Pokemon: Animus

Chapter 35 - Sharpened Glade

It's only the next afternoon when we have our first run in with the trio from Kanto.

We're doing a group training in the woods just west of town. Our mosh team is practicing staying together while Jane's Sandile and my Phantump create obstacles or launch projectiles. The young Venipede and Mienfoo are sparring by an oak tree off to the side under my snoozing Golbat.

When the Sandile launches a well aimed shot of dirt, Onix's tail knocks over a slimmer tree causing the girls once hidden behind it to yelp.

Our training comes to a halt, "Alright, come on out."

Two of them shuffle out at least looking embarrassed while the one in front holds her chin up like we should be lucky for her attention. All three look to be in their mid to late teens, Jane's age. I instantly figure this to be the Kanto Royals because each girl just screams anime protagonist.

Deciding to seize initiative, "So, you three out here trying to spy on some competition? Not very sporting."

The goth punk girl out front with the gold highlights in her black hair scoffs, "As if we'd need to."

"Don't be rude Grace," A girl straight from the cover of a teen magazine, with icy blue hair makes fluttery eyes my way, "Ow!"

Miss Jailbait gets flicked in the head quick enough by the last girl who looks at least part polynesian with short green hair, "Gross Iris." Then turning to me, "Our production team sent us your way. You guys are the Red Rebels right?"

While I nod, Jane catches on, "Probably the same company we work with."

On cue, Gabby stumbles her way out of nearby bushes, "Arceus, you couldn't have picked a spot closer to the trail Kurt?"

Ty, the cameraman, is carefully following with a heavy looking camera case on his back.

Miss Golden Highlights, Grace Ketchum, points towards our small pokemon riding atop Onix's head, "So this is your Grand plan for the mosh?" She folds her arms, "Really not sure you'll even make the top ten with those pipsqueaks."

Naomi takes a sharp tone, "You did notice them riding 17 feet of solid rock right?"

Gabby steps in, "Alright girls, we arranged this meet up because the Reds can appreciate staying out of public view."

Setting up his camera, Ty chimes in, "That means drop the teen idol act and get some good training in, like you insisted."

Why do I suddenly feel like the ȧduŀt supervision at a girls summer camp? These five can just have a battle while I start prepping lunch.

"Wait!" the blue haired one calls over, "we didn't get properly introduced yet Mr Kurt. I'm Iris Cerulean, that's Grace and Crystal."

This brat has issues, I reply a bit dryly, "Lovely. This is Jane, Naomi, as you said I'm Kurt, and I'm also hungry so I'll get us some food cooking."

Naomi puts out a hand to the older Grace who, to her credit, does properly shake hands at first but doesn't let go, "So intro's done, let's battle!"

Jane rolls her eyes, "Relax Kanto Queen, Watts ain���t got a solo fighter right now. Not gonna risk injury on our badge battle picks."

All three girls look a bit disappointed, Crystal asks, "You must have others right? We're a month into the season."

Naomi looks at me, I can see the pride in her eyes burning at not being able to challenge the forign girls.

Fine, "Watts, you should be able to handle Blue. Jane let Crooky stretch. I'll wake up the big lug."

These woods are shady enough my golbat ought to be fine to battle. "So, who's up first?"

Iris hops to the front and center, "Let's go Melty, time to show off!"

A Glaceon appears in the glade, it's owner still has her head in the clouds.

No thanks, "Watts, have fun."

Noami walks over to my Phantump who's been sneakily watching from a nearby sapling and whispers in his... ear hole?

Ty gives a thumbs up, Gabby yells out, "Start!"

Naomi, "Ingrain."

Her opponent raises a brow, "You know Grass is weak to ice right? Rooting in place won't help either…"

But Blue doesn't stop at taking root, he completely disappears into the shaded meadow.

"Yes, we know. Your move Miss Iris." Noami gives a cheshire grin, I think she's excited to fight with my Phantump.

To her credit, Iris doesn't lose any time, "Frost everything, keep moving."

Dexa app to the rescue. Ping, "Powder Snow."

While the Glaceon darts about, a gentle cloak of snow trails behind her. The frost begins to spread from wherever the ice type passes.

Noami still smiles, "Branch Pokes, look to lock her down."

Sharp twigs flick up just in front of Glaceon causing it to skid. Just as a bramble vine also raises up to snare, Melty jumps into the air.

Iris calls out, "Frost breath!"

Glaceon exhales a strong gust of freezing air, but the cone is a bit small for what I know Blue is capable of controlling.

My teammate knows as well and trusts my Phantump, "Astonish!"

A wave of grass, branches and twigs, bursts up like a green shark breaching the ocean surface. Glaceon is swallowed whole!

Misty's Niece flinches just like her pokemon, "Melty!"

When Glaceon fails to escape, Iris clicks the return buŧŧon on her pokeball, "What a terrifying little pokemon."

Literally echoing her point, creepy children's laughter fills the glade.

Naomi shivers, "Enough Blue, thank you for the great battle. My apologies Miss Iris, Kurt favors this trickster for battles quite a bit."

Blue appears from one of the branch piles and does a victory ŀȧp around the glade before stopping next to me for head pats, I oblige.

Iris frowns and looks to Crystal, "Your turn, crush the red."

'The Red,' Jane scoffs, and smiles towards her green haired opponent, "Shall we?"

Crystal puffs some air, "Everyone is so wound up. How about loser pays for a dinner date later?"

Jane almost stumbles while calling over her Sandile, "Um," she looks my way but I just shrug. "Sure I guess."

