Pokemon: Animus

Chapter 26 - Surf Tricks

Jane runs over to us in the stands with probably the biggest smile I've ever seen on the teenager. From nowhere Naomi in a giant sun hat tackles Jane and hangs from her neck, "That was amazing!"

The two hop around seemingly forgetting all about this morning. Miss Wattson must have been hiding in the crowd for the match. Eventually they settle down enough for Watts to treat us all to an early lunch. Our crew gals are more focused on picking the fanciest things on the menu while Jane, Naomi, and Ty discuss how the highlight edit will turn out.

Splitting our separate ways, the girls head back to the hotel while I shop for beachwear. My battle this evening will definitely involve standing in some water and I'd rather not soak my new clothes. Some flip flops, khaki shorts, and a red hawaiin shirt later I'm ready for the surf.

For this fight I'm going to open with Blue so Tess has more foot holds. By the local tide chart and what I scouted last night, my time slot should see a bit over a foot of water over the field in the outgoing tide.

Which puts us down on the beach by the water for practice. My little Joltik is scurry'n back and forth from the tide or hopping over the wave crests. She still gets caught a third of the time but my new Cluancher brings her back each time. Ruby is happy to scoot about watching us practice. Meanwhile Blue is wearing a familiar floppy sun hat and building a sand castle.

"I thought I told you to work on finding palm roots and buried driftwood?"

He points to what would be a castle bailey and sure enough there's a palm spout surrounded by shell fragments. Wait…

"Where have you seen a castle anyway?"

He points at one of the casinos down the beach and sure enough it looks like a Treasure Island rip off complete with mock fort. Fair enough, "Alright bud just keep up practice for the next couple hours then we'll hit up the pokecenter before our match."

I get a text from Dawn showing Tommy raising his new badge at the gym field. Good job kid.

Some solid training with Tesla and some dude insisting Blue participate in a sand sculpting competition later, the sun is finally headed towards the horizon. My phantump is still moping about his second place ribbon.

"Next time bud, you'll get em next time. People just prefer life size mermaids to life size killer trees. Know your audience."

The team meets us outside of the gym, even from here I can hear the waves crashing against the rocks behind the gym.

Jane has her chin a little too high, "Not gonna be the only one to lose right old man?"

This brat, "Your attitude is what's old around here. I'm not gonna underestimate the gal but I really don't see what she'll be able to do with her kung-fu amphibians to stop me."

A passing gym dude gives me a scowl, but it's not like he has time to tattle to his mommy.

The PA system chimes, "Alright folks, it's time for the final badge battle for the day. Head on down to the arena to see if Challenger Kurt can take a win or if Shauna sends him out with the Tide!"

Torches light the path in the setting sun light while dozens of beach goes make their way towards the stands. I spot Shauna already finishing her stretches before hopping down from the stands into the nearly two foot deep tide water. She has no issue with the under current as the waves pull back, lowering the waterline to only a foot.

I've no issue either and I catch my opponent giving a satisfied nod, "Nice Kurt, I'll be honest, I was surprised you picked this time slot. Not planning on fighting me with that little Skrelp are you? That might fly if this was your first badge but as is we get to step up slightly tonight."

I figured league gyms have such guidelines, my plans already expect her to bring out two second stage pokemon. On that note, better turn off Dexa, this time there's a full crowd to laugh if I get scolded for rule breaking.

With my best grin, "No little seahorse, sorry. You'll be in for some fun… Or at least I will.���

The crowd gives a few chuckles as the ref wades out, a cute redhead in a one piece with shorts.

Spotlights light up the field making the buoys at the four corners obvious. The ref turns on her mic, "Good Evening Dewford, welcome to the badge battle between our own Shauna and Challenger Kurt! Trainers please present your pokemon and signal when ready."

From the stands I hear my own cheer squad yelling, and it seems the crew girls had some drinks before the match. Even from here I catch Ty side eyeg the rowdy women while aiming his camera. Jane flicks his ear for me while Naomi is hopping up and down.

Shauna slings out a ball as the tide rolls out, "You're up, Go Bibarel!"

Is that a beaver? It strikes a stance and it's little paws give the universal 'come at me bro' sign. Like a mini and fluffy Bruce Lee.

The tide surges back in as I toss out a dark ball, "Show time Blue."

After the flash of light all anyone see's is a chunk of driftwood. I nod towards the ref.

She looks to Shauna who just grins and nods as well, "Match Begin!"

My opponent starts off, "Barrel, start your swagger."

She looks at me expecting a response to the beaver beginning to sway but I just hold my smile. Blue has his instructions already. The crowd murmurs in confusion at the whole lot of nothing happening. Even now however, my little poltergeist is scouring the field for every bit of plant life under the sand.

Shauna folds her arms as the tide rolls back out, "Your move Kurt."

