Pokemon: Animus

Chapter 31 - Evolution in Revolution

The last matter of business is my Eevee. Something Isaac hadn't told Lydia about judging by the yelling in a small side office, but being ȧssured the lawyers cleared it eases things.

If looks could kill however, "All right Kurt, come have your pick of the most valuable pokemon in the breeding industry."

A rare instance of my memory of the games, "Not Ditto?"

Lydia and Isaac both give me weird looks, he shakes his head, "No, nevermind it being just a blob of goo, it can't breed with other pokemon. So hardly something breeders would be interested in."

Maybe I look confused because Lydia explains, "If it turns into a copy of what it sees then it is the same gender. Even if it went female then it couldn't stay transformed long enough to develop an egg. While a male transformation still wouldn't have the genetic variance for the embryo to be viable."

Whelp, there goes all the video game logic. Now I need to hard pivot without sounding stupid, "I see. Anyway since you didn't know I came for an Eevee Lydia, it's for my girlfriend."

"The one thats keeping ya off the market?" At least her smirk tells me she is just kidding, hopefully, "Any thing you're looking for specifically, we actually have dozens of pups right now. We are actually the top breeding facility internationally when it comes to Eevee."

You know, I bet remembering the nitty gritty game details would be really useful right now, "I'm planning on evolving it to a Leafeon as quickly as possible. They're all cute so other than that it needs to be a solid fighter and preferably clever."

She glares at her brother, "Now I see why you didn't tell me." looking back to me, "Just down this hall Kurt, you'll see why we're number one."

We start heading out of the lobby to a long hall of glass, on each side are 30x30 garden enclosures. Screens below the windows have live health monitoring and statistics for each resident.

"We have a program that lets us evolve them shortly after birth," Lydia points behind us to the other side.

It's a window into a live painting, the small lily pond, ferns, patches of wildflowers shaded by a willow tree that stretches past the roof. In front of a moss coated stone den is a Leafeon and her five pups.

Isaac sighs, "These are Lydia's favorite."

Lucy points, "That looks like the one you're after Kurt."

Sure enough two of the pups are having their own little battle. One is hopping about, tail wagging a mile a minute. It's opponent seems to be trying to dodge at the last second each time."

Lydia grumbles, "That one is pretty stubborn, won't eat any of the dried foods. Yes, female, and the smart one of the litter, and,"

The Leafeon pup in question swiped a bunch of leaves into the air to hide whipping her tail around to smack down the hopping one.

"She's a tad aggressive. Good for trainers, less so for around the house."

I think the Doc can handle that, I plan on getting her out of the house a fair bit anyway.

Miss Pike whispers behind me, "That was practically a Sword Dance into Leafblade already."

Really? Cause it looked like a cheap shot to me.

"I'll take her." Turning to Lydia, "What can you tell me about the parents?"

She scowls at my choice of words, "Mother is mine, stud was from a friend of my late husband. Both Leafeon have been in the top 8 of tournaments. This is a very expensive litter of pups."

Sheesh, I get it, "Worth more than the shipment I rescued?"

No response, just rolled eyes and hands shoved in coverall pockets.

Looking down the hall, "So you do this little set up with the other Eeveelutions?"

Isaac cuts in, "Some more successfully than others. Come on, I'll show you while my sister fetches the Leafeon pup."

Next on the right side of the hall is a tide pool set up like aquariums from home, complete with young Vaporeons. Across the hall is a strange cave set up, with stalagmites that are lit like torches , the only source of light. Somehow there are some Flareon and Umbreon pups wrestling about.

"Doesn't the darkness mess with the Flareons?"

Isaac shakes his head, "Not to any measurable degree. There's a hold period of three days when we let them adjust in one of the pens outside. If not purchased already they get to stay in an even larger mixed species area."

The next one has the further mixed results he's talking about. It's like a victorian courtyard with flower beds and a small fountain. Inside are Normal Eevees, Sylveon and a single Espeon. Last in the hall is a room that takes me a moment to understand the science of.

Floating in mid air is a pale glowing boulder with veins of iron and quartz. Then with a flash, a small bolt of lightning fires into the boulder from an antenna mounted on a wall. The entire room looks like a strange crater. Inside are Jolteon and a greyish regular eevee, in the flash of lightning I catch a hint of something like crystal quills in its fur.

As I'm about to ask if that's what I think it is, the door at the end of the hall next to us pops open. Out steps a handsome man in a lab coat with a red scarf and beret. Trailing just behind him is a gal also wearing a labcoat and hair matching the Moss siblings. He's laughing at something, and she's blushing slightly.

Isaac pulls them over, "Abby, Lucas, I was about to tell Kurt here why we're number one but I think you'll do a better job."

Lucas squints at me, "Wait, Kurt you say? The one working for Birch?" I nod, he laughs more, "Ha, this is perfect. Professor Rowan asked me to meet up with you once your sandshrew hatched. Fun project that, just let me get your contact info while Abby explains the amazing work we're doing here."

The green haired gal puts on some glasses and a business face, "Nice to meet you Kurt, your project under Birch is actually related to what we are doing here to a degree. This room simulates Unova's Chargestone Cave, highly magnetized fields and special combinations of minerals result in floating boulders similar to ours. We're on the verge of discovering what a Rock type eeveelution could be."

After handing my phone back Lucas tags on, "Well, or Electric/Rock, like the geodude line from Alola. Please give me a ring as soon as that egg hatches Kurt, 'new type evolutions' is my specialty. Also, I know Professor Elm has an ȧssistant on her way to Rustboro to meet you. Lyra's specialty is 'new type breeding' we coordinate projects sometimes."

Abby frowns at the mention but turns to Isaac, "Are Kurt and his friends here for an Eevee or just looking?"

Lydia catches up to us, "He's here for a Leafeon." She hands me my Luxury Ball, it's cold to the touch, "We have a machine that puts pokemon ment as gifts into hibernation. It's completely harmless, studies have shown that the pokemon bond better with their intended recipient if they have less contact with other trainers beforehand."

Having had enough of being led in a circle of conversation without getting a word in, "Thank you. This set up yall have here is really,"



Noami interrupts, "I was hoping to introduce you to my father and grandfather over lunch. I think we should wrap up or we'll need to rush. Wattsons aren't used to being kept waiting."

"Well it was lovely meeting you all I guess," I sigh but take another look around the hall, "Really, this is a fantastic project. I think it's absolutely brilliant. You'll be hearing from me hopefully before too long Lucas."

Hands are shook, and Leafeon's ball is carefully placed in my bag. Meeting with the Wattsons be damned, I'm more nervous about giving this to Lacy. If her golden eyes will light up and,

"Kurt let's move it boss man." Jane is leaning down to wave at my face.

Not the redhead I had in mind.

Back out through the lobby and into the jeep we go. The last bit of the ranch that catches my eye is a legit woolly mammoth sleeping under a big oak tree.

It's just a five minute drive to the west road to Mauville. I've got an odd feeling about this massive mall of a city. Even now as we drive up to the entrance and see the six stories of glass and metal.

Then it hits, "I've seen bigger."

All three girls give me a strange look.

Miss Pike asks, "Where? This might not be the tallest, but in square footage this is one of, if not The, biggest buildings in the world."

Jane covers for me, sorta, "Kurt's memory is shadows at best prior to a monthish ago Aunty. He's lucky that whatever job he had was pretty intense, and they just told him to call this a retirement."

At the road entrance we're directed into an underground parking lot. Electric, pastel colored golf carts line a wall of charging stations. Red being our team color means I'm out voted, pastel red is practically pink.

Seems Aunt Pike has her own plans, "Play nice with the people that pay your bills, Janey. See you three at dinner."

Exiting into the main lobby we drive around a six story waterfall feature, the water forms a crescent around a three story, metal statue of Mega Manectric. Looking towards the top I can see the sky through a glass dome. An Emolga flys in and out of view at the top floor where bits of plants can be seen hanging over the railing.

"Is the top floor a park?"

Noami is trying to wrangle her blonde locks in the rearview mirror, "Yes, it's an artificial field zone meant to allow children and rookie trainers to interact or catch one of the dozen species of smaller electric pokemon. Like Pachirisu, Dedenne, or those annoying Yamper."

Thats pretty neat, "I know there's more so spill it while we pass the fashion departments."

"We'll there are a few popular ones," Now she's diggin into a makeup bag, "Drive steady please. First is the kid stuff, the Find a Voltorb Ball Pit, the Mareep Petting Barn, a Pikachu cafe, Magnemite Magnet room, Togedemaru bowling, Electabuzz Boxing, Chinchou Aquarium, Oricorio dance challenge. Finally the Morpeko Jr. Bake Off."

I hold her shoulder steady while I move around an older lady puttering along.

"Thanks, next is the teen targeted activities. We have Flash Bolt Racing, trainers ride their Manectric, Zebstrika, or large breed Luxray. One girl won the cup on her Eelektross."

I've seen what those look like, I'm totally getting one. Too bad I'm a bit big to ride it.

She points, "Right here is the Raichu Wave house."

Sure enough in the center of the clothing wing dedicated to beach wear is an indoor wakeboarding set up. An over tanned Raichu laughing at a boy failing to impress his date.

"There are some non direct pokemon attractions like the Thunder Steelix Rollercoaster. For ȧduŀts there is the Rotom House appliance store, legendaries and fossil exhibits."

While putting away her kit she waves ahead, "Take this cart elevator kurt, fourth floor, the restaurant behind the big Zapdos statue in the center atrium."

You know, I'm beginning to understand why she is sick of electric pokemon.. Maybe.

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