Pokemon: Animus

Chapter 25 - Ground Breaking

Morning comes with a shriek and the sound of a slamming bathroom door. Jane spent the night curled up on the foot of Naomi's bed like a family pet.

Getting up, I carefully step over the hibernating Golbat next to my bed. Sunlight shines in from the living room windows.

"Shit." Jane was supposed to get up early and spend more time with her Onix.

I hop a couch and head over to the bathroom, knocking on the door, "Jane?"

Sounds like a trash can gets kicked, "Not now Kurt!"

Peeking down the hall to Naomi's room, the little princess is still out cold in bed. Or not, her left eye just peeked open.

Talking through the door, "Well regardless how ya feel about Naomi's prank, this isn't the time. You've only got a couple hours to go on a walk with your Onix and then it's time for the match. You talked a big game about proving yourself, don't get distracted."

The door rips open revealing a scowling Jane, "I know…"

She glares down the hall.

Pride or feelings be damned, "She's thirteen Jane, and your legal employer if you forgot that part. Talk to her later, take care of yourself for now. Do you at least feel pretty rested?"

Jane nods then steps back into the bathroom to fix her messy hair, "I'll head out in a minute, I'll get food in the lobby...yes, being treated like a dog aside, I feel great."

Her eyes find mine in the reflection, "Why didn't you stop her? She listens to you."

There's a clear sense of accusation in her expression.

Blunt honesty it is, "I did, she begged, I caved. I said fine, only one small thing and it can't mess with your match today. She probably thought her idea was harmless. I doubt she understands how you feel right now.. I'm sorry, we'll make sure she learns better."

Ten minutes later, her hair neatly done in a long pixie style, "I'll get over this time. You're right, she's just a runt. You however, owe me for sure."

Thankfully there's a mischievous grin on her lips as she walks out the door.

Looking back to Naomi's room, "You can quit pretending, she's gone."

What most would consider a blonde angel sits up, "Did I mess up that bad?"

I walk in, lean against the wall and look at the Pokemon about the room, "No one likes being treated as a pet, especially when they thought they are your friend. Pretty sure that goes for your Pokemon too while we're on the subject. To drive it home, what if I told you to sit at my heel and be silent all day?"

Her face droops behind her long hair, "You'd be just like my mother."

Yikes, landmines everywhere with these kids, "You understand then. Alright, let's go have a nice beach breakfast and then cheer on our friend."

She hops out of bed in an absurdly frilly pajama gown, "Okay!"


In the tide side restaurant I step up to the bar to get my mind off this mess of a morning and into strategy mode.

Pulling up the seat next to her, I first try a sip of the drink, my brain completely derails, "Holy shit! This tastes like caramel candy, what did you order me?!"

She laughs, those green eyes never leaving me, "Different world, same drink, or as close as they ever get. That's what the locals call an Old Amber."

While I'm unpacking the implications of that statement a small black and red fox hops on the bar counter and tries to steal a sip of my drink. Pure instinct has me dodging the attempt.

The woman picks up her pokemon, "Now Nixy, the boss gets grumpy if he doesn't get the first one to himself." Again those eyes lock on me, "So, I'm here for your usual reminder that you choose to come to this world, for one life. Your idea, so stop being broody. Cute girlfriend by the way, make sure to call her."

Before this woman fades away or some nonsense, "You can't just...what about home?! Do I have kids?"

"Almost every time." With that she downs her drink and gets up, "See ya in the end of year tournament Boss, look for Viviane. Gods, too many mortals share my name in this region. Chao!"

As she's walking away Jane almost walks into a table passing her by. I turn back to mull over the drink in my hand and what was said.

Jane pulls up beside me, "Did you see that hotty had a Zorua! ...Why do you look like ya saw a ghost?"

After another long pull, "That woman recognized me Jane."

Her eyes go wide as she looks back into the restaurant but predictably 'Viviane' is long gone. "What did she say?!"

That's the question isn't it, "Not much, but so much at the same time. She called me Boss, and told me to relax."

The teen brain beside me struggles, "What is that supposed to mean, what about a family or anything?"

It means...I did this to myself, and it's not the first time. Which means....A lot.

Looking at the uncharacteristic concern from Jane, "I think everything is alright. Got your breakfast ready to go?"

She lifts a take out bag, "You sure old man?"

I nod, "Remember when we talked about real adventures? This is it! Today is your first gym badge battle, so go get ready!"

The drive sets in, I can see her jaw and fists clench, "Right, see ya at the gym Kurt."

Another near table collision and she's off.

Savoring the last drop of the Old Amber while listening to the morning tide, "Mortals huh? Best not jinx anything."

Later, after a much needed meander down the boardwalk, I'm finishing up that call with Lacy in the gym lobby. She poorly hides her excitement as I commit to coming back soon and telling her I can't wait to see her again. If I'm really committing myself to this world, then I see no reason to hold back actually living in it.

Dawn enters the building with her runts Edgar and Tommy. She notices me but just waves, turning around to focus on the two boys. Both nod excitedly at whatever pep talk she's giving them before heading up to the main desk.

She heads my way, a sly grin on her lightly painted lips, "Calling that girlfriend Kurt?"

Putting my phone away, "Actually, yes. Your team registering for prelims or have yall already battled?"

A flicker of annoyance in her eyes, "Tommy actually has his badge battle near noon, came here himself while we went chasing treasure. Eddy and I will be doing prelims today. Heard Miss Wattson performed splendidly last night. Is your badge battle this morning?"

