net ball, a flash and Tesla appears. I cover her mouth before she can chitter happily, "sneaky time girl, get some webs ready for the big guy."

My red spiderling crawls over and gently begins to cast out strings.

Jane takes position in front of the Onix with her Sandile while checking information in her dex one last time. She reaches into her bag and after a moment of thought pulls out a black pokeball with blue bumps.

She takes a breath, nods to me then points at Onix, "Mud Slap!"

I follow up, "Grass Knot, Spider Webs!"

Roots spring from the floor, webs fall from the ceiling, a torrent of wet earth slams into Onix's head.

Anger permeates a dreadful roar!

Lifting it's head and attempting to violently thrash about, it's body is over six yards and veined with the same gold as the room.

Attempting to lunge forward it's caught by the roots and webs, slamming it's head onto the floor. The whole cave shakes, dirt rains from the ceiling.

Jane stands firm, "Keep up the mud and dirt Sandile! This glitzy golden girl will be ours."

How can she tell, nevermind, some of the webs are tearing loose!

Onix heaves forward with all its might. Sandile rolls away but the giant rock snake skips off the ground and continues towards Jane.

She's deer in headlights!

Leaping forward I grab her arm, "move it kid!"

Debris pelts my side, we skid across the floor. Rock snake hits the wall, the lantern falls to the floor but doesn't go out.

Onix has turned towards my Joltik.

Time to swap, "Tess enough, Skrelp I need a squirt gun."

Dual flashes, a dangerous seahorse appears unsteady and confused. Carefully picking her up I point at the Onix.

"Water gun!"

A narrow jet of murky water sprays the big rock causing it to recoil. Vines finally resprout around it, tangling it in place.

Jane calls, "King come out!"

Wait, what?

The bicolor fish appears flopping helplessly.

She picks him up, "Tackle!"

And throws him….

Now we're just being silly, "let's put away the water Pokémon. Finish with Sandile and then go for the catch!"

The waterbreathers go back to their balls and Sandile sends a fresh shot of dirt and mud into Onix's face. It's rooted to the ground and blinded by muck.

Jane throws her ball, "You're coming with me now!"

A burst of blue light and all that remains is a gently shaking ball in some mud. With a low ping it signals success.

With yet unseen excitement, "Yes! How's fuċkin that old man?! We did it!"

She wasn't looking at me just then…

Daddy issues later, "Nice, your Sandile was on point with those mud shots."

Jane turns around and runs to hug her little croc, "Great work bud!" Then spinning towards me, "Thanks for the help Kurt, and for saving my ȧss there."

Grinning, "Someone needs to. Now I believe we have some real life buried pirate treasure to check out!"

Little golden nuggets are scattered everywhere, the treasure ċhėst was knocked towards one wall. I head for the box while Jane starts digging into the main pile that has some coins mixed in.

Dark wood, an odd prism mounted on top reflecting light from the lanturn. Old leather binds, hinges look strong, and locked tight.

Blue gives his creepy giggle.

I show him the lock, "think ya can crack it bud? Awesome fight by the way!"

While he's playing with the box Jane yelps.

"You alright?!"

She slowly turns, "Um, I'm not dreaming right?"

In her arms is a brilliant pearl, bigger than any of my Pokémon.

Blue giggles behind me, the sound of a latch opening.

Light pours out of the ċhėst in a rainbow of colors. Four, fist sized gems and a smaller one rest in royal purple cloth, each gently glowing.

A carving on the inside of the lid depicts a sun and moon cycle.

Marius' distant voice calls from where we came, "Are you coming back? We heard fighting then cheering."

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