Pokemon: Animus

Chapter 36 - Countdown to Showtime

Sundown in Mauville City on Mosh Fridays is apparently an Event with a capital E. Thundering bass notes and a steady but angry guitar reverb through all the public spaces. The air shivers with anticipation while even the fresh staples in my side vibrate. An angst filled arena anthem to make all of Queen, Nirvana, and 90s Rock proud.

Neon lights lead the way as what must be over a thousand residents and visitors make their way to the Mauville Gym. The pathways are too crowded to drive so everyone walks. We're on a path on the top level reserved for challengers and the social elite.

Spotlights can be seen waving about the cloudy night sky through the glass atrium. A sudden flash of lighting lights up the sky followed by a fast crack of thunder that shakes the entire building. Despite the ferocity of the sky, the mob of people cheer!

Naomi stares up and seems to crack a reluctant smirk, "Even she's excited for the premiere of another season of mosh."

Who now? "She?"

Jane looks even more determined while I spot her hand shaking, she catches me looking and clenches her fist, "Zapdos."

Watts' smile relaxes, becoming more genuine, "She was bored. When my cousins Kirk and Shawn presented their original proposal for the Mosh, Zapdos gave her full support. She's actually a big music lover."

So the big bird loves rock music. The music shifts and to my surprise a synth layer joins the heavy rock sound and we hear a girl begin fast rap singing.

Wait, "Why does this sound like Grace?"

Both give me that arched brow 'where have you been' look.

Naomi asks, "Did you miss the fact that her posters were all over the mall? Grace is The top of the Kanto Pop scene, she's performing a collaboration with Venoshock right now, this is live." She pauses to giggle, "Lisia was really hoping to sing this year, the brothers find a new excuse every year."

"But how will she participate in the pokemon battle if she's performing?" I'm missing something.

We make the final turn into the wing dedicated to the gym. Fog machines, lazers, the whole nine yards screaming this is where you want to be tonight. I bet the upper levels of this part of the mall aren't residential.

Jane points at the display, "With all that goin on, do you really think any of the 30 pokemon will be able to pick out their trainer's voice?"

Ah. That's the final piece isn't it. How do you practically have a pokemon free for all with that many participants? They're on their own, fighting with only a pre match pep talk and their past training. Like a violent, closed book test. Or like roman gladiators if you wanna be pessimistic about it. I'll bet this faced some resistance early on.

Now I understand why a crew of production ȧssistants fussed over our hair and outfits before Gabby cleared us to head for the gym. I'm getting the distinct impression the opening mosh of the season is invite only, up ahead I spot several familiar faces. Dawn and May are staring each other down while their teams are trying to move the ȧduŀts along.

Seems all the rookies out of Littleroot will be here. Tubs is nervously smoothing his jacket while Ghost boy is actually looking pretty rockstar in his black and purple suit. Behind May is her trio of girls including Naomi's cousin, they keep glancing at the older women, probably debating whether they should step in.

I turn to Watts, "Next time we're involved in something big and public like this I'd like to know in advance okay?"

Jane nods in agreement while the princess looks confused, nevertheless she bȧrėly speaks, "Alright," just as a photographer shouts, "Miss Wattson! Over here for the cameras."

Besides Dawn, May, and the other kids from the lab, there are some new faces among the young trainers getting photographed and interviewed. A trio of boys with deep tans and purple highlights in their hair are staring down a similar trio of girls whose hair are all dyed vibrant shades of red. Conversely a team of kids in green outfits are chatting amicably with the dragon fodder lads.

While we slowly move closer towards the front doors, a girl turns from a reporter and waves at me, "Hey you're Kurt right?"

She's probably mid teens wearing a flashy silver suit and heels. Grey hair flowing like mercury just past her shoulders with piercing eyes, she has central heterochromia of blue spiking into silver. Hints of light makeup make her features pop, no doubt this girl is gonna be a star.

"That's me, should I know you?"

Her smile dips a bit, rolling her eyes, "I'd ȧssumed you'd at least seen a picture of me. Whatever, I'm Alloy Stone, you delivered my mawile egg. I just wanted to say thank you."

Naomi returns from answering a journalist's questions, "Ah, Ally! I was worried we'd miss you entirely when you left Dewford before we arrived. We're supposed to be a team remember?!"

Shaking her head, "I told you Naomi, I'm going solo like my father and grandfather."

Which reminds me, "Sawyer added some things to the delivery, will you be going to pick it up soon?"

While Noami seems put out, Alloy gives her an apologetic hug before turning to me, "Yes, I wanted to get a few badges first so I could qualify for a bigger match with Shauna. I've got Rustboro and Petalburg's already."

A powerful bass chord shakes the ground and a chain of lightning blasts out towards conducting towers around the plaza from a railgun looking thing mounted above the gym entrance.

One of the twins howls from the speakers, "Aaaalright you runts! Get in here! It's time to Mosh!"

Past the doors is a tunnel of glass through a shipping container shaped plasma chamber. Tendrils of purple electricity lick the glass at our feet and the walls where folks touch to play around. Each of the energy lines quiver with the beat of the drums playing.

We step into a ring shaped hallway typical of arenas. Concession booths separate large archways revealing a stadium large enough for american basketball. Neon lined stadium seating, flashing spotlights, fog effects, an honest to Arceus rock concert is in full swing.

Our group heads down some side stairs to a locker room big enough for a football team. Already teams are separating out, changing in dressing rooms to their trainer outfits, and even letting out their pokemon.

A screen on a giant wall has a countdown timer showing ten minutes remaining. It also has guidelines for the locker room, such as getting our pokemon ready now. It lists our order of entrance following the announcer. Finally there is a window in the corner showing the live performance.

We move to a corner with lockers that have our team name on a plaque above them. There is no reaction to Naomi's Floette, I hear murmurs and chuckles to my Joltik, Tesla. Then Jane carefully let's out her Onix, Marble.

Groans and heavy sighs fill the room when everyone sees the bus sized rock snake. But she's not the only big pokemon in the room. Alloy reveals her's, a flying metal monstrosity my dex app labels as Metang. The familiar combo of Mawile and Honedge appear from Dawn and Edgar. May's pokemon has evolved to Grotle.

Glancing around the room, "We have a problem girls. Well, I do."

Combusken, Numel, Growlithe, Quilava, and Torkoal, five fire types ready to torch my bug. Add in Tommy's Boldore and Vermilya has a Tyrunt, I definitely don't have a type advantage tonight.

Jane takes a nervous look around as well, "Marshtomp, Grovyle, Glaceon, Meditite, Nuzleaf, the steel duo, Grotle, Cacnea, Gloom… Kurt if they gang up our plan is a wash, that's a whole third of the room."

I take stock of the remaining pokemon; Flaaffy, Mightyena, Trapinch, Duskull, Koffing, Seviper and Zangoose. At least those last two should tie up each other, their trainers in green, on the same team, are doing their best to reign them in. Of course the last two pokemon participating from the gym will be electric types.

"No," Turning back to the girls, "We should be fine, it looks like a fairly even spread of types all 30 considered. Let's just focus on staying mobile...the Gloom might actually be a problem we should avoid though. It's dust is about the only thing that might stop us as far as I can tell."

Noami is making notes on a tablet pc from her bag, "Most of the other teams seem to have their own rivalries. The Kanto team should distract the rest enough."

I glance over her shoulder and see her little web of team names, spotting a team with no lines, "The Fallarbor Ronin?"

Jane points at the four person, green team, "The ones with the Seviper and Zangoose problem. As long as their Nuzleaf and Cacnea avoid the fire types they could interrupt a few of the rivals."

Marble the Onix quietly gives a huffy grunt. Something about that tilted up rock chin and the menacing side eye, she either hates our plan or doesn't like being doubted.

With five minutes left on the clock, Jane takes out a rock polish kit, the kind for fancy kitchens. The attention soothes her behemoth pokemon as it curls around us to help block the other team's view.

Naomi bites her nail, "What do you think Kurt?"

Crouching low and keeping my voice down so no one beyond our pokemon can hear me, "Our plan is simple, circle the ring while playing defense. With webs and wind our Joltik and Floette keep and challengers off of Onix. We'll avoid attention as long as possible, obviously once the teams start to thin out things will change."

Jane grins, "That's when Marble can get Flashy!"

Least the nerves seem to be leaving her, maybe it's the rock polishing, "Exactly, if staying on the move becomes too complicated, curl up just like this Marble."

She gives me a focused look and a nod.

As for our two tiny pokemon, "You two ready for the ride of your lives?"

Delphi the Floette raises a fist and chirps a cheer while Tesla just kinda hops excitedly.

Hmm, "Wind, leaves, tears, webs, balls of static, you guys keep your eyes open and Onix clear. The big gal will bulldoze the competition."

Well, now they're hoping a bit, seeing a minute left on the clock, "Alight, climb up girls."

Marble lowers her head to let the tiny pokemon up. A ping rings front the screen in the room.

Words scroll across, "Trainers, please ȧssemble for entry."

As the time hits zero a man comes over the speakers, "AAAAAAAlllright Mauville! Let's bring out the teams! First up is a one woman army, Hoenn's knight in Steel armor, Alloy Stone!"

She gives a final glance our way with a wink to Naomi and struts out to the sound of thunderous applause. Her Metang also waves to the crowd.

I catch Jane mumble, "I need more heels practice."

"From the heartland with sky high dreams, it's the Alpha Dragons!"

The lads run out with their starters, I catch a small amount of laughter in the cheers. I hope those boys prove them all wrong come the end of the year.

"Being led by the lovely Miss Dawn, here comes Dreadnaught!"

Nice name! Dawn strolls out like she's going to fire an entire board room, Tommy and Edgar at her sides like bodyguards.

"North Hoenn's deep wood team, the Fallarbor Ronin!"

Seviper and Zangoose finally get their shit together in time to follow their green jerseyed trainers out to the arena.

"Already killing it on stage, let's give another cheer for the Kanto Royals!"

A deafening roar from the crowd tells my Crystal, Iris, and Grace are definitely popular.

"You can see the smoke from here, it's the Lavaridge Spitfires!"

Three redhead girls with their Quilava, Koffing, and Torkoal run out.

"You know her, you love her, May and her Mavericks ladies and gentleman!"

May and her three girls give a group cheer before jogging out. Vermilya spins and runs backwards for just long enough to give the universal come at me sign to Naomi.

Our blondi puffs her cheeks and honestly looks more sad than challenged.

Patting her shoulder, "We'll talk to her after okay."

"There's more than one angry mountain in Hoenn, here are the Pyre Wisps!"

Side by side the team in all black heads out, Meditite, Duskull, and Growlithe in lock step march.

Were last it seems.

"It's time for the home team Mauville! Here is our own Naomi Wattson and her Red Rebels!"

With a laugh I toss the girls onto Onix's back before hopping on myself, "Let's go Marble, show em who's the final boss tonight!"

Her roar shakes the walls as she charges into the spotlights, glittering in white and gold.

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