Pokemon: Animus

Chapter 69 - Oh My Arceus


Laughing and shouts sound across the deck of the Jolteon as the Kanto girls are helping the rookie teams train their water types in the deck pool.

We were originally supposed to be guaranteed a couple water matches in the battle tower. I suspect Naomi's mangrove field counted as one, she just elected to use the roots instead.

Citro is leaning on the rail beside me watching the distant Hoenn shoreline. His Whiscash is actually quite strong, he caught it fishing. Even now I can see him warring in his mind with his excitement to arrive and the urge to toss out a line.

"It doesn't actually look any different, just bigger… and the rocks are less black."

Chuckling, "We're on nearly the same latitude line as Alola, so yes, it looks similar. How ya feeling about your first gym challenge in a few days?"

We already made appointments with the Rustboro Gym. Tomorrow we'll be relaxing but the next day will be our prerequisite gym task.

The boy smirks, "It's Thwackey and Whiscash vs some rocks, I'll be fine."

Whiscash, being a catfish, is just fine being on land long enough for a short battle. He may need something else when we get around to challenging the Mosh together.

I glance back to the pool to check on my Skrelp and Tirtouga trading water gun shots and dodging. Sootopolis City will likely be our final gym for the season, as per the production company we'll be taking part in the Water Festival which rotates the sea lined cities each year.

So even though we may not use our Water types in the coming gym battles, they can't fall behind. Sootopolis Gym is 90% water terrain, with only a few pillars of stone. So don't bring out a Pokémon that can't swim, fly, or hold a cliff face.

He nods, "Every Rustboro gym challenger has to give a talk for a class at the school and then battle one versus one, one kid for each badge you already have. You said it's two for me, right?"

"Yup, difficulty wise the Hoenn league is treating this like your third badge, although you'll still need eight actual badges." I laugh as Naomi's Clamperl jets away from Jane's chasing Magikarp, "What ya gonna talk to the kids about?"

"Respect," his tone full of seriousness, "Many trainers I've seen growing up have been taunted or bullied into giving up or making bad or desperate decisions."

"Definitely a good topic." A few less Winstons in the world couldn't hurt.


"You're not just gonna copy Kahuna Hau's speech, right?"

The boy visibly turns a shade red and looks away.

Laughing, I ruffle his hair, "don't worry this time, it's an important topic."

Glancing back at the rest of our passengers… It's been a crowded week on the boat, there's only four small guest rooms. Everyone that flew in with us opted to ride back, so some have been camped out on the deck or in the crew lounge the one night it rained. I'm looking forward to later in the year when we each get our own rooms. Not that Naomi probably minded sharing her master bedroom with a few of the girls.

I'd imagine it's up for a good cleaning and inspection after some deep water sailing over nearly a month.

Nearby, a lovely local gal sits up from her sun tanning, "Kurt is all our stuff packed up?"

"Yup," I can't help but linger on my Lacy's bikini clad figure. Definitely been too crowded on this boat.

As folks finish bringing their luggage, I notice Miss Cerulean has double the clothing bags of her teammates combined, Grace approaches me.

"Pops said to keep an eye on you, ya spook him or something?"

Seems Ash didn't take his Gengar getting spooked lightly at all, never thought he'd grow up, "Nah, just scared his ghosty. He offered to be a reference for me with the league, so I guess he just wants you to make sure I'm a stand up guy."

She ċȯċks a brow, "His Gengar?" her lips form a smirk, "You'll have to tell me how sometime."

I spot the pier just ahead, and take in a nice breath of ocean air, "Well it's about time to continue on our way to the big fancy tournament, what gym yall headed to next?"

"Well," she pulls out her phone to check a list, "We're following my old man's journey. So next is Petalburg which is perfect as we can probably make it there tonight… Hey!"

"When are you challenging the mosh again?! Iris and I still need the badge." Her golden eyes are filled with excitement.

Thinking back to the discussion with the team last night, "Later in the season, Gabby wants Citro and I to battle against stronger pokemon."

That grin goes feral, "Perfect, I'll let her know to make sure we're in it too."

"Joy." I roll my eyes.

The Jolteon slows to approach the dock as Lacy comes up and rests her chin on my shoulder from behind, "You going to be alright leaving the sea behind for a couple months?"

I'll ignore the impulse to playfully nip at my fiance's ear while Grace is still standing here, "I'll be just fine, you should be happy we're spacing things out so much."

"Of course, Huhu," she gives a fake menacing laugh, "All the better to plan a wedding around."

"Ah, Right." Should I feel guilty for thinking a big to do would just be a pain in the buŧŧ?

Lacy reads me like a book, "Don't worry, I'm just inviting my father and some friends. We'll invite your teammates of course and I know some of the kids you've helped asked if they could attend."

Narrowing my eyes, "Does this mean the world gets to see Grace Ketchum in a formal dress? I can see the headlines now!"

She groans, "Pleeeease keep it informal and private."

