Pokemon: Animus

Chapter 24 - Strategy and Schemes

Watts take position at her end of the field, opposite the blue haired Shauna in all her glory. Seriously her gym tank top is showing off abs of steel, this girl can probably punch through bricks.

Our camera crew gal, Gabby glances back at us, "Are you two here for the match or Shauna's ȧss?"

Can't it be both? "Does Shauna have any tricks or signature moves?"

She narrows her steely green eyes at my evasion, "The Dewott is a known airhead, her Frogadier however, she's a miniature power house. A shiny, you can tell by the darker blue, and with the rare Protean ability. She brings it out for show matches, ones she plans on winning."

I place in my earbuds for my nice new phone so Dexa can give me the play by play. I check Protean while I'm at it; the pokemon's type rapidly adapts to the type of move it's using.

Thankfully there's definition for dummies as well; it's skilled with all moves. Sounds a tad overpowered if you ask me.

Camera dude Ty catches my sour look, "On the bright side man, that means she won't use it against y'all tomorrow. Gym leaders are expected to rotate daily, some convoluted rules stuff."

A tide rolls in covering the whole beach, the judge calls, "Trainers are you ready?!"

Shauna's Dewott hops forward and starts doing some kind of warm up dance. Naomi sends out her Clamperl. Both trainers look focused.

"Battle Start!"

Dexa immediately sets off as Dewott does a flip and whips out two sharpened shells, growling at his opponent. Ping; "Swords Dance, Focus Energy."

That seems a tad iffy on the rules…

Clamperl remains stationary, tightly locked up. Ping; "Aqua Ring, Iron Defense."

Dewott dashes forward. Ping, "Razor Shell."

Like a whirling dervish the little blue otter spins to win, his white shells leaving a white arc in the air as they slash at the blue clam shell.

Clamperl seems unfazed. The otter stops, looking confused.

Shauna calls out, "No! Keep up the pressure little guy!"

Naomi giggles, "Enough jokes, Grab him!"

Just as the Dewott glances back at Shauna, the giant clam opens up and clamps down on the otter's tail. It yelps in pain. Ping; "Clamp."

No shit!

Dewott starts trying to furiously hack behind itself to struggle free. Ping, "Fury Cutter."

Some of the crowd laughs, others feel bad for the plucky fella.

Shauna calls out, "Is that really how you going to end it, at some point he will chip past that shell."

Our scary princess laughs once as the tide rolls back in, "He won't have the chance. Go for it Pearl!"

The giant clam floats in the surf with a spin and Dewott gets dragged along for the ride. Strangely the clam whips around the beach by suċkɨnġ in water and shooting it back out at it's victim. Ping, "Muddy Water."

Eventually the tide rolls back out, Clamperl settles back onto the sand, Dewott still clamped by the tail. However the poor blue floof is exhausted by the ordeal and collapsed.

Naomi grins, "Spit it out Pearl, you don't know where it's been."

Clamperl backs off as the judge steps in to check, "Dewott is unable to battle."

Shauna's veins are showing as she smiles past gritted teeth, "A nice strategy, but it won't work twice. You're up Hoppa!"

The dark blue frog leaps to center field, she stands, arms crossed, staring down at the clam before it. Ping. "Taunt."

Clearly. The Crowd eats it up.

Princess isn't waiting this time, "Smash it!"

With the audience on the edge of their seat, Shauna calls out, "bury it alive!"

Frogadier flips forward planting a hand on top of Clamperl, forcing the landing and springing further airborne. Ping, "Acrobatics."

Naomi shouts, "hold in there Pearl!"

Water swirls up around the clam as if to stem off the coming blow but the frog is coming down with a violent spin. Ping, "Rock Smash."

The blue frog smashes a foot into the edge of the clam causing it to flip into the air. A blue tongue snaps out an nabs the clam. Frogadier uses the momentum to start spinning the heavy clam while it pivots in the center. Ping, "Lick."

If you say so.

Frogadier leaps, the centrifugal force whips Clamperl up and then slams her back into the beach with a resounding thud and spray of sand. Ping, "Rock Smash."

Clamperl remains half buried.

Naomi returns her Pokemon, not bothering to wait for the judge, "You're up Delphi, teach the toad some manners!"

A blue Flabebe drifts out on the sea breeze while gently chanting a tune. Ping, "Fairy Wind, Lucky Chant."

There's a sadness to the tune as she floats about. Frogadier sends out a lick and some half heart punches but doesn't land anything. Ping, "Tearful Look. Ice Punch."

Each time the frog gets close the wind whips it in the face and the attack fails, red flower petals begin swirling in the air and slicing around Frogadier. It's earlier dominance can't make contact. Ping, "Razer Leaf."

While beautiful in display, it's also a bit anticlimactic as far as fights go. Eventually the gym leader's Pokemon gets whipped about by the wind too much and falls on it's back.

The tiny sprite on the flying flower gently lands and takes a bow.

Gabby whistles, "she'd rule the competition circuit, but this kind of fight might be a breath of fresh air for the region. If she keeps it cool she'll definitely be popular, as soon as she looks like a spoiled brat the viewers will abandon ship though."