Eyeing the dropping water, "If you insist, Blue Action!"

Suddenly roots burst from the sands surrounding Bibarel, he smoothly dodges each wooden spear as they arc past him.

Shauna shouts over the surprised crowd, "Barrel use Iron Tail, don't get caught!"

But I do need to make a show of it, "It's time Blue!"

Like a giant squid rising from only two feet of water, Blue's Astonish raises a large log from under the sand and rams towards Bibarel. The networks of blooming roots cut off space to dodge.

Once more Shauna growls, "Bash it to splinters!"

Bibaral exhales a jet of water down and rockets through the surf, his head bashes into the wooden squid sending chunks of fire wood scattering into the waves.

A gentle cry echos from the log, but I know that move actually did nothing to Blue. Even if it did the specks of green light drifting from Bibarel would heal him back just fine.

Shauna searches the water, trying to catch a hint in the fading sunlight, "Your grass type surely can't stay down forever Kurt."

Creepy, childlike laughter gurgles up from the water. I laugh as well watching the beaver's sway begin to edge towards actually collapsing.

"Well, not unless he wants to."

Her brow scrunches in confusion as Bibarel suddenly flops face first into the water. Blue rises to reveal himself from a palm sprout while giggling.

The ref raises her flag with some reluctance, "Bibarel is unable to battle, Phantump wins."

Some of the crowd cheers, some boo, Shauna recalls her pokemon, "So it's a ghost, Barrel never had a chance. Not sure I like your tricks Kurt. But…" she hesitates, realizing something, "It won't matter, we'll tear it all down! Go Wog!"

A Marshtomp takes the field. Energetic thing waves to the crowd who cheer him on. But my eye is on Shauna who catches my look, sighs and gives a subtle nod. Preparation won out, I won't even need my Joltik. She'd be just as useless against Marshtomp's ground type, as it is to my ghost.

The ref waves her flag, "Begin!"

Blue dives back into the roots.

Shauna commands, "Shake it loose."

Marshtomp sticks his arms into the sand and begins to howl even as little green seeds land on its skin.

The entire battlefield begins to quake as the roots collapse back into the water. I have to struggle to stay on my feet, our ref girl plops into the water and quickly gets back up.

Blue seems to get thrown from a palm sprout.

My opponent has no mercy, "There Watergun, and close in with mud sport!"

I guess just cause it's not her style doesn't mean it can't use ranged attacks.

Jets of water head off Blue each time he looks to merge with a plant as Marstomp seems to belly surf forward in the now only inches deep wake.

While flecks of green light are still fading off of him, the marshtomp doesn't give blue a chance to retaliate.

Last idea, "Blue defend the fort!"

My ghost narrowly dodges another waterspout while laughing madly, suddenly a barricade of sharpened wooden stakes justs up from the sand. Sand castles are training too.

Marshtomp almost slows but Shauna calls out, "More tricks, Iron Tail it to splinters!"

Blue gets sent skipping back as the stakes get shattered. I check on my little prankster but he seems down for the count. For his type advantage he doesn't have much power to hit with.

Clicking the pokeballs, "Great show Blue. You're up Tess."

My Joltik appears in all her metallic red glory on a raised section of palm root.

As the ref calls the fight to restart, Shauna laughs, "Back at you eh Kurt?"

Shauna misreads my smirk and gets serious, "Wog, give it another shake, put the shiny bug in the waves!"

While I keep my footing I call to Tesla, "Same plan, get hopping!."

Leaping from one foot hold to the next my Joltik sends out constant string shots at and around her opponent while circling him.

Not to be tricked again, Shauna catches on, "Get out of that web!"

Is it too late for him?

I raise a fist, "Close the net!"

The red Joltik starts reeling herself in towards Marshtomp while narrowly hopping over another Iron Tail. She lands on the opponent's back. The last flecks of Leech Seed get scattered.

Time to end this, "Bug Bite and Absorb, don't let go!"

Try as he might, Marshtomp has taken too much damage over time and is just getting further tangled into all the sting shot webbing.

Just as Shauna tries to shout more encouragement the Marshtomp plops back. My Joltik frantically scurries out from beneath him as another wave comes in, sweeping her a few feet away to a dry spot.

With him not getting up, the ref calls it, "Marshtomp is unable to battle, Challenger Kurt Wins!"

The crowd cheers and Shauna makes her way over, the tide bȧrėly hitting the field now.

Her blue eyes scan the mess, "I think you ruined my field for tomorrow Kurt."

No guilt in my bones, "Add a little to my prize money and I'll fix it in the morning."

She laughs and shakes my hand, "Why not, nice fight. I expected you to come with a blunt force like the girl this morning. Here's your Wave Badge."

Nodding, I accept my prize and show the crowd to resounding cheers from my team.. Looks like we're having another celebration meal on Watts.

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