I won't fall for puppy dog eyes, "Nope, my wife is a hotty and I look damn good in a suit." Lacy pinches my side a bit while burying her face in my back, "Besides, with Watts and you all dressed up with your team, the cameras will only bother us for a minute at most."

The so-called Queen of Kanto stalks off.

"You better back up that comment tonight," Lacy purrs into my ear, "We've been surrounded by kids for a week."

"Oh?" I laugh, "going to polish up your piece of driftwood?"

"Gross." Jane arrived beside us at some point. "We're ready to go, please keep yourselves to yourselves till you sneak off upstairs."

Jane and Naomi are staying with us at Lacy's house. I'm technically never off the clock outside of Mauville. Besides, Lacy's house is way too big. I don't know how she liked living alone in a five bedroom townhouse. Naomi paid to have two of the rooms actually furnished for her and Jane.

The protected forest and cliffs along the seaward side of Rustboro prevented the city from having a pier within city limits. So on the short drive into town we pass the edge of Petalburg Woods and the many ponds on the south side of the city.

Most of the following day is relaxing around the house. It's a beautiful day and why have a lovely garden patio set if you're not gonna use it. Most of the pokemon are out enjoying the yard. My little spark bug is napping on Lacy's ŀȧp. Sandygast is helping Blue and Rusty make a scale diorama of mainland Hoenn in the sand box. Zilla is relaxing in the plastic kiddie pool I ordered. The birds are building nests in the tree, Bonnie and Clyde are gathering sticks while the two Trumbeaks have rustled up a hollow log from somewhere.

We're discussing everyone's school presentation for tomorrow. Jane will be talking about how to identify trainers or schemes that would be on the wrong side of the law and the league. Naomi will be covering how to make the most of every poke you earn along your journey.

I snort, "You have to see the irony of the richest girl in Hoenn giving a lecture on being frugal."

"Excuse me," the borderline princess puts her hands on her hɨps, "I said 'being smart with your earnings,' not hoarding it away. And what are you giving talk on Mr. 'I woke up on a beach and can't remember anything except how to break someone's nose.'?"

"Nose breaking, duh." I can't even begin to keep a straight face.

Jane laughs out of her chair, "Can I listen in?"

"Of course," I pull the redhead off the ground, "I was going to start with risk ȧssessment but I'm becoming more and more convinced these kids need more time running ŀȧps and less time with their face buried in a book."

Lacy nods, "It may be surprising coming from the Doctor but I completely agree."

Naomi gives her a look, "You're joking?!"

Jane goes a little pale, likely remembering our first encounter with her glittering Onix.

"Exactly," I pick up, "How many of those cases are from the rookie freezing up or just not being fit enough to get out of the way. Which is why, Jane, I'd like to borrow your Onix for my lesson."

Her brows can't go any higher, "You're kidding?! You're actually going to have an Onix chase kids around a field?!"

I give her a wink, "Still want to 'listen in'?"

"Don't worry," My finance has a practically sadistic grin, "I'll be on sight in case you get crushed."

Naomi snickers.

"Oh, don't laugh Princess," I look over to Watts, "Your attendance is mandatory."


I soften my tone a bit, "I'm not going to be carrying you to safety your whole life kiddo."

A familiar elderly voice from the door to the house, "How much would it cost to change your mind about that."

Wattson senior jaunts out just ahead of the confused Citro who'd stepped inside to use the bathroom earlier. Behind them trails a beanpole of a woman with curly brunette hair down to her waist.

Naomi freezes in place, "Grandpa, Mother! What are you doing here?"

Our little garden picnic table doesn't have room for so many people, "Let's head inside shall we. Actually, Jane, will you help Citro practice for tomorrow out here while keeping an eye on the pokemon. I swear Clyde will be lining that nest with someone's jewelry if we turn our backs too long."

In the living room, Naomi sits next to me and Lacy while Wattson Sr. grunts his way into sitting on the couch. Naomi's mother is actually pacing back and forth behind the couch.

Wattson starts off the conversation, "It seems we, the Wattson family, would be fools to ever let you slip from our employ Kurt. You're clearly a cut above many who claim to be the best. I'm not in the habit of letting winning cards slip out of my hand. So tell me, what do you want?"

That's a very open question, but, "Mrs. Wattson, I'll admit it's hard to appropriately consider this question while you are burning a track in the rug."

She seems practically ready to pull her hair out as she stops to face us, "Naomi dear, why don't you go outside with your teammates."

"No." Senior shuts that down, "We spoke about this. My heir needs to start being in the loop."

"I...." Aaaand she's stalled.

Wattson Sr. grunts, "Sit down, you idiot woman."

Ursula frowns at her father-in-law but does as ordered on the nearby reading chair. Her attention swings back to us but she can't seem to decide on what to say, at some point her gaze just locks onto Naomi.

The old man is getting angry, "Spit it out!"

"Fine!" for some reason she decides to stare at the floor, "Mr. Kurt, you've protected both my daughters from terrorists,"

Naomi cuts her off with a screech, "Both?!"


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