Ty records Shauna shaking hands with Noami and handing over a badge with a somewhat pained smile.

Naomi then skips our way and gives a victory sign. Jane scoops her up in a hug and spins her around.

Gabby steps in a goes for some questions, "A show of strategy and planning, did anything surprise you during the match?"

Like a champ she does take a deep breath and give a radiant smile, "The Dewford Gym pride is found in their close combat. A new trainer like me shouldn't expect to beat them at their own game. Patient defense and a kiting strategy are what won me the match. I do feel sorry for the Dewott though, he's super adorable."

Our interviewer taps her pen and nods in approval, "Your teammates will face Shauna tomorrow, do you have any advice after your fight tonight?"

Princess grins, "I'm sure Mr. Kurt will be up to his own tricks," She glances over to Jane, "Shauna will try and sweep you into her own pace, take her down fast Jane!"

Gabby switches topics, "After Dewford, where can fans look forward to your next gym match?"

Visibly reigning in her own excitement, "Next Gym will be the Mauville Mosh. Our team definitely has a type disadvantage going in but hopefully at least one of us gets the badge. Before that we'll have a fair bit of prep and training on the way."

Ty whistles, Gabby seems excited as well, "Taking on Hoenn's infamous Battle Royal as your second gym huh? Many see it as the new weed out gym these last five years, we can't wait to see your team there."

They begin packing up their gear.

Ty stretching his back, I ask, "Not sticking around for tomorrow?"

He seems lost for a second then reels in, "Ah, we'll be shooting more highlights bro. Once we've got all the footage our man back in Mauville will cut together something to broadcast. I'm sure he'll make a dope sizzle reel for your matches and then cap it off with Miss Wattson's match."

I flick her head, "Not letting your noggin get to full of itself already are you?"

She rubs the sore spot, "owie, of course not. But I'm like a real Pokemon trainer now you know!"

Is that so, "You and 90% of people your age or something crazy like that. You should figure out how to help Jane, her fight is in the morning, early."

While saying such I show her the tide chart on my phone.

I nudge Jane, "You better focus on cozying up to your Onix a couple hours tonight and before the match. I'll ask if they got anything at the hotel to help ya get some sleep. Last thing you need is to be up all night with nerves."

Naomi chimes back in, "Aunt Viv's Liepard can help you practice, and I bet the Alakazam in the lobby can hypnotize you."

Jane looks pale, "I should be fine, never had a problem sleeping before. But I for sure will practice with my Onix, she needs a name still!"

Nope, "think on it overnight, reeeeal hard. May help you bond better in the morning if you just talk to her."

The princess hands back my phone, a different page is open on it showing a Pokemon called Cottonee. It's literally a cotton ball?

Looking at her for an explanation.

She sticks out her tongue, "You mentioned when we were looking at Pokemon on the boat that I would be running a small team clear till our Alola trip if i didn't find another local pokemon. These are rarely found near Petalburg, I'll ask the champ where to find them."

He was a grass expert, "You'll have a crack at the gym there too I ȧssume."

Both girls nod.

In the hotel lobby, Vivica is already waiting by the front desk, "Congratulations Naomi!"

The two hug and usher us to the restaurant. While the rich girls chat, Jane releases her unique Onix on the tide pool arena. The two spend some quality time bonding.

Myself, I'm giving scritches to my Joltik. She chitters happily while Blue prances around the tide pools, looking at seashells and tossing sticks and watching the tide bring them back in.

This gives me a fun idea, "Blue, let me tell you about our upcoming Operation Driftwood!"

At some point in our strategy meeting while Onix is practicing chasing Liepard around the sand, Shak swoops in and lands on a nearby railing.

He's got to be getting close to two meters tall, "How are you feeling buddy."

Fluffing his dark blue fur he yawns with that huge mouth, then stretches a massive set of wings. He then looks over my snack plate for anything worth snagging.

My dex app approximates him at 80% evolved, "Holy shit bud, looks like you've got another night of rest and chow time."

Nodding excitedly with a, "Ba!" he takes off and flies over the nearby cliffs to hunt something fresh from the woods.

Once Tess gets used to running around on sand and Blue found everything shiny on the beach, including someone's expensive watch, we call it a night. Up stairs I find Naomi peeking around a corner into the living room of our penthouse.

On the couch is a drooling Jane staring into space.

Naomi fills me in, "Alakazam hypnotized her but I asked him to not give any commands. What should we make her do?!"

This kid…

"You're grounded."

She seems shocked, "Awe come on, one thing, pleeease?"

I'll admit it is slightly tempting, "Fine but nothing awful, she has a big match in the morning. I know you'd be furious if someone messed with that, right?"

Naomi seems like she understands as she visibly deflates some.

We walk into the living room, Sandile is asleep on the couch next to Jane.

Miss Princess kneels in front of the redhead while taking out her phone to record, "Jane you're such a good puppy, who's a good girl?!"

Jane puts her hands up and excitedly yips like a small dog, "Bow!"

Oh no.

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