Pokemon: Animus

Chapter 32 - Perspective Utopia

The restaurant host recognizes Naomi and asks us to follow him. Ambient music shields the area from the noisy mall, an electronic lofi mix. Monitors on the walls have different audio visualizers, with booths having large curved screens. Our guide brings us towards a private, round booth overlooking the center mall atrium.

An older fella, mid 70s probably, is watching our approach, he's wearing a yellow Hawaiian shirt over coveralls.

Saving the old timer's knees I step up to shake his hand while he remains seated although I notice he had no intentions of getting up to begin with, "Howdy there Mr. Wattson, seems every man I meet with an hourly wage aspires to be like you someday."

He chortles, "A legacy I'm quite proud of Kurt, and a fine opener I'll say. But you needn't worry boy, you were in my good books the moment I heard you gave that Devon scamp a black eye. His snooty father has been insisting on us saving our lass here to wed the little shit."

Naomi who was scooting onto the seat slips and knocks her elbow on the table, "Arceus that hurt. Also What, and WHAT?!"

Jane helps her up and scoots beside her, "How often do you solve things with a hit to the face Kurt?"

I can't quite keep a straight face as I pull up beside her, "As needed," Raising a brow towards the senior Wattson, "That waste was 20 abouts isn't he."

He scowls, "He's just under seven years older than our little Noami. It wouldn't matter if he was the same age, he's still a sniveling rattata. Never even went on his journey."

Lame, "We'll one more harassment charge and he'll be too busy with the law to get married."

"Indeed," Behind me a blonde man in a rather nice, and no doubt expensive blue suit arrives, "Let's talk about other things Mr. Kurt."

I stand to shake his hand, "I take it you're the Mayor Wattson."

He nods and turns to his daughter, "Glad to see you're enjoying your journey so far Noami, I was getting worried last year.��� Then while noticing the extra seat on their side of the table, "Sorry dear, your mother had a Grand Festival meeting to attend today."

Mayor Wattson grins at his father in a kind of silly pride, "You know Ursula was voted head judge this year?"

Naomi rolls her eyes and growls out, "Please inform her I'm available for lunch tomorrow. In the food court."

The man misses the implication and is already focused back on me, "So I hear you have a rare coloration Joltik?"

Wattson Senior sits up in his seat and the luncheon proceeds as such. They practically ignore the two girls except to recommend certain electric pokemon. No sooner is the food gone then they are excusing themselves to other appointments.

Standing at the railing in front of the restaurant, I glance at the two sour faced girls, "Let's go look at some fish. Water makes me feel better at least."

Another ten minutes and passing the bike shop that sent me my Crobat harness and jacket, and were at the private entrance to an Aquarium.

It's almost jaring suddenly seeing normal reef fish,and actual jellyfish. The sort of thing not all that different from home until a Corsola sits up and repositions. Somewhat spoils the moment for me but I can see the girls are feeling better.

Noami has an odd smirk when she leads us to a private exhibit, "This private tank is for all the water pokemon of the Wattson family."

I look through the glass, past the rocky front into the ŀȧp pool sized tank, looking harder, "Naomi, it's empty."

She laughs, "Yes, and has been since it was built ten years ago. I asked the staff to bring it up to optimum condition before I left to Littleroot however. Let's break a tradition shall we?"

Apparently she had emailed the staff as soon as we hit Slateport. In the back room they have quarantine tanks acclimating giant kelp specimens for my Skrelp. One fellow is putting the finishing touches on a waist tall wooden treasure ċhėst.

Noami giggles, "I thought our King of carps could use some entertainment, it sprays bubbles."

Jane laughs while the two of them look at the regular fish schools that are being added to the tank. Something about the whole scene hits me like a tsunami of nostalgia. Seems this isn't my first time being behind the scenes of a public aquarium with teenagers. Maybe an internship or school?

My Skrelp and Clauncher, Jane's Magicarp and Corphish, and Naomi's Clamperl all seem enthused about their temporary home. Even Skrelp shows interest in the bubble ċhėst.

Naomi checks the time and gives one last shell pat to her Clamperl, "It's two, we've the rest this afternoon, and two more days before the mosh to prepare. We can head up to the park to practice."

Sounds good to me, "For today we can take it slow, get them used to coordinating and figure out something of a formation. I doubt Jane's Onix has fond memories of my Joltik."

Navigating this heavily populated mall I'm once more stunned into recognising that this just isn't earth. From the fashion, prevalence of domestic pokemon in the mall, the specialty stores, even the music filtering up from a lower floor is a strange jazz compilation of that intro song of red and blue.

On the topic of the stores, the commercial zones of the mall offer everything you could imagine from a utopian future, and yet not as well. One store is showing off Wall size holographic televisions while the neighboring one has a retro vespa scooter on display. The appliance and furniture stores scream mid century modern yet the juice bar, yes the Juice bar, has a smoothie that cures the cold and flu.

It's somewhat overwhelming and therefore quite the relief once we reach the top floor park. With all the pedestrian traffic the top floor doesn't allow carts. Younger kids are running about, one is tossing a ball with an Electabuzz. A pair of teen girls are relaxing in the shade of a tree with their Plusle and Minun. A young father is teaching his elementary age daughter to ride his Zebstrika.