I'll tell her she's overthinking it later. At least I ȧssume so with how casual Crystal asked.


"Fernsis, Leer!" "Crooky, Leer!"

Well then.

Jane blinks first, "Sand Attack!"

Sandile swings his tail sending a spray of dirt and leaves in the air.

Brock's girl keeps cool, "Fury Cutter."

Grovyle does a diving spin forward, his leaf bladed wrists dicing apart the clutter in the air while closing distance.

Our redhead let's her frustration out, "Get that lizard veggie stuck between your teeth!"

A laugh escapes me. What?

Dexa pings, 'Taunt'

That's not how that works, the pokemon is supposed, nevermind. Grovyle is above Sandile.

Crystal yells, "Trop Kick!"

Sure enough Grovyle converts his dive into a front flip and kicks Sandile face down into the grass.

Jane fires back, "Payback!"

Crooky rolls forward with the hit, his tail swatting Grovyle down to his level.

Firing on adrenaline, "Great, now Assurance."

"No way! Glide out!" Crystal swings her arms like a baseball coach signaling to slide home.

Grovyle rapidly limbos under Sandile's snapping jaws with such ease you'd think they were fighting on ice.

Ping, 'Grassy Glide'

Ping, 'Rage'

Crooky is not happy he missed his window and begins frantically snapping at Grovyle.

Jane seems out of ideas and just hoping for a hit to land.

Unfortunately Crystal has too many advantages this time, "Detect and Leafage."

Like a young pro, Grovyle dodges and weaves each jaw snap while countering with a swipe of his leaf blades.

Ping, 'Anger Point Triggered'

Jane screams, "Power Trip!"

Crystal on point, "Quick Guard!"

Sandile lunges for a full body slam but Grovyle spins aside and 'Trop' kicks Crooky away in one fluid motion.

The big green gecko is breathing heavy but still standing while the miny croc is flat on his back, breathing, but not getting up.

This one goes to the Royals.

Pokemon returned, both girls shake hands.

Jane is grinning if a bit reluctant, "That was awesome, I'll be the first to say it."

Crystal lets out a laugh, "Maybe but you gave me a heart attack with the Anger Trip combo."

Together they walk out of the way to a log to sit on while chatting about the fight.

Grace steps in front of me, "Alright tall guy, gonna come at me with your little bug or the creepy stump?"

She doesn't even come up to my shoulders, "Nah, let me go wake up my third."

A couple of confused looks follow me as I walk up and pound against a tree, "Hey ya lug, time to earn your keep!"

With a single flap followed by a thud, Shak the Golbat lands in a flutter of broken leaves and twigs.

Miss big talker nervously looks up to him, "Is this really a Golbat?"

I pat his fluffy mane, "Shak here is coming up fast on six feet tall. He is the current size record holder in Hoenn and I aim to keep it that way."

Rather than fear, Grace seems more excited, "That's fantastic, at this rate you'll have an over Eight foot Crobat, that's rideable!"

Iris isn't getting anywhere near the big bat, "Didn't your dad have a big Pidgeot?"

Grace grins, "Walter is a Mega Pidgeot, a blast to ride and sire to my shiny Pidgeot back home named Goldie." She sighs, "We're going to rule when we're old enough for the WPC."

Enough chit chat, "So ya talked yourself up Missy, who's fighting for ya?"

"Only one has a chance," she turns towards the clearing and tosses out a ball, "Alright, you're on Max."

A Mightyena appears in the grass, about three feet tall at the shoulder. It's in for a tough battle.

The two pokemon square off but Grace's wolf looks shaky, being the size of lunch can do that.

Gabby calls for the last time, "Start."

"Supersonic." "Howl!"

Both shake the trees with noise, somehow Mightyyena has avoided the confusion effect.

Grace can't miss a beat, "Pursuit! Catch it before it flies!"

Well that would be the usual choice, but I just heard you and I'm not very nice so, "Blast it again."

While the wolf is charging in ready to leap at the first sign of flapping wings, my Golbat lowers and let's loose another deafening Supersonic.

This time Mightyena visible staggers and stumbles, Grace yells, "No! Come on shake it off!"

You won't get the chance, "Poison Fang."

Shak lunges forward using his massive wings to launch himself! A powerful crunch and pained yelp signals one dog captured in the vicious maw of a very large predator.

Suddenly I recall my gym battle against Max of Petalburg, "Fly up a bit, and this time just drop it."

With a single flap of his wings, Shak is already 15 feet up and climbing.

The pain did shake Mightyena from the confusion however and Grace has only so many options, "Lash Out and Knock Off."

Not giving my Golbat the chance to disobey, Max the Mightyena begins thrashing violently before kicking himself free with all four paws.

Both Grace and I can see how the now 30plus foot drop will end, She pleads, "Catch him Kurt!"

Awe Shit.

I give a running leap forward and just bȧrėly manage to snag the falling dog before tumbling into the grass. A sharp pain lances across my ribs. One of his claws tore just tore me open.

At least he doesn't have any limbs at wrong angles for what it's worth. Both of us probably bruised some ribs.

Grace runs over just ahead of everyone else, "Are you alright?!"

"Next time, pick a cat." What happened to me not being nice? Also, I need to think about what I tell my bat to do more clearly.

Gabby and Ty carefully lift Max off me while checking us both.

Ty grimaces at the cut under my armpit, "You'll need a bit more than stitches bud, good catch tho."

Winning isn't supposed to hurt, "Yay."

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