Surprising about the round kid, "I'm not till this evening, Jane's match is in twenty or so minutes. Did Tom boy catch another pokemon?"

Dawn scoffs, "Get this, he won enough for an egg the morning we left for the Stone manor and it hatched just a couple hours later. The Phanpy is stupid cute, but super high energy. Every time he lets it out it tries to head buŧŧ everything in sight."

I pull my phone back out and look up what she's talking about. It's an actual mini elephant, yup that's adorable… and definitely fitting for the tubby kid. Geez I need to give the brat a break...mentally?

A ping from the gym announcement system stops my rude thoughts, "Anyone wishing to watch Challenger Jane take on Shauna, please make your way to the beach field."

Waving off Dawn I start jogging out to the sand. Just outside I catch Ty the not so smooth cameraman talking to our crew gals from the Jolteon. It's the first time I've seen the four of them together off duty. Alice, Destinee, Johanna, and Mel are sporting new swimsuits, I tell by the tag still hanging from our cook, Mel's top. She blushes a bit once I point it out for the mechanic, Destinee to rip off.

Captain Johanna urges us to move along, Alice the maid right at her heel. Quite the morning crowd is gathering at the same stands from last night. Of course it's not near the number from yesterday but hopefully Jane doesn't have any jitters.

She clearly does. The poor lass is doing everything she can to ignore the observers, which amounts to ogling Shauna doing stretches across the field. At least she gets her game face on once the ref walks out.

A young man in grey camo board shorts and a blue tank top holds up a mic, "Gooood morning beach goers it's time for another exciting gym battle here in Dewford!"

The crowd gives a solid cheer as he points towards Shauna, "Our totally gorgeous leader Shauna will be facing Challenger Jane! Trainers present your pokemon."

Shauna quirks a brow but just grins and tosses out a ball, "Let's Go Quakers!"

A small blue duckling appears on the bȧrė sand, my Dex app pings for me, a Ducklett.

Jane looks stunned, "Um, Sorry? Just make it quick Marble!"

Everyone in the audience groans as a white marble Onix towers over its tragic opponent.

Even Shauna gives a sigh, "Ready when you are."

Jane nods and the ref waves a flag, "Battle Start!"

"Take off!" "Shine on!"

Dexa pings, 'Fly, Rock Polish, Flash.'

As the blue duck takes flight the stone serpent rapidly coils along itself rubbing against the sand, the morning sun reflects off the veins in the stone in a dazzling display. While the crowd ooohs the poor Ducklett seems caught off guard.

Jane points, "Take it down, Rock Throw!"

Shauna growls out, "As if, Aerial Ace!"

A barrage of small rocks dug up and flung towards the blue bullet as against all odds it whips, dives and barrel rolls each stone to come out unscathed.

"Now Strike back with Steel Wing!"

Our girl stomps forward, "bring it, Bulldoze!"

I bȧrėly catch the Ducklett blinking against the shimmering light of Marble on her attack vector while the Onix dives nose first sending a shower of sand right into the oncoming avian. Quakers hits the dirt.

Jane takes advantage, "Wrap this up!"

Ping, 'Bind'

As the sand clears, Onix has the brave little duckling constricted in her coils. The bird passes out.

Ref boy raises a flag, "Ducklett is unable to battle, round one goes to the Challenger."

Shauna pouts a bit, "Talk about a rocky start. You're up, Go Blitz!"

A Wartortle takes the field. Jane signals she's not switching out. The ref raises both flags.


"Marble Bulldoze again!"

The gym leader smirks, "Hydro ball."

As the sand crashes like a wave, Dexa pings in my ear bud, 'Withdraw, Rapid Spin, Aqua Tail.'

Uh oh. True enough a water coated turtle shell breaks through the sand wave like a cannon shot. Onix takes the hit right in the face with a roar of anger.

The two crash across the field, Marble keeps trying to land a hit but lacks the technique necessary to pick off the speeding water ball. Finally Wartortle surfs another wave of sand into a nasty hit to Onix's big chin, Marble goes down.

Everyone cheering for Shauna jumps to their feet to shout.

Ty is grinning, "This is gonna make a great highlight."

Destinee grunts, "Not for our girl."

Jane's cold glare echoes the sentiment, "Crooky, it's all on you. Punish that soup bowl!"

Excuse me?!

One angry little croc takes the field. The flag goes down. Jane howls, "Rampage!"

Ping, "Leer, Rage, Torment."

Guess Shauna isn't the only one training fancy combos, the Wartortle dashes headlong into the taunt.

Shauna shouts, "No! Hit and Run!

But things go south for her as Sandile sumo slams into the turtle, catching it with its small arms than locking it down with his jaws.

As Wartortle sticks his head out and tries to bite himself free, Shauna gets frustrated, "Just spin out! Or at least use Iron tail!"

Blitz seems to ignore the first command but does swing his tail to try and knock away Crooky.

Jane actually laughs, "Finish Him!"

Really?! The sandile once more slams the wartortle into the beach and follows up with a sickening crunch as his teeth puncture the turtle shell.

Ping, "Assurance."

Wartortle withdraws in panic and refuses to come back out.

A hush follows the brutality, a moment passes, Shauna groans and wavs at the ref.

"Wartortle is unable to battle, Challenger Jane Wins!"

Pokemon recalled, Jane and Shauna shake hands.. When Jane shows off her badge to the crowd everyone is on their feet to applaud, it was undeniably an exciting match.

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