Jane mumbles out, "I'm going to the restroom."

Before she gets too far I whisper to Naomi, "Keep an eye on her, don't bother her, but if she needs it just be close."

With only a slight nervous hesitation, she nods and moves to catch up.

Now suddenly saddled with three traveling packs which include two egg incubators the size of watermelons, I need a place to sit. Amongst the simple city park landscaping there are plenty of benches available.

Just past the restrooms is a bench observing a grassy battlefield. It looks like a pair of fresh trainers are about to throw down.

Flashes of light reveal a two headed emu from a boy with a red vest and backwards cap, as well a yellow iguana from another boy, this one in a standard hiking outfit.

I pull out my dex app while they stare daggers at each other.

A young woman takes the referee position, "Chet's Doduo versus Mikey's Helioptile, Start!"

'Chet' yells like a damn pirate, "No Mercy!"

Dexa pings into my earbud, 'Agility, Quick Attack, Rage.'

Young Mikey hesitates at the big angry bird, "Uh, Thunder Shock?"

Well, things go about how you'd expect when a four foot bird charges a one foot lizard, even if the lizard sends little sparks out.

I hear a sigh behind me, "I was only gone five minutes."

A familiar young boy is coming back from the bathrooms. In fact, looking at these three boys again, they were at the lab in Littleroot Town.

Calling over the kid, "Hey, kid, it's Kurt from the lab, how's your team coming along?"

He jumps like a startled rabbit then takes a breath, "H-Hey Mr. Kurt, we're doing alright...ish. Those two get a little over competitive sometimes, rival trainer traditions and such."

"YOU!" Naomi is running over.

Jane is chasing not far behind but still snapping buŧŧons on her fancy pants, "Naomi! Let him explain!"

What now?

Miss Wattson charges right up to the lad's face, ���What were you doing in the girl's bathroom?!"

From the field a whistle blows, "Helioptile is unable to battle, Doduo wins!"

I give the accused kid a better look, this time catching certain… delicate features, ah, "Naomi, Stop."

"But Kurt, he was," She starts but is interrupted.

"OY!," The emu trainer from the match has run over, "You okay Amy?"

Jane finally gets her clothes on straight and quickly whispers into Naomi's ear.

Now I stand over a pair of red faced kids mumbling apologies as Naomi has her first meeting with someone, well, not old enough to transition.

Naomi fights down the embarrassment, "How can I apologise?"

Amy waves their hands, "No I under-,"

"Fight him." This Chet brat puffs up but explains, "Amy's Mareep is really close to finishing his evolution, just needs more experience."

Mikey catches up in time to add in, "You guys are a team also, right? Are you gonna take on the mosh this week?"

Jane nods, "Yup, we're the Red Rebels. And you?"

Chet laughs, "We're Team Alpha Dragon!"

Fodder… preteen dragon fodder.

Let's check some boxes first, "Have you kids already gotten a badge? I know you need at least one before the Mosh."

All three flash their badge case with pride, Chet trumpets, "Got the Petalburg badge on our way here. We did really well in the woods so we figured we'd hit the mosh early and dominate!"

Naomi looks ready to agree but I shake my head, "Not today, we need to decide our pokemon for the mosh tonight. But we can meet up here tomorrow afternoon, I guess it will be a team triple battle."

Bird boy and his rival, Mike high five, they both shout, "You're on!"

Amy gives a wave, and smiles at Naomi as they run off, "See ya!"

With the dynamic trio out of earshot, "Naomi… I can't really fault your action, if it was a boy and they were up mischief that's one thing buuut,"

Jane helps me out, "Amy is really sweet, he came with me to Littleroot. Hasn't been able to decide on a new name yet. Said he sprung it on his moms just before leaving Mauville."

Oh? Huh, do I wanna ask if the folks in this world are just that libral or live in happy ignorance ȧssuming everything is great. Is it even my business? Wait, Jane is…

"Alright, broken brain Kurt time. Jane, are people pretty accepting of all that sort of thing or is it shunned?"

Her head tilts, "Why would people have a problem? I mean obviously it's not common, even in pokemon, but I don't see how it's anyone else's business."

Well isn't this just the utopia again.

Naomi wilts, "Really? Mother sure acts like it's her business sometimes."

OKaaaay, let's adjust course, "Hey, the day isn't getting longer, let's get out our pokemon. Naomi, you left your clamperl, so how close is your starter Flabebe to evolving?"

"By the end of the week she should be settled. After the mosh, win or lose I'll trade our moon stone for a shiny stone so she continues growing on our way to Rustboro." With a graceful flourish she tosses out the pokeball.

The little white and green fairy holding its magic blue flower appears. "Floa!"

It immediately flies towards a flower box underneath a path light.

I check around, knowing the kind of attention my Joltik will get in this town. But the park is starting to thin out.

My net ball opens and the red spider appears, she stretches happily having had a nap since the restaurant. At first she was about the size of my hand but she's reached pie tin width now.

Last is Jane and Marble, the white stone, gold veined, boulder snake appears. Near 20 feet of trouble immediately locks eyes on to my little red spider.

"Well Shit, Naomi does this floor have a high impact rating